816 research outputs found

    Thermal relaxation of magnetic clusters in amorphous Hf_{57}Fe_{43} alloy

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    The magnetization processes in binary magnetic/nonmagnetic amorphous alloy Hf_{57}Fe_{43} are investigated by the detailed measurements of magnetic hysteresis loops, temperature dependence of magnetization, relaxation of magnetization and magnetic ac susceptibility, including a nonlinear term. Blocking of magnetic moments at lower temperatures is accompanied with the slow relaxation of magnetization and magnetic hysteresis loops. All of the observed properties are explained with the superparamagnetic behaviour of the single domain magnetic clusters inside the nonmagnetic host, their blocking by the anisotropy barriers and thermal fluctuation over the barriers accompanied by relaxation of magnetization. From magnetic viscosity analysis based on thermal relaxation over the anisotropy barriers it is found out that magnetic clusters occupy the characteristic volume from 25 up to 200 nm3 . The validity of the superparamagnetic model of Hf_{57}Fe_{43} is based on the concentration of iron in the Hf_{100-x}Fe_{43} system that is just below the threshold for the long range magnetic ordering. This work throws more light on magnetic behaviour of other amorphous alloys, too

    Interdependence of fundamental and applied research in material science

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    Development of materials with desirable properties essentially depends on realization of interdependence: natural science ā‡” technical sciences. Taking this into account, in order to develop of new advanced materials it is essential to determine principles that characterize this interdependency. Therefore, in this article the principles of fundamental research and the importance of obtained results are considered and implemented in the field of technical realizations

    Electronic structure and properties of (TiZrNbCu)_1-xNi_x high entropy amorphous alloys

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    A comprehensive study of selected properties of four (TiZrNbCu)_1-xNi_x (x \le 0.25) amorphous high entropy alloys (a-HEA) has been performed. The samples were ribbons about 20 \mum thick and their fully amorphous state was verified by X-ray diffraction and thermal analysis. The surface morphology, precise composition and the distribution of components were studied with a Scanning electron microscope (SEM) with an energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) attachment. The properties selected were the melting temperature (T_m), the low temperature specific heat (LTSH), the magnetic susceptibility \chi_exp and the Young^,s modulus (E). Whereas LTSH and \chi_exp were measured for the as-cast samples, E was measured both for as-cast samples and relaxed samples (after a short anneal close to the glass transition temperature). The LTSH showed that the electronic density of states at the Fermi level, N_0(E_F), decreases with increasing x, whereas the Debye temperature (\theta_D) increases with x. This is similar to what is observed in binary and ternary amorphous alloys of early transition metals (TE) with late transition metals (TL) and indicates that N_0(E_F) is dominated by the d-electrons of the TE. The LTSH also showed the absence of superconductivity down to 1.8K and indicated the emergence of the Boson peak above 4K in all alloys.The free-electron like paramagnetic contribution to \chi_exp also decreases with x, whereas E, like \theta_D, increases with x, indicating enhanced interatomic bonding on addition of Ni. The applicability of the rule of mixtures to these and other similar HEAs is briefly discussed

    The effect of structural changes during sintering on the electric and magnetic traits of the Ni96.7Mo3.3 alloy nanostructured powder

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    Ni96.7Mo3.3 powder was electrochemically obtained. An X-ray diffraction analysis determined that the powder consisted of a 20% amorphous and 80% crystalline phase. The crystalline phase consisted of a nanocrystalline solid nickel and molybdenum solution with a face-centred cubic (FCC) lattice with a high density of chaotically distributed dislocations and high microstrain value. The scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) showed that two particle structures were formed: larger cauliflower-like particles and smaller dendriteshaped ones. The thermal stability of the alloy was examined by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and by measuring the temperature dependence of the electrical resistivity and magnetic permeability. Structural powder relaxation was carried out in the temperature range of 450 K to 560 K causing considerable changes in the electrical resistivity and magnetic permeability. Upon structural relaxation, the magnetic permeability of the cooled alloy was about 80% higher than the magnetic permeability of the fresh powder. The crystallisation of the amorphous portion of the powder and crystalline grain increase occurred in the 630 K to 900 K temperature interval. Upon crystallisation of the amorphous phase and crystalline grain increase, the powder had about 50% lower magnetic permeability than the fresh powder and 3.6 times lower permeability than the powder where only structural relaxation took place

