36 research outputs found

    Uncertainty of measurement of eigenfrequency using a dynamically directed vibroexciter

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    Measurement of eigenfrequency using a dynamically directed vibroexciter is investigated. Lyapunov indicators are calculated for various values of parameters of the system. It is shown that when the frequency of excitation coincides with the eigenfrequency there is a positive Lyapunov indicator. Thus chaotic motion takes place and causes uncertainty in the measurement of eigenfrequency

    Measurement of vibrations of a pipe system

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    The two dimensional system of pipes is investigated. The model of a pipe system consisting from two dimensional beams by taking the inertia of fluid filling the pipes into account is used and the eigenmodes are determined. The places of the pipe with small amplitudes of vibrations and with large amplitudes of vibrations for the eigenmodes are determined. Then the places where the amplitudes for several first eigenmodes are large are determined. In those places it is recommended to perform measurements of vibrations of the pipe system

    Selection of number of gaps in superimposed moiré measurements

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    Plane vibrations of a two dimensional elastic structure are investigated in this paper. Vibrations taking place according to the eigenmode are represented by using the method of stroboscopic geometric moiré. Selection of number of gaps when using the superimposed moiré technique is investigated and recommendations for choosing of their number are provided

    Measurement of plane vibrations of a two dimensional elastic structure

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    Plane vibrations of a two dimensional elastic structure are analyzed in this paper. The vibrations taking place according to the eigenmode are represented by using the method of stroboscopic geometric moiré. This requires to perform the investigation for two mutually perpendicular directions of moiré fringes. Here the superimposed moiré technique is proposed to represent both images at the same time

    Investigation of stresses during dynamic behavior of polymeric films used for Braille

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    In recent years publications for the blind people using Braille writing began to be produced on polymeric films. This has the advantage with respect to previous technologies, because such publications have longer time period till the time when their quality degrades and they become unacceptable for use. Plotting isoclinics for bending vibrations of a polymeric film using photo-elastic coatings is analyzed. The numerical procedure is based on the technique of conjugate approximation with smoothing. Improved smoothing procedure for two dimensional Lagrange quadratic elements is proposed. Composite isoclinic patterns with isoclinics for various directions of the vector of polarization in a plane polariscope are obtained. A single Braille element of the polymeric film on the basis of the plane strain problem is investigated. Nodal stresses are calculated by using the procedure of conjugate approximation. Equivalent stresses are represented by intensity of the image. Special experimental setup was created. Three samples were investigated: the first two samples were made from transparent polymeric film with Braille elements, the third sample was made from transparent polymeric film with Braille elements formed by the method of thermal shaping. The level of stresses is estimated in the static status of the sample and after rotations by various angles. For precise estimation of the stress fields photo-elastic images for a number of different values of the angle of rotation are required. Thus in this paper stresses in transparent polymeric films and Braille elements in them are investigated. The obtained results are used in the process of forming Braille elements in polymeric films

    Measurement of stresses in a vibrating polymeric film

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    One dimensional model for the investigation of longitudinal vibrations of polymeric film is investigated. Comparison of stroboscopic and time averaged intensities in the photo-elastic images is performed. Results about the required number of images for performing time averaging are provided. Recommendations for simultaneous application of both stroboscopic and time averaged photo-elasticity for measurement of stresses are given. One dimensional model for the investigation of vibrations of polymeric film having two nodal degrees of freedom (longitudinal displacement and displacement of the upper surface, assuming that displacement of the lower surface is of the same value but in the opposite direction) is investigated. This model is applied for the interpretation of results of thermo-elastic analysis. Recommendations for the interpretation of the stress field by using photo-elastic and thermo-elastic methods are provided

    Transverse vibrations of a two-dimensional pipe system

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    Transverse vibrations of the two dimensional system of pipes are investigated. The model of transverse vibrations of a two dimensional pipe system consisting from beams by taking the inertia of fluid filling the pipes into account is used and the eigenmodes are determined. Then the places of the pipes with small amplitudes of vibrations and with large amplitudes of vibrations for the eigenmodes are determined. After this the places where the amplitudes for several first eigenmodes are large are indicated. In those places it is recommended to perform measurements of transverse vibrations of the pipe system

    Investigation of elliptical approximation in the model of the force of dry friction

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    In the numerical procedures involving the force of dry friction some type of numerical approximation for this investigated phenomenon is used in the process of calculations. Elliptic approximations for the local transition region are proposed, and numerical results are presented in this paper. The smoothness and continuity of this approximation is demonstrated by several computational experiments

    Measurement of stability of a pipe system with flowing fluid

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    The two dimensional system of coupled vibrating pipes is investigated. The model of a pipe system consisting from two dimensional beams is employed. The problem of stability because of the reduction of stiffness caused by the flow of fluid is solved and the stability eigenmodes are determined. The places where the deflections of the stability eigenmodes are large are recommended for the location of measurement devices

    Investigation of effect of acoustic field to coagulation of particles in air flow

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    In the paper theoretical and experimental investigations of the effect of acoustic field to coagulation of particles in air flow are presented. For the conduction of experimental investigations, a special experimental setup with measurement devices was designed and used. Principle of operation of the proposed experimental setup is presented and the method of conduction of experimental investigations is described. Investigations of effectiveness of coagulation of rigid particles of very small diameter have been performed and dependencies from the sound pressure of the acoustic field and its frequency were investigated. For excitation of the acoustic field two sound generators were used: piezoelectric and aeroacoustic. As a result of the performed investigations it was determined that with the increase of the frequency of acoustic excitation velocity of coagulation of particles increases when the diameter of the particles does not exceed 1 μm. For the most effective coagulation of the particles having the diameter up to 1 μm ultrasonic frequency is required. For the particles with the diameter larger than 1 μm frequency lower than ultrasonic is required. Dependencies of velocity of coagulation of particles from the frequency of acoustic signal and from its amplitude were determined. Initial granulometric constituent parts were compared with the constituent parts obtained after the experimental investigations