177 research outputs found

    Perancangan Forum Diskusi Mobile Online Learning

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    The utilization of e-learning can improve effectiveness and flexibility of learning. One important activities e-learning feature is a discussion forum. Communication between educators and students in class will be more effective if combined with communication through a discussion forum. Binus Online Learning is selected as a place of research. Binus Online Learning is a program of Bina Nusantara University that offers online study activities, which most of the students are invited to have self study activities. The aim of this research is to do requirement analysis and then to design a forum discussion called M-learning for Binus Online Learning so that it will be beneficial for the students that they can easily use the faster access. In this research, used are data collection through surveis, and analysis based on are literature study and the current systems, while rich picture and user interface are used for design. The results obtained are some features for the mobile learning discussion forum

    Pengaruh Moderasi Informasi Asimetri dan Group Cohesiveness terhadap Hubungan Partisipasi Penganggaran dengan Budgetary Slack

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    : The Moderating Effects of Asymmetry Information and Group Cohesiveness on the Relationship between Budgetary Participation and Budgetary Slack. This study examines the moderating effects of asymmetry information and group cohesiveness on the relationship between budgetary participation and budgetary slack. Using the moderated regression analysis and base on a sample of 38 functional managers at branded car dealer and service. The results show no interaction between asymmetry information, group cohesiveness, and budgetary participation affecting budgetary slack

    Analisis Intensi Berprestasi Mahasiswa Binus Online Learning

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    The utilization of e-learning can improve learning effectiveness and flexibility. Universitas Bina Nusantara (BINUS) provides an online learning program called BINUS Online learning. It offers the student to do a study through online activities, where the students are couraged to learn individually. This research was conducted to obtain a perspective of student intention from BINUS Online learning to mark good achievement. Non experimental method with quatitative approached is implemented where the respondents are students of Information System department and Marketing Management Department. The sampling techniques used is non probability purposive sampling. All variables are measured using questionnaire based on Fishbein and Ajzen model. The data of the research are analyzed using descriptive statistics and multiple linier regression analysis. The results show that the intention to mark an achievement of students of BINUS Online learning is very high. It means that BINUS Online learning Program students have strong intention to get good marks and study achievements

    Analisa Pengaruh Variasi Jarak Gading Terhadap Lenturan Dan Tegangan Pada Pelat Sisi Dengan Metode Elemen Hingga

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    Pelat berpenegar pada ponton yang terletak diantara 2 sekat kedap air dengan beberapa kondisi batas dianalisa menggunakan metode elemen hingga dan metode beda hingga. Gaya hidrostatik yang bekerja diambil dari gaya per satuan luas yang bekerja pada pelat sisi kapal sesuai dengan peraturan BKI. Hasil yang didapat menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan lenturan relatif kecil antara kedua metode pada jumlah elemen yang besar. Analisa dilakukan dengan variasi jarak penegar. Lenturan paling besar terjadi pada jarak gading 0.8 m dan jarak sekat 3 kali jarak gading besar, sedangkan lenturan paling kecil terjadi pada jarak gading 0.65 m dan jarak sekat 2 kali jarak gading besar. Analisa dilakukan pada variasi kondisi batas. Tumpuan sederhana lebih konservatif dari pada tumpuan jepit. Tegangan yang dihasilkan oleh Metode Elemen Hingga dengan kondisi batas jepit-sederhana selalu lebih kecil dari tegangan izin dari Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia pada setiap variasi jarak gading

    Analisa Numerik Gerakan Dan Kekuatan Kapal Akibat Beban Slamming Pada Kapal Perang Tipe Corvette

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    Pengawasan sumber daya laut terhadap tindakan pencurian menjadi salah satu tolok ukur bahwa negara dapat mempertahankan kedaulatan wilayah maritimnya. Kebutuhan kapal perang tentunya dapat mendukung kinerja TNI untuk menjalankan operasi militernya. Kendala teknis utama pada kapal perang adalah perilaku seakeeping yang relatif kurang stabil. Disisi lain perilaku slamming yang sering terjadi pada kapal berkecepatan tinggi berakibat pada kegagalan struktur pada bagian haluan kapal sehingga membahayakan keselamatan. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengkaji desain lambung kapal perang untuk daerah operasional tertentu dimana perairan terbuka di Indonesia memiliki tinggi rata-rata gelombang sekitar 2-5 m. Pembahasan dititikberatkan pada analisa gerakan kapal (seakeeping) untuk mengetahui tingkat keamanan dan Kenyamanan kapal dan kekuatan lambung untuk mengetahui ketahanan struktur dimana diakibat oleh hidroelastisitas slamming. Analisa dapat dibuktikan dengan metode numerik / komputasi dengan metode elemen hingga dan metode panel. Skenario divariasikan berdasarkan kecepatan kapal, sudut hadap, dan sea state. Dari hasil simulasi didapatkan beban slamming terjadi paling besar adalah 306,893 kPa pada gading ke 147 ketika kapal beroperasi pada sea state 7, sudut hadap 180 derajat, dan kecepatan kapal 30 knot. Tegangan yang terjadi pada konstruksi kapal masih memenuhi persyaratan tegangan izin peraturan Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia (BKI)