    Oxidative stress is reduced in Wistar rats exposed to smoke from tobacco and treated with specific broad-band pulse electromagnetic fields

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    There have been a number of attempts to reduce the oxidative radical burden of tobacco. A recently patented technology, pulse electromagnetic technology, has been shown to induce differential action of treated tobacco products versus untreated products on the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in vivo. In a 90-day respiratory toxicity study, Wistar rats were exposed to cigarette smoke from processed and unprocessed tobacco and biomarkers of oxidative stress were compared with pathohistological analysis of rat lungs. Superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity was decreased in a dose-dependent manner to 81% in rats exposed to smoke from normal cigarettes compared to rats exposed to treated smoke or the control group. These results correspond to pathohistological analysis of rat lungs, in which those rats exposed to untreated smoke developed initial signs of emphysema, while rats exposed to treated smoke showed no pathology, as in the control group. The promise of inducing an improved health status in humans exposed to smoke from treated cigarettes merits further investigation

    The effect of structural changes on magnetic permeability of amorphous powder Ni80Co20

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    The structural changes of Ni80Co20 amorphous powder were tested during heating. The alloy was obtained by electrolysis from ammonia solution sulfate of cobalt and nickel on the titanium cathode. The differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) method was used to detect that the crystallization process of powder occurred in two stages with crystallization peaks temperatures of the first stage at 690 K and of the second stage at 790 K. The effect of structural relaxation and crystallization of powder on magnetic properties was predicted by measurement of the relative magnetic permeability change in isothermal and nonisothermal conditions. On the basis of the time change of relative magnetic permeability at a defined temperature in the temperature range of the first and second crystallization peak on the thermogram, the kinetics of crystallization was defined. It was predicted, that in the initial time interval, in the range of the first crystallization peak, the rate of crystallization is determined by the rate of nucleation of the amorphous part of the powder. However, in the second time interval, the crystallization rate is determined by the rate of diffusion. In the range of the second peak, in the beginning the rate of crystal growth is determined by activation energy of the atom pass from smaller to bigger crystal grain. In second time interval, the rate of crystal grain growth is determined by the diffusion rate of atoms to the location of integration into bigger crystal grains. For all processes which determine the rate of crystallization in temperature ranges of both crystallization peaks, the Arrhenius temperature dependence of rate for those processes is obtained. The relative magnetic permeability of crystallized powder at 873 K, is smaller for about 30 % than the relative magnetic permeability of fresh powder at room temperature. However, structurally relaxed powder at 573 K has an about 22 % larger magnetic permeability than the same fresh powder at room temperature

    Successful isolation of Helicobacter pylori after prolonged incubation: A case report of prolonged incubation for H. pylori

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    The culture of Helicobacter pylori from a gastric biopsy is the ā€œgold standardā€ in the diagnosis of H. pylori infection. However, the primary isolation of H. pylori from gastric biopsies is rather demanding. The duration of incubation for the isolation of H. pylori has been recommended to be five to seven days: in the present case, we found that a prolonged incubation period allowed the successful isolation of H. pylori from a patient with ulcus ventriculi. Biopsies were placed directly into transport medium and processed for culture within two hours. On day 14, one suspected H. pylori-like colony appeared on one of the plates. The isolate was confirmed to be H. pylori based on its typical colony morphology, negative Gram stain, and positive urease, catalase and oxidase tests. The isolate, requiring 14 days recovery, later exhibited the normal growth characteristics of H. pylori strains, indicating its unusually long incubation requirement was a temporary predicament

    Uticaj masti u obroku na masne kiseline u serumskim fosfolipidima i gojaznost životinja

