1,173 research outputs found

    About the numerous cost and processing advantages of the microcellular foam injection molding process for thermoplastics materials in the automobile industry

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    Today one of the goals of the automobile industry is to reduce weight. And physical foaming has already demonstrated its potential in this sector, improving the value and performance of applications under the bonnet: engine and gearbox cases, inlet air filters, cockpits, radiator baffles and so on. Around the world, the microcellular injection molding (MuCell) is used in thousands of applications in the automotive, packaging, technical molding, office machinery and electric and electronic component industries. The research opportunities purpose is to obtain even lighter pieces, with greater dimensional stability and with an excellent surface finish, in other words, perfect plastic parts. More component functionality with reduced weight, and cost control at the same time: MuCell is a process to physically foam thermoplastics, which combines technical and economic objectives. Besides weight reduction, it also provides improved dimensional stability of the moulded parts

    Slow equivariant lump dynamics on the two sphere

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    The low-energy, rotationally equivariant dynamics of n CP^1 lumps on S^2 is studied within the approximation of geodesic motion in the moduli space of static solutions. The volume and curvature properties of this moduli space are computed. By lifting the geodesic flow to the completion of an n-fold cover of the moduli space, a good understanding of nearly singular lump dynamics within this approximation is obtained.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Aberrant STYK1 expression in ovarian cancer tissues and cell lines

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Overexpression of <it>STYK1</it>, a putative serine/threonine and tyrosine receptor protein kinase has been shown to confer tumorigenicity and metastatic potential to normal cells injected into nude mice. Mutation of a tyrosine residue in the catalytic STYK1 domain attenuates the tumorigenic potential of tumor cells <it>in vivo</it>, collectively, suggesting an oncogenic role for STYK1.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>To investigate the role of STYK1 expression in ovarian cancer, a panel of normal, benign, and ovarian cancer tissues was evaluated for STYK1 immunoreactivity using STYK1 antibodies. In addition, mRNA levels were measured by reverse transcription PCR and real-time PCR of estrogen receptors, GPR30 and STYK1 following treatment of ovarian cell lines with estrogen or G1, a GPR30 agonist, as well as western analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Our data showed higher expression of STYK1 in cancer tissues versus normal or benign. Only normal or benign, and one cancer tissue were STYK1-negative. Moreover, benign and ovarian cancer cell lines expressed <it>STYK1 </it>as determined by RT-PCR. Estradiol treatment of these cells resulted in up- and down-regulation of <it>STYK1 </it>despite estrogen receptor status; whereas G-1, a GPR30-specific agonist, increased STYK1 mRNA levels higher than that of estradiol.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We conclude that <it>STYK1 </it>is expressed in ovarian cancer and is regulated by estrogen through a GPR30 hormone-signaling pathway, to the exclusion of estrogen receptor-alpha.</p

    Colon intussusception treated endoscopically (case report)

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    Secția endoscopie, Institutul Medicinei de Urgență, Chișinău, Republica Moldova, Al XII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova cu participare internațională 23-25 septembrie 2015Caz clinic: În Clinică la 30 octombrie 2013 s-a adresat pacientul SA de 19 ani, cu acuze la dureri intense în flancul stîng, vomă repetată cu conținut gastric, astenie pronunțată, inapetență, lipsa scaunului (2 zile), lipsa emisiei de gaze (24 ore). Din anamneză, în copilărie – diagnosticat cu megacolon congenital, părinții au refuzat tratamentul chirurgical. La internare: abdomenul moderat balonat, simetric, dolor intens la palpare în flancul stîng și mezogastru, semne peritoneale – absente, per rectum – conținut intestinal, pereții – dilatați. Spitalizat cu diagnosticul de ocluzie intestinală joasă. Ecografia cavității abdominale a evidențiat un minim de lichid liber interileal. Radiografia abdomenului – aerocolie pronunțată. La 31 octombrie 2013 s-a efectuat colonoscopie pînă la flexura lienală, înaintarea fiind neinformativă (în lumen – materii fecale). În sigmoid, la distanța 25 cm de la orificiul anal pînă la 40 cm, peretele intestinului nu se reexpansiona complet, mucoasa – edemațiată, culoare violacee, cu peteșii hemoragice. Lumenul colonului nu se vizualiza. La insuflarea aerului porțiunea proximală de perete intestinal a glisat, eliberînd lumenul sigmoidului. Colonul descendent examenat – mărit în dimensiuni atît longitudinal cît și transversal. Mucoasa examinată subțiată, cu desen vascular pronunțat. Haustrele intestinale – absente. Peristaltismul intestinal – absent. Unghiul lienal – permeabil. Biopsia din mucoasa schimbată macroscopic al sigmoidului nu a fost prelevată din cauza pericolului hemoragiei și a perforației. La pacient s-a constatat o invaginație de colon la nivelul sigmoidului, megadolicocolon. După colonoscopie starea generală a pacientului s-a ameliorat, acesta fiind externat din staționar recomandîndu-se tratamentul chirurgical programat al dolicocolonului.Clinical case: This article reports a clinical case of intestinal obstruction intussusception, which was solved by colonoscopy. A 19-years-old patient was admitted on October 30, 2013 to the Hospital with the following complaints: severe pain in left abdominal flank, repeated vomiting, pronounced asthenia, decreased appetite, constipation and a lack of gas (2 days). In anamnesis, childhood-diagnosed with congenital megadolichocolon, parents refused surgical treatment. Physical exam: the swollen abdomen, abdominal pain on palpation, no peritoneal signs. Hospitalized with intestinal obstruction. Abdomenal cavity ultrasound showed minimal free liquid. X-rays of the abdomen showed a bowel distension. October 31, 2013 was conducted colonoscopy. In the sigmoid, at a distance of 25 cm from the anus, up to 40 cm, the intestinal wall was not deployed fully, the swelling, purple mucous with petechial hemorrhages. The lumen of the colon was not see. Under the inspiration of the air, the proximal portion of the intestinal wall, to drag it, giving the lumen of the sigmoid. Colon descending seen, increased in size, both lengthwise and transversely. Mucous were narrowed, with strikes pronounced. The folds of the intestine absented. Peristalsis was absent. No biopsy was taken of the macroscopic changed mucous of sigmoid, because of the risk of bleeding and perforation. The patient was found to intussusception of the colon sigmoid. After the colonoscopy the general condition of the patient improved, was discharged from the hospital and it was recommended surgical treatment of dolichocolon