1,103 research outputs found

    Convergence and stability theorems for the Picard-Mann hybrid iterative scheme for a general class of contractive-like operators

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    In this paper we use the general class of contractive-like operators introduced by Bosede and Rhoades (J. Adv. Math. Stud. 3(2):1-3, 2010) to prove strong convergence and stability results for Picard-Mann hybrid iterative schemes considered in a real normed linear space. We establish the strong convergence and stability of the Picard iterative scheme as a corollary. Our results generalize and improve a multitude of results in the literature, including the recent results of Chidume (Fixed Point Theory Appl. 2014:233, 2014)

    Genderlect and Language Use in a Dynamic World

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    The dynamism of the world and language can be likened to the movement of individual stars, whose constellations are continuously changing their shape. One can hardly think of any language conventionally used in any society in the world that can ever be permanently the same. None, but it will always change from one age to another. Language use therefore depends on the state of language and the world view at any point in time. The fast movement of human life span may make one to hardly notice any change in language which definitely occurs but slowly. Significantly, people are expected to use language appropriately, flexibly and accurately to enhance fidelity in communication. Since no two people speak one language the same way, there are usually noticeable differences. These differences as observed in this study, occur as a result of some factors among which are: age and education/social class, audience, gender etc. Hence this study examined the notion of genderlect and language use in a dynamic world. Some changes in language use over time have resulted in the emancipatory language used to refer to women instead of the old days’ derogatory expressions. Interestingly,what was deemed uncouth and barbarous in one age has been accounted polite and elegant in another. It was concluded, therefore, that societies should institutionalize positive attitudes where everyone is truly equal and treated as such and allow it reflect in the languages they use. This study believed that when this is done, the asymmetries that exist in language and which has been a socio-linguistic concern over the years will be of a little concern

    Atomic population distribution in the output ports of cold-atom interferometers with optical splitting and recombination

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    Cold-atom interferometers with optical splitting and recombination use off-resonant laser beams to split a cloud of Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) into two clouds that travel along different paths and are then recombined again using optical beams. After the recombination, the BEC in general populates both the cloud at rest and the moving clouds. Measuring relative number of atoms in each of these clouds yields information about the relative phase shift accumulated by the atoms in the two moving clouds during the interferometric cycle. We derive the expression for the probability of finding any given number of atoms in each of the clouds, discuss features of the probability density distribution, analyze its dependence on the relative accumulated phase shift as a function of the strength of the interatomic interactions, and compare our results with experiment.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figure

    Factors Hindering the Accessibility of Agricultural Credit by Farmers in Edo State, Nigeria

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    This paper analysed empirically the relationship between credit sources and agricultural zones in Edo State. The data used were collected from questionnaires administered to four hundred and fifty respondent farmers out of which three hundred and seventy three were valid. A simple random sampling was employed to select the respondent farmers. This study applied a combination of Chi-Square and analysis of variance to analyse the data. Chi-Square was used to establish a relationship between the sources of credit and location of agricultural zones while ANOVA was used to examine variations between zones and between problems. The problems encountered in processing loan application include; high transaction cost, administrative bottleneck that leads to late disbursement of loan. In securing credit facilities, the study also identified some problems such as; inadequate credit information, bank stringent conditions, location of lending bank and bureaucratic processes in the bank. These problems were found not to vary with agricultural zones. It is advised that farmers need to develop more cooperative groups to enjoy economies of scale

    The Course of SARS-COV2 Infection Was Not Severe in a Crohn\u27s Patient Who Administered Maintenance Anti-TNF Therapy Overlapping the Early Pre-Symptomatic Period of Infection.

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    The Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) population, which may require treatment with immunosuppressive medications, may be uniquely vulnerable to COVID-19 infection. In fact, there is some evidence these medications may inhibit the cytokine storm that is theorized to cause a rapid decline seen in COVID-19. In addition, the digestive symptoms of COVID-19 can be difficult to distinguish from the activation of IBD. We present an interesting case of a Crohn\u27s patient inadvertently administering anti-cytokine therapy during the pre-symptomatic period of COVID-19 infection. Immune suppression during early infection with SARS-COV2 risks a poor immune response to the virus and could theoretically result in a more severe course of infection

    Gall bladder cancer: a review

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    Introduction: Gall bladder cancer is the most aggressive cancer and the commonest malignant tumor of the biliary tract worldwide.The incidence increases with age and women are more commonly affected. Surgical resection is the only chance for complete cure,however only 10% of patients are candidates for curative surgery at initial presentation.Objective: To review the current concepts and key issues in the diagnosis and management of gallbladder cancer.Methodology: A systematic review of published literature was done using search Google Search Engine, Highwire press and Springer Link selected papers were taken and books from author's collection used for further reference.Results: The risk factors of gallbladder cancer include race (like India), cholelithiasis,polyps, pancreatico-biliary maljunction anomalies, chronic inflammation, exposures to heavy metals and chemicals and infections (e.g. liver flukes). It may present as mass lesion, localized wall thickening or polypoid growth. Adenocarcinoma is the commonest histological type.The clinical presentation is divided into 5 syndromes namely acute cholecystitis, chronic cholecystitis, biliary tract disease, non specific symptomatology and symptoms related to metastatic disease.Complete surgical treatment is the only curative treatment for gallbladder cancer but only a few cases are seen at this curative stage.Conclusion: Gallbladder cancer is relatively uncommon with high mortality rate. Risk factors include advance age, female gender, cholelithiasis, porcelain gallbladder, gallbladder polyps, congenital biliary cysts, chronic infection and smoking.Most are discovered incidentally at routine cholecystectomy or present at advance stage of the disease. Surgery is the only curative therapy for gallbladder cancer and the extent is dependent on the TNM stage. However, at diagnosis, only 10% of patients are candidates for curative surgery.Keywords: Gallbladder, Cance

    Laying Down the Foundations for International Student Journey. Students as Academic Partners Project Report.

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    The aim of this project was to explore the lived experiences of being an international student studying at a University within the UK and to make recommendations for future provision. There are increasing numbers of international students studying at Universities within the UK. Positive learning environments and arrangements are the responsibility of the host University and international students’ needs should be taken into consideration. This project was led by international students in collaboration with academic staff. It involved a qualitative exploration of international student perspectives and their experiences of studying within the UK. Ten international students completed a questionnaire that was designed by international students. Respondents were asked questions in relation to three areas: coming to the UK, arriving in the UK and studying in the UK

    Investigating the Imperfection of the B – S Model: A Case Study of an Emerging Stock Market

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    The Black – Scholes (B-S) model is one of the widely used models in the pricing of financial option. The B-S model like most other models hinges on assumptions; one of which is the normality condition. A lot of researches have shown that using the log-return of developed market index that this assumption does not hold. We have shown in this paper using the log return from 1st January 2010 to 31st December 2012 in an emerging (Nigerian Stock Exchange) market All Share Index (ASI) to further support the reports of the non - normality condition of the B-S mode
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