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    Dietary fat and its relation to obesity has been a controversial issue for many years. Experimental data shows that most, though not all animals, which consume a high fat diet, will become obese. However, the effect of fatty acids on animal obesity has not been studied in detail. In order to evaluate the effects of low versus high fat diet on serum phospholipids fatty acids composition a 4-wk study was conducted on male Wister rats. The rats were fed low-fat (10% energy) and high-fat (46% energy) foods containing constant proportions of fatty acids. Control group C was fed a standard laboratory diet (polyunsaturated/ saturated (P/S) fatty ratio 1.3), group M was fed a standard laboratory diet supplemented with margarine (P/S ratio 0.95), and the diet of the SL group was additionally supplemented with a sunflower oil-lard (1:1) mixture (P/S ratio 1.3). All lipid supplemented hyperenergetic diets caused an increase in the average daily energy intake. Both the final and the daily body weight gain were significantly higher in M and SL groups than in group C. Additionally, serum triglyceride levels, LDL-cholesterol and total cholesterol were also significantly higher in M and SL groups when compared to the control group. Serum phospholipids fatty acids varied in response to total dietary fat. A significant decrease in saturated fatty acids (SFA) content (16:0 and 18:0) and an increase in monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA) content (18:1, n-9) was found in the M group when compared to both C and SL groups. In the SL group, SFA content (18:0) was higher and MUFA content (18:1, n-9) was lower than in group C. Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) content showed an increase in both experimental groups. The PUFA/SFA ratio was higher in the M group than in the C and SL groups. Our study suggests that the amount of dietary fat has a greater influence on obesity than the effects of the type of fat consumed. However, depending on the type of fat present in the diet the differences were observed in the composition of serum PL fatty acid suggesting that both total fat and individual fatty acids have to be considered when reaching conclusions about the effect of dietary fat and obesity in animals.Uticaj masnih kiselina u ishrani i njihov efekat na pojavu gojaznosti kod životinja je kontraverzno pitanje već dugi niz godina. Uticaj pojedinačnih masnih kiselina na pojavu gojaznosti kod životinja nije do sada detaljnije proučavan. Sa ciljem da se ispita efekat dijeta sa niskim ili visokim sadržajem masti na pojavu gojaznosti, izvrÅ”ena su istraživanja na Wister pacovima u trajanju od 4 nedelje. Pacovi su hranjeni eksperimentalnim dijetama koje su sadržale standardan, nizak (10%) ili visok (46%) energetski unos poreklom od masti. Grupa kontrolnih životinja (C) je hranjena standardnom laboratorijskom dijetom (odnos polizasićenih/ zasićenih masnih kiselina/PUFA, P/S 1.3), grupa M sa standardnom dijetom sa dodatkom margarina (P/S 0.95) i grupa SL sa dijetom kojoj je dodata meÅ”avina 1:1 suncokretovog ulja i masti (odnos P/S 1.3). Obe dijete (M i SL) su uzrokovale povećanje u prosečnom dnevnom energetskom unosu. U grupi M i SL, registrovano je značajno povećanje u telesnoj težini kontinuirano tokom eksperimenta. Nivo serumskih triglicerida, LDL kao i ukupnog holesterola su bili značajnije povećani u M i SL grupi u poređenju sa kontrolom. Promene u profilu serumskih masnih kiselina fosfolipida su zavisile od sastava masti u eksperimentalnoj dijeti. Kod eksperimentalnih životinja grupe M primećeno je značajno smanjene serumskih zasićenih masnih kiselina (SFA, 16:0 i 18:0) kao i porast monozasićenih masnih kiselina (MUFA, 18:1, n-9) u poređenju sa SL i C grupom. Odnos PUFA/ SFA je bio veći u M u odnosu na SL i C grupu. Rezultati naÅ”ih istraživanja ukazuju da količina masti u ishrani životinja ima veći uticaj na porast telesne mase nego vrsta prisutne masnoće. Promene u sastavu serumskih masnih kiselina fosfolipida u odnosu na tip masti u eksperimentalnim dijetama ukazuju na ulogu pojedinačnih masnih kiselina u procesu nastajanja gojaznosti kod životinja i te mehanizme treba dalje istraživati
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