1,861 research outputs found

    Early public participation and support for a brownfields redevelopment project : a study on Perth Amboy

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    Public participation is an important aspect of brownfields redevelopment. Because brownfields are a localized issue, those most affected by a site should have a say in its redevelopment. Both the process of redevelopment and the final outcome must measure the success of a brownfields project. Perth Amboy, New Jersey, in conjunction with the Middlesex County Vocational School System, is in the process of preparing former brownfields land into a new vocational -technical high school. Residents were notified after the decision had been made, rather than be included from the start of the decision-making process. Residents within a 500-foot radius were sent a survey to measure their satisfaction with the redevelopment of the high school. Spearman rho correlations were used to determine relationships between thirty-two variables. Analysis revealed that there is an overall satisfaction with the construction of the vocationaltechnical high school, but not with the means by which the process was undertaken. Though residents feel it is their responsibility to be active participants, they also hold the city and the county responsible for fostering public participation early in the process. Support for the vocational -technical high school diminishes if local taxes had been applied to the redevelopment project. Recommendations for better inclusion of the public are offered to enhance future participation efforts

    Fuzzy Clustering in Web Mining

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    Web mining is the use of data mining techniques to automatically discover and extract information from web. Clustering is one of the possible techniques to improve the efficiency in information finding process. Conventional clustering classifies the given data objects into exclusive clusters. However such a partition is insufficient to represent many real situations. Hence a fuzzy clustering method is offered to construct clusters with uncertain boundaries and allows the object to belong to multiple clusters with degree of membership. Web data has fuzzy characteristics, so fuzzy clustering is better suitable for web mining in comparison with conventional clustering. In this paper, we have proposed two algorithms that are Fuzzy c-Means (FCM) and Clustering based on Fuzzy Equivalence Relations which can be used for web page mining and web usage mining. The results obtained from the proposed algorithm are more convincing. The experimental results are carried out on different algorithmic parameters on real data. The analysis is being done by comparing the proposed algorithm with conventional clustering algorithms

    Hybrid Spectrum Sensing Method for Cognitive Radio

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    With exponential rise in the internet applications and wireless communications, higher and efficient data transfer rates are required. Hence proper and effective spectrum is the need of the hour, As spectrum demand increases there are limited number of bands available to send and receive the data. Optimizing the use of these bands efficiently is one of the tedious tasks. Various techniques are used to send the data at same time, but for that we have to know which bands are free before sending the data. For this purpose various spectrum sensing approaches came with variety of solutions. In this paper the sensing problem is tackled with the use of hybrid spectrum sensing method, This new networking paradox uses the Centralized concept of spectrum sensing and creates one of the most trusted spectrums sensing mechanism. This proposed technique is simulated using MATLAB software.This paper also provides comparative study of various spectrum sensing methodologie

    Soft clustering: An overview

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    Document clustering has been extensively investigated as a methodology for improving document retrieval process. In Traditional clustering algorithm each documents belongs to exactly one cluster & hence cannot detect the multiple themes of a document where as soft clustering algorithm each document can belong to multiple clusters. This paper gives a comparative study of hard clustering & soft clustering algorithm

    A Review: Data Mining Technique Used for Searching the Keywords

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    Convential Spatial queries contains range search, nearest neighbor retrival involve only conditions on object geometric properties. Today, many modern applications call for innovative kind of queries that aim to find objects satisfying both a spatial predicate, and a predicate on their associated texts. For example, instead of considering all the restaurants, a nearest neighbor query would instead ask for the restaurant that is the closest among those whose menus contain “Dosa, Idli, Wadapav” all at the same time. Currently the best solution to such queries is based on the IR2-tree, which, such type of queries can be efficiently handled by IR2tree. In the proposed work, we are developing a system searching is done on the basis of methods like nearest neighbor search with keywords is done by IR2 tree and spatial inverted index.We could first fetch all the restaurants whose menus contain the set of keywords {Dosa, Idli, Wadapav}, and then from the retrieved restaurants, find the nearest one The IR2-tree combines the R tree with signature files. Inverted indexes (I-index) have proved to be an effective access method for keyword based document retrieval

    Secure Authorized Deduplication for Hybrid Cloud Storage

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    Cloud computing provides number of applications, as utilities in the internet .This applications create, configure and customize accessing referring the cloud computing as online utility. Cloud computing offers online data storage, infrastructure, services over networks and applications. Cloud storage is an widely popular offering of cloud computing. Cloud storage is used for increasing the number of users, access the users data from anywhere and also space for data storage in computing. Data deduplication means a type of data compression. This data compression to reduce its storage requirement using encoding of data. Data deduplication method used for replacement of multiple copies of data or eliminating duplicate copies of data. It also reduce storage space and save bandwidth. Deduplication is having one of the advantage for new security and privacy challenges with high cost. Basically, data deduplication means of reducing storage space in cloud. In this paper certain improves the speed of data deduplication with encrypted data reduces the cloud storage capacity of data. This paper first to show that addressing the problem of secure authorized data deduplication. Data deduplication works by eliminating data and ensuring that only one unique instance of data. Hence,Data deduplication is also called as single instance storage, because of the differential privilege of users considered in duplicate check. In this paper we implement that deduplication with encrypted data using SHA and MD5 algorithm for hybrid cloud storage
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