101 research outputs found

    Upstaging nodal status in colorectal cancer using ex vivo fluorescence sentinel lymph node mapping: preliminary results

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    Background: Sentinel lymph node (SLN) mapping using near-infrared fluorescence (NIRF) imaging is a recent technique to improve nodal staging in several tumors. The presence of colorectal cancer (CRC) micro-metastases has recently been defined as N1 disease and no longer as N1mi, determining the need for adjuvant chemotherapy. In CRC, the reported rate of SLN micro-metastases detected by ultrastaging techniques is as high as 30%. The aim of this prospective study is to report the preliminary results of the sensitivity analysis of NIRF imaging for ex vivo SLN mapping and the research of micro-metastases in CRC, in patients with node-negative disease (NND). Material and methods: On the specimen of 22 CRC patients, 1 mL of ICG (5 mg/mL) was injected submucosally around the tumor to identify SLNs. NND SLNs were further investigated with ultrastaging techniques. Results: Three-hundred and sixty-three lymph nodes were retrieved (59 SLNs; mean per case: 2.7). The detection, sensitivity and false-negative rate were 100%, 100% and 0% respectively. Ultrastaging investigations showed no micro-metastases in the NND SLNs. Conclusions: The ex vivo SLN fluorescence-based detection in CRC was confirmed to be easy to perform and reliable. In this preliminary results report of an ongoing study, the SLN assay was congruent with the nodal status, as confirmed by histological investigations

    Probiotic Bacteria Produce Conjugated Linoleic Acid Locally in the Gut That Targets Macrophage PPAR Îł to Suppress Colitis

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    Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) therapies are modestly successful and associated with significant side effects. Thus, the investigation of novel approaches to prevent colitis is important. Probiotic bacteria can produce immunoregulatory metabolites in vitro such as conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), a polyunsaturated fatty acid with potent anti-inflammatory effects. This study aimed to investigate the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying the anti-inflammatory efficacy of probiotic bacteria using a mouse model of colitis. The immune modulatory mechanisms of VSL#3 probiotic bacteria and CLA were investigated in a mouse model of DSS colitis. Colonic specimens were collected for histopathology, gene expression and flow cytometry analyses. Immune cell subsets in the mesenteric lymph nodes (MLN), spleen, blood and colonic lamina propria cells were phenotypically and functionally characterized. Fecal samples and colonic contents were collected to determine the effect of VSL#3 and CLA on gut microbial diversity and CLA production. CLA and VSL#3 treatment ameliorated colitis and decreased colonic bacterial diversity, a finding that correlated with decreased gut pathology. Colonic CLA concentrations were increased in response to probiotic bacterial treatment, but without systemic distribution in blood. VSL#3 and CLA decreased macrophage accumulation in the MLN of mice with DSS colitis. The loss of PPAR Îł in myeloid cells abrogated the protective effect of probiotic bacteria and CLA in mice with DSS colitis. Probiotic bacteria modulate gut microbial diversity and favor local production of CLA in the colon that targets myeloid cell PPAR Îł to suppress colitis

    Gestione sostenibile dell'agricoltura e tutela della biodiversitĂ 

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    Biodiversity conservation is currently one of the most important goals in European strategy. The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), which was thoroughly renewed by the 2003 reform, aims at combining agricultural and environment, both through the compulsory cross compliance measure, either through rural development policy and agri-environment measures. The CAP put particular attention to agri-environmental problems such as biodiversity conservation, specifically in the Nature 2000 areas . In the agri-pastoral system, multifunctional agriculture has an important role in biodiversity conservation and rural landscape complexity. The paper analyses the economic theoretical concerns about the biodiversity that is defined by an economic point of view a positive externalities characterized by a total economic value (TEV). Being an external market, biodiversity needs of the governmental intervention and of financial instruments that can preserve and protect this important environmental function. These instruments are represented by the agro-environmental Community policy (CAP and RDP)

    Operative Endoscopy During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Wise Choice by a Wise Surgeon

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    Gli Autori descrivono i lati positivi della endoscopia operativa nel periodo della pandemia da COVID1

    [Carcinoma of the pancreatic remnant developing after pancreaticoduodenectomy for adenocarcinoma of the head of pancreas].

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    In November 1996 a 44-year-old man with an adenocarcinoma of the pancreatic head (T2 N1 Mx- UICC 1998 Stage III) underwent a Traverso-Longmire pancreaticoduodenectomy. Early reoperation was required owing to postoperative acute pancreatitis and haemorrhage of the pancreatic remnant, after which he received chemo- and radiotherapy. Twenty-nine months later, an increase in the level of CA19.9 was observed with neither clinical nor radiological evidence of cancer recurrence. Forty months later, there was evidence of a new neoplasia of the pancreatic remnant. Since the recurrence involved only the pancreatic remnant with no evidence of metastases and the patient was in good condition and enough time had elapsed since surgical eradication of the primary cancer, we decided to perform an en bloc resection of the pancreatic body and tail and the spleen. Histologically, the tumour proved to be a pancreatic adenocarcinoma (T2). It is difficult to assess whether this cancer of the pancreatic remnant was a recurrence or a second primary cancer because of the long recurrence-free survival period, the absence of neoplastic invasion of the resection margins of the two surgical specimens and the absence of multicentricity both of the portion of the gland removed by the first operation and that removed by the second
