59 research outputs found

    Metabolic system alterations in pancreatic cancer patient serum: potential for early detection

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    BACKGROUND: The prognosis of pancreatic cancer (PC) is one of the poorest among all cancers, due largely to the lack of methods for screening and early detection. New biomarkers for identifying high-risk or early-stage subjects could significantly impact PC mortality. The goal of this study was to find metabolic biomarkers associated with PC by using a comprehensive metabolomics technology to compare serum profiles of PC patients to healthy control subjects. METHODS: A non-targeted metabolomics approach based on high-resolution, flow-injection Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FI-FTICR-MS) was used to generate comprehensive metabolomic profiles containing 2478 accurate mass measurements from the serum of Japanese PC patients (n=40) and disease-free subjects (n=50). Targeted flow-injection tandem mass spectrometry (FI-MS/MS) assays for specific metabolic systems were developed and used to validate the FI-FTICR-MS results. A FI-MS/MS assay for the most discriminating metabolite discovered by FI-FTICR-MS (PC-594) was further validated in two USA Caucasian populations; one comprised 14 PCs, six intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasims (IPMN) and 40 controls, and a second comprised 1000 reference subjects aged 30 to 80, which was used to create a distribution of PC-594 levels among the general population. RESULTS: FI-FTICR-MS metabolomic analysis showed significant reductions in the serum levels of metabolites belonging to five systems in PC patients compared to controls (all p<0.000025). The metabolic systems included 36-carbon ultra long-chain fatty acids, multiple choline-related systems including phosphatidylcholines, lysophosphatidylcholines and sphingomyelins, as well as vinyl ether-containing plasmalogen ethanolamines. ROC-AUCs based on FI-MS/MS of selected markers from each system ranged between 0.93 ±0.03 and 0.97 ±0.02. No significant correlations between any of the systems and disease-stage, gender, or treatment were observed. Biomarker PC-594 (an ultra long-chain fatty acid), was further validated using an independently-collected US Caucasian population (blinded analysis, n=60, p=9.9E-14, AUC=0.97 ±0.02). PC-594 levels across 1000 reference subjects showed an inverse correlation with age, resulting in a drop in the AUC from 0.99 ±0.01 to 0.90 ±0.02 for subjects aged 30 to 80, respectively. A PC-594 test positivity rate of 5.0% in low-risk reference subjects resulted in a PC sensitivity of 87% and a significant improvement in net clinical benefit based on decision curve analysis. CONCLUSIONS: The serum metabolome of PC patients is significantly altered. The utility of serum metabolite biomarkers, particularly PC-594, for identifying subjects with elevated risk of PC should be further investigated

    Rab proteins and Rab-associated proteins: major actors in the mechanism of protein-trafficking disorders

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    Ras-associated binding (Rab) proteins and Rab-associated proteins are key regulators of vesicle transport, which is essential for the delivery of proteins to specific intracellular locations. More than 60 human Rab proteins have been identified, and their function has been shown to depend on their interaction with different Rab-associated proteins regulating Rab activation, post-translational modification and intracellular localization. The number of known inherited disorders of vesicle trafficking due to Rab cycle defects has increased substantially during the past decade. This review describes the important role played by Rab proteins in a number of rare monogenic diseases as well as common multifactorial human ones. Although the clinical phenotype in these monogenic inherited diseases is highly variable and dependent on the type of tissue in which the defective Rab or its associated protein is expressed, frequent features are hypopigmentation (Griscelli syndrome), eye defects (Choroideremia, Warburg Micro syndrome and Martsolf syndrome), disturbed immune function (Griscelli syndrome and Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease) and neurological dysfunction (X-linked non-specific mental retardation, Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease, Warburg Micro syndrome and Martsolf syndrome). There is also evidence that alterations in Rab function play an important role in the progression of multifactorial human diseases, such as infectious diseases and type 2 diabetes. Rab proteins must not only be bound to GTP, but they need also to be ‘prenylated’—i.e. bound to the cell membranes by isoprenes, which are intermediaries in the synthesis of cholesterol (e.g. geranyl geranyl or farnesyl compounds). This means that isoprenylation can be influenced by drugs such as statins, which inhibit isoprenylation, or biphosphonates, which inhibit that farnesyl pyrophosphate synthase necessary for Rab GTPase activity. Conclusion: Although protein-trafficking disorders are clinically heterogeneous and represented in almost every subspeciality of pediatrics, the identification of common pathogenic mechanisms may provide a better diagnosis and management of patients with still unknown Rab cycle defects and stimulate the development of therapeutic agents

    The Myosin Va Head Domain Binds to the Neurofilament-L Rod and Modulates Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) Content and Distribution within Axons

