14,142 research outputs found

    A few things I learnt from Jurgen Moser

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    A few remarks on integrable dynamical systems inspired by discussions with Jurgen Moser and by his work.Comment: An article for the special issue of "Regular and Chaotic Dynamics" dedicated to 80-th anniversary of Jurgen Mose

    Non-Zhang-Rice singlet character of the first ionization state of T-CuO

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    We argue that tetragonal CuO (T-CuO) has the potential to finally settle long-standing modelling issues for cuprate physics. We compare the one-hole quasiparticle (qp) dispersion of T-CuO to that of cuprates, in the framework of the strongly-correlated (Udd→∞U_{dd}\rightarrow \infty) limit of the three-band Emery model. Unlike in CuO2_2, magnetic frustration in T-CuO breaks the C4C_4 rotational symmetry and leads to strong deviations from the Zhang-Rice singlet picture in parts of the reciprocal space. Our results are consistent with angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy data but in sharp contradiction to those of a one-band model previously suggested for them. These differences identify T-CuO as an ideal material to test a variety of scenarios proposed for explaining cuprate phenomenology.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Carrier systems in PDT

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    Discrete Lagrangian systems on the Virasoro group and Camassa-Holm family

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    We show that the continuous limit of a wide natural class of the right-invariant discrete Lagrangian systems on the Virasoro group gives the family of integrable PDE's containing Camassa-Holm, Hunter-Saxton and Korteweg-de Vries equations. This family has been recently derived by Khesin and Misiolek as Euler equations on the Virasoro algebra for Hα,ÎČ1H^1_{\alpha,\beta}-metrics. Our result demonstrates a universal nature of these equations.Comment: 6 pages, no figures, AMS-LaTeX. Version 2: minor changes. Version 3: minor change

    Laboratory simulations of astrophysical jets and solar coronal loops: new results

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    An experimental program underway at Caltech has produced plasmas where the shape is neither fixed by the vacuum chamber nor fixed by an external coil set, but instead is determined by self-organization. The plasma dynamics is highly reproducible and so can be studied in considerable detail even though the morphology of the plasma is both complex and time-dependent. A surprising result has been the observation that self-collimating MHD-driven plasma jets are ubiquitous and play a fundamental role in the self-organization. The jets can be considered lab-scale simulations of astrophysical jets and in addition are intimately related to solar coronal loops. The jets are driven by the combination of the axial component of the J×B force and the axial pressure gradient resulting from the non-uniform pinch force associated with the flared axial current density. Behavior is consistent with a model showing that collimation results from axial non-uniformity of the jet velocity. In particular, flow stagnation in the jet frame compresses frozen-in azimuthal magnetic flux, squeezes together toroidal magnetic field lines, thereby amplifying the embedded toroidal magnetic field, enhancing the pinch force, and hence causing collimation of the jet

    Bohmian trajectories and Klein's paradox

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    We compute the Bohmian trajectories of the incoming scattering plane waves for Klein's potential step in explicit form. For finite norm incoming scattering solutions we derive their asymptotic space-time localization and we compute some Bohmian trajectories numerically. The paradox, which appears in the traditional treatments of the problem based on the outgoing scattering asymptotics, is absent.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures; minor format change

    Spin chain from membrane and the Neumann-Rosochatius integrable system

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    We find membrane configurations in AdS_4 x S^7, which correspond to the continuous limit of the SU(2) integrable spin chain, considered as a limit of the SU(3) spin chain, arising in N=4 SYM in four dimensions, dual to strings in AdS_5 x S^5. We also discuss the relationship with the Neumann-Rosochatius integrable system at the level of Lagrangians, comparing the string and membrane cases.Comment: LaTeX, 16 pages, no figures; v2: 17 pages, title changed, explanations and references added; v3: more explanations added; v4: typos fixed, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Heavily Irradiated N-in-p Thin Planar Pixel Sensors with and without Active Edges

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    We present the results of the characterization of silicon pixel modules employing n-in-p planar sensors with an active thickness of 150 ÎŒ\mathrm{\mu}m, produced at MPP/HLL, and 100-200 ÎŒ\mathrm{\mu}m thin active edge sensor devices, produced at VTT in Finland. These thin sensors are designed as candidates for the ATLAS pixel detector upgrade to be operated at the HL-LHC, as they ensure radiation hardness at high fluences. They are interconnected to the ATLAS FE-I3 and FE-I4 read-out chips. Moreover, the n-in-p technology only requires a single side processing and thereby it is a cost-effective alternative to the n-in-n pixel technology presently employed in the LHC experiments. High precision beam test measurements of the hit efficiency have been performed on these devices both at the CERN SpS and at DESY, Hamburg. We studied the behavior of these sensors at different bias voltages and different beam incident angles up to the maximum one expected for the new Insertable B-Layer of ATLAS and for HL-LHC detectors. Results obtained with 150 ÎŒ\mathrm{\mu}m thin sensors, assembled with the new ATLAS FE-I4 chip and irradiated up to a fluence of 4×\times1015neq/cm2^{15}\mathrm{n}_{\mathrm{eq}}/\mathrm{cm}^2, show that they are excellent candidates for larger radii of the silicon pixel tracker in the upgrade of the ATLAS detector at HL-LHC. In addition, the active edge technology of the VTT devices maximizes the active area of the sensor and reduces the material budget to suit the requirements for the innermost layers. The edge pixel performance of VTT modules has been investigated at beam test experiments and the analysis after irradiation up to a fluence of 5×\times1015neq/cm2^{15}\mathrm{n}_{\mathrm{eq}}/\mathrm{cm}^2 has been performed using radioactive sources in the laboratory.Comment: Proceedings for iWoRiD 2013 conference, submitted to JINS

    Trace formulas for stochastic evolution operators: Smooth conjugation method

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    The trace formula for the evolution operator associated with nonlinear stochastic flows with weak additive noise is cast in the path integral formalism. We integrate over the neighborhood of a given saddlepoint exactly by means of a smooth conjugacy, a locally analytic nonlinear change of field variables. The perturbative corrections are transfered to the corresponding Jacobian, which we expand in terms of the conjugating function, rather than the action used in defining the path integral. The new perturbative expansion which follows by a recursive evaluation of derivatives appears more compact than the standard Feynman diagram perturbation theory. The result is a stochastic analog of the Gutzwiller trace formula with the ``hbar'' corrections computed an order higher than what has so far been attainable in stochastic and quantum-mechanical applications.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figure, New techniques and results for a problem we considered in chao-dyn/980703

    One-particle and few-particle billiards

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    We study the dynamics of one-particle and few-particle billiard systems in containers of various shapes. In few-particle systems, the particles collide elastically both against the boundary and against each other. In the one-particle case, we investigate the formation and destruction of resonance islands in (generalized) mushroom billiards, which are a recently discovered class of Hamiltonian systems with mixed regular-chaotic dynamics. In the few-particle case, we compare the dynamics in container geometries whose counterpart one-particle billiards are integrable, chaotic, and mixed. One of our findings is that two-, three-, and four-particle billiards confined to containers with integrable one-particle counterparts inherit some integrals of motion and exhibit a regular partition of phase space into ergodic components of positive measure. Therefore, the shape of a container matters not only for noninteracting particles but also for interacting particles