    Evaluasi Aspek Teknik Teknologis dalam Tekno Ekonomi Bangunan pada Apartemen Taman Melati Surabaya

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    Tren Apartemen Mahasiswa di Kota Surabaya semakin meningkat tiap tahunnya. Dengan fakta yang terjadi ini, maka dibutuhkanlah suatu strategi dalam perancangan, salah satunya yakni dengan menerapkan Tekno Ekonomi Bangunan yang mencakup aspek teknis teknologis. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui aspek teknis teknologis pada objek eksisting terpilih, yaitu Apartemen Taman Melati Surabaya @MERR. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan cara membandingkan data yang diperoleh dari observasi lapangan dengan indikator berupa standar dan acuan empiris yang ada. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa aspek teknis teknologis pada Apartemen Taman Melati Surabaya @MERR sudah hampir ideal. Ketidaksesuaian hanya berupa minor, yaitu kurangnya unit parkir mobil, waktu menunggu lift, dan dimensi lobby lift. Kemudian, kekurangan ini diperbaiki dengan rekomendasi desain yang memiliki dampak positif dan negatif, namun pada akhirnya tetap akan menguntungkan apartemen tersebut

    Usage of Asp.Net Ajax for Binus School Serpong Web Applications

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    Today web applications have become a necessity and many companies use them as a communication tool to keep in touch with their customers. The USAge of Web Application in current time increases as the numberof internet users has been rised. For reason of Rich Internet Application, the desktop application developer wasmoved to web application developer with AJAX technology. BINUS School Serpong is a Cambridge Curriculum base International School that uses web application for access every information about the school. By usingAJAX, performance of web application should be improved and the bandwidth USAge is decreased. Problems thatoccur at BINUS School Serpong is not all part of the web application that uses AJAX. This paper introducesusage of AJAX in ASP.NET with C# programming language in web application BINUS School Serpong. It is expected by using ASP.NET AJAX, BINUS School Serpong website performance will be faster because of reducing web page reload. The methodology used in this paper is literature study. Results from this study are to prove that the ASP.NET AJAX can be used easily and improve BINUS School Serpong website performance. Conclusion of this paper is the implementation of ASP.NET AJAX improves performance of web application in BINUS School Serpong

    Usage of Web Service in Mobile Application for Parents and Students in Binus School Serpong

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    A web service is a service offered by a device electronically to communicate with other electronic device using the World wide web. Smartphone is an electronic device that almost everyone has, especially student and parent for getting information about the school. In BINUS School Serpong mobile application, web services used for getting data from web server like student and menu data. Problem faced by BINUS School Serpong today is the time-consuming application update when using the native application while the application updates are very frequent. To resolve this problem, BINUS School Serpong mobile application will use the web service. This article showed the USAge of web services with XML for retrieving data of student. The result from this study is that by using web service, smartphone can retrieve data consistently between multiple platforms

    Pengaruh Budaya Organisasi Terhadap Inovasi Produk Pada TV Berita Milik Pemerintah Indonesia (Studi Kasus Pada Lpp Televisi Republik Indonesia)

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    In the era of open competition and is very tight at this time, product innovation is not an option but a necessity. The changes and dynamics in market and also the environment in general, can not be ignored if you want to continue to survive in the business. Accordingly, this case study attempted to analyze on product innovation, particularly in relation to organizational culture. Case studies conducted at the Institute for Public Broadcasting (LPP) Televisi Republik Indonesia (TVRI) as a government-owned TV station news which is also the oldest TV station in Indonesia. The analysis focused on the influence of organizational culture - which includes the type of adhocracy and hierarchy culture - to product innovation in TVRI. Data were obtained through questionnaires to managers and staff of the news division field. With the method of multiple regression analysis, the results suggest that there arecultural influences of organizational culture that include adhocracy and hierarchyculture to product innovation either jointly or individually. The type of culture that encourages more product innovation happening in the LPP TVRI is adhocracy culture. This indicates that TVRI should immediately make the transition a culture that has been more dominant, the hierarchy culture, toward a more flexible and responsive to environmental changes, which is adhocracy culture. Thus expected to be able to support its role in maximazing the function of public institutions to provide more balanced information on the people of Indonesia
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