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    The neurofilament light subunit (NF-L) binds to myosin Va (Myo Va) in neurons but the sites of interaction and functional significance are not clear. We show by deletion analysis that motor domain of Myo Va binds to the NF-L rod domain that forms the NF backbone. Loss of NF-L and Myo Va binding from axons significantly reduces the axonal content of ER, and redistributes ER to the periphery of axon. Our data are consistent with a novel function for NFs as a scaffold in axons for maintaining the content and proper distribution of vesicular organelles, mediated in part by Myo Va. Based on observations that the Myo Va motor domain binds to intermediate filament (IF) proteins of several classes, Myo Va interactions with IFs may serve similar roles in organizing organelle topography in different cell types

    Role of Myosin Va in the Plasticity of the Vertebrate Neuromuscular Junction In Vivo

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    Background: Myosin Va is a motor protein involved in vesicular transport and its absence leads to movement disorders in humans (Griscelli and Elejalde syndromes) and rodents (e.g. dilute lethal phenotype in mice). We examined the role of myosin Va in the postsynaptic plasticity of the vertebrate neuromuscular junction (NMJ). Methodology/Principal Findings: Dilute lethal mice showed a good correlation between the propensity for seizures, and fragmentation and size reduction of NMJs. In an aneural C2C12 myoblast cell culture, expression of a dominant-negative fragment of myosin Va led to the accumulation of punctate structures containing the NMJ marker protein, rapsyn-GFP, in perinuclear clusters. In mouse hindlimb muscle, endogenous myosin Va co-precipitated with surface-exposed or internalised acetylcholine receptors and was markedly enriched in close proximity to the NMJ upon immunofluorescence. In vivo microscopy of exogenous full length myosin Va as well as a cargo-binding fragment of myosin Va showed localisation to the NMJ in wildtype mouse muscles. Furthermore, local interference with myosin Va function in live wildtype mouse muscles led to fragmentation and size reduction of NMJs, exclusion of rapsyn-GFP from NMJs, reduced persistence of acetylcholine receptors in NMJs and an increased amount of punctate structures bearing internalised NMJ proteins. Conclusions/Significance: In summary, our data show a crucial role of myosin Va for the plasticity of live vertebrate neuromuscular junctions and suggest its involvement in the recycling of internalised acetylcholine receptors back to th

    Mutation in Archain 1, a Subunit of COPI Coatomer Complex, Causes Diluted Coat Color and Purkinje Cell Degeneration

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    Intracellular trafficking is critical for delivering molecules and organelles to their proper destinations to carry out normal cellular functions. Disruption of intracellular trafficking has been implicated in the pathogenesis of various neurodegenerative disorders. In addition, a number of genes involved in vesicle/organelle trafficking are also essential for pigmentation, and loss of those genes is often associated with mouse coat-color dilution and human hypopigmentary disorders. Hence, we postulated that screening for mouse mutants with both neurological defects and coat-color dilution will help identify additional factors associated with intracellular trafficking in neuronal cells. In this study, we characterized a mouse mutant with a unique N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENU)–induced mutation, named nur17. nur17 mutant mice exhibit both coat-color dilution and ataxia due to Purkinje cell degeneration in the cerebellum. By positional cloning, we identified that the nur17 mouse carries a T-to-C missense mutation in archain 1 (Arcn1) gene which encodes the δ subunit of the coat protein I (COPI) complex required for intracellular trafficking. Consistent with this function, we found that intracellular trafficking is disrupted in nur17 melanocytes. Moreover, the nur17 mutation leads to common characteristics of neurodegenerative disorders such as abnormal protein accumulation, ER stress, and neurofibrillary tangles. Our study documents for the first time the physiological consequences of the impairment of the ARCN1 function in the whole animal and demonstrates a direct association between ARCN1 and neurodegeneration

    Low incidence of SARS-CoV-2, risk factors of mortality and the course of illness in the French national cohort of dialysis patients

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    Mitochondrial dysfunction in autism spectrum disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    A comprehensive literature search was performed to collate evidence of mitochondrial dysfunction in autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) with two primary objectives. First, features of mitochondrial dysfunction in the general population of children with ASD were identified. Second, characteristics of mitochondrial dysfunction in children with ASD and concomitant mitochondrial disease (MD) were compared with published literature of two general populations: ASD children without MD, and non-ASD children with MD. The prevalence of MD in the general population of ASD was 5.0% (95% confidence interval 3.2, 6.9%), much higher than found in the general population (∼0.01%). The prevalence of abnormal biomarker values of mitochondrial dysfunction was high in ASD, much higher than the prevalence of MD. Variances and mean values of many mitochondrial biomarkers (lactate, pyruvate, carnitine and ubiquinone) were significantly different between ASD and controls. Some markers correlated with ASD severity. Neuroimaging, in vitro and post-mortem brain studies were consistent with an elevated prevalence of mitochondrial dysfunction in ASD. Taken together, these findings suggest children with ASD have a spectrum of mitochondrial dysfunction of differing severity. Eighteen publications representing a total of 112 children with ASD and MD (ASD/MD) were identified. The prevalence of developmental regression (52%), seizures (41%), motor delay (51%), gastrointestinal abnormalities (74%), female gender (39%), and elevated lactate (78%) and pyruvate (45%) was significantly higher in ASD/MD compared with the general ASD population. The prevalence of many of these abnormalities was similar to the general population of children with MD, suggesting that ASD/MD represents a distinct subgroup of children with MD. Most ASD/MD cases (79%) were not associated with genetic abnormalities, raising the possibility of secondary mitochondrial dysfunction. Treatment studies for ASD/MD were limited, although improvements were noted in some studies with carnitine, co-enzyme Q10 and B-vitamins. Many studies suffered from limitations, including small sample sizes, referral or publication biases, and variability in protocols for selecting children for MD workup, collecting mitochondrial biomarkers and defining MD. Overall, this evidence supports the notion that mitochondrial dysfunction is associated with ASD. Additional studies are needed to further define the role of mitochondrial dysfunction in ASD

    Intracranial Nocardia recurrence during fluorinated quinolones therapy

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    Nocardia infection is a well-recognized complication in renal transplant recipients and other immunocompromised hosts. It is mostly a primary pulmonary infection, which can disseminate to other organs in half of the cases. Nocardiosis is a life-threatening infection. Therefore, an efficient long-lasting treatment must be rapidly administered. We report 1 case of disseminated nocardiosis with pulmonary involvement, brain lesions, and bone lesions in a renal transplant patient, who was treated with stereotactic aspiration in association with high dose of trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (TMP/SMX) and imipenem, changed, after 3 weeks to moxifloxacin. First, clinical manifestations decreased after surgical drainage and combination therapy with the 2 antimicrobial agents, but later the patient developed a recurrence of brain lesions during treatment with quinolones. Consequently, the patient was again treated with TMP/SMX and imipenem, after which the patient recovered. It is surprising that moxifloxacin was efficient in vitro and the antimicrobial concentration in the central nervous system was high, yet the nocardial abscess recurred under this therapy. Copyright © Blackwell Munksgaard 2006

    Quelques aspects bioécologiques de Gamberdiscus toxicus, peridinien benthique responsable de la ciguareta à Tahiti

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    We have carried out on a fringing reef of Tahiti, catching periodically ciguateric fishes, a comparative dynamic survey of the population density of GAMBERDISCUS TOXICUS and some linked environmental factors, during a four year period. Half of the marine parameters, i.e. temperature, salinity, dissolved NO2, NO3, PO34, SiO2, have been systematically studied according to a weekly or a monthly rhythm ; the other parameters, i.e. pH, dissolved NH3, 02, C and B12 vitamin have been studied episodically. The local pluviometry for the two weeks preceeding the samplings has also been measured. The statis­tical analysis of the data did not allow us to observe any significant simple correlation between the physical or chemical parameters and the density of G, toxicus. These results suggest either the occurence of multiple correlation still to pount out or an indirect action of environmental factors, chiefly on other microorganisms of the benthic community, able to control G. toxicus population through trophic competition, antibiosis, synergic or antagonistic relations. From this point of view, the role of bacteria linked to cigua­teric biota seems important to elucidate.Nous avons effectué durant quatre années, sur un récif frangeant de Tahiti, exposé périodiquement au risque ciguatérique, une étude dynamique comparée des peuplements de Gambierdiscus toxicus péridinien responsable du phénomène de la ciguatera, et de certains facteurs de milieu. La moitié des paramètres environnementaux (température, salinité, teneurs en sels nutritifs dissous: NO2, NO3, PO34, SiO2) a été mesurée systématiquement d'abord suivant un rythme hebdomadaire, puis mensuel. Pour les autres (pli, teneurs en Nil), O2, C, Fe, vitamine B12) les mesures ont été moins fréquentes. La pluviométrie locale des deux semaines précédant les prélèvements a aussi été prise en compte. L'interprétation statistique des diverses données obtenues n'a pas permis de déceler la moindre corrélation simple significative entre les paramètres étudiés et la densité des péridiniens ciguatérigènes. Ces résultats suggèrent soit la mise en évidence de corrélations multiples complexes, soit une action indirecte ùe certains facteurs ambiants explorés. notamment sur d'autres micro-organismes de la communauté récifale susceptibles de contrôler la démographie de G. toxicus par des phénomènes de compétition trophique, d'antibiose, d'antagonisme ou de médiation. Sous cet angle, le rôle des bactéries associées aux péridiniens in situ nous parait capital à appréhender