3,460 research outputs found

    Race, Economics, And Social Status

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    Social and economic status of an individual or group can be measured as a blend of wealth, income, occupation, and education. Other contributors to social and economic status include race, ethnicity, home ownership, family size, family types, and even types of foods purchased. The combination of social and economic status can reveal a group or individual\u27s unequal access to resources, privilege, power, and control in a society. This Spotlight on Statistics examines Consumer Expenditure Survey data to explore the patterns of social and economic factors by race and ethnicit

    Income and Spending Patterns Among Black Households

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    Household spending data can offer great insight on how households choose and prioritize their wants and needs. In addition, changes in the household spending market basket help to determine Social Security’s general benefit increases, based on cost of living, as measured by the Consumer Price Index. Moreover, such information is widely used by policymakers and researchers to study the impact of inflation and government economic policy. Data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Consumer Expenditure (CE) Survey provide information on annual household spending. From these aggregated data, analysts, in government, business, labor, and academia, can generalize about consumer behavior in the U.S. population. However, looking at demographic subgroups of the population can give us a deeper understanding of consumption preferences and spending behavior for a particular group. Using data from the CE Survey, this article looks at the household spending and the income distribution of all Black households. It then compares and contrasts the spending patterns of low-income Black households to their high-income counterparts. Findings show that the average amount of pretax income for Black households is about 70 percent of the national average. In addition, the analysis based on income shows that tobacco and smoking supplies were the only expenditure category in which high-income Black households did not outspend low-income Black households

    Atmospheric Aerosol Limb Scanning Based on the Lunar Eclipses Photometry

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    The work is devoted to the analysis of the surface photometric observations of two total lunar eclipses in 2004. The lunar surface relative brightness distribution inside the umbra was used to retrieve the vertical distribution of aerosol extinction of the solar radiation expanding by a tangent path and its dependence on the location at the limb of the Earth. The upper altitude of troposphere aerosol layer was estimated for different latitude zones. The correlation between additional aerosol extinction in the upper troposphere and cyclones was investigated.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures, submitted to Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfe

    Altitude and Latitude Distribution of Atmospheric Aerosol and Water Vapor from the Narrow-Band Lunar Eclipse Photometry

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    The work contains the description of two narrow IR-bands observational data of total lunar eclipse of March, 3, 2007, one- and two-dimensional procedures of radiative transfer equation solution. The results of the procedure are the extinction values for atmospheric aerosol and water vapor at different altitudes in the troposphere along the Earth's terminator crossing North America, Arctic, Siberia and South-Eastern Asia. The altitude range and possible latitude and altitude resoltion of atmosphere remote sensing by the lunar eclipses observation are fixed. The results of water vapor retrieval are compared with data of space experiment, the scale of vertical water vapor distribution is found.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfe

    Spontaneous parity breaking of graphene in the quantum Hall regime

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    We propose that the inversion symmetry of the graphene honeycomb lattice is spontaneously broken via a magnetic field dependent Peierls distortion. This leads to valley splitting of the n=0n=0 Landau level but not of the other Landau levels. Compared to quantum Hall valley ferromagnetism recently discussed in the literature, lattice distortion provides an alternative explanation to all the currently observed quantum Hall plateaus in graphene.Comment: 4 pages, to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Efficient numerical calculation of drift and diffusion coefficients in the diffusion approximation of kinetic equations

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    In this paper we study the diffusion approximation of a swarming model given by a system of interacting Langevin equations with nonlinear friction. The diffusion approximation requires the calculation of the drift and diffusion coefficients that are given as averages of solutions to appropriate Poisson equations. We present a new numerical method for computing these coefficients that is based on the calculation of the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of a Schr\"odinger operator. These theoretical results are supported by numerical simulations showcasing the efficiency of the method

    Contemporary Public Policy Issues in Industrial Relations

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    INTRODUCTIONLe but de cet article est de décrire quelques-unes des implications des politiques publiques sur les relations industrielles au Canada. Nous avons également l'intention de définir, au moins dans ses grandes lignes, une nouvelle façon de prendre des décisions dans le domaine des relations de travail.LA DOCTRINE DU LIBÉRALISME ÉCONOMIQUELa philosophie de notre approche des relations patronales-ouvrières au Canada a toujours été et continue d'être une adaptation de la doctrine du libéralisme économique.LA PROCÉDURE D'ACCRÉDITATIONLa doctrine du laissez-faire est tellement ancrée dans cette procédure d'importance que presque toutes les commissions de relations du travail n'ont pas le pouvoir nécessaire pour juger de la qualité de représentation d'une organisation syndicale donnée. Notre incapacité à définir un rôle plus positif pour les commissions de relations du travail en ce qui a trait à l'accréditation a mené au développement d'un système très fragmenté de négociation collective.LE PROCESSUS DE NÉGOCIATION COLLECTIVELa doctrine du laissez-faire a causé de sérieux problèmes dans le règlement des conflits au Canada. En fait, la négociation collective est un processus par lequel les intérêts, attentes et besoins divergents sont rationalisés sous la forme du compromis. Ce n'est donc pas une question de monopole d'usage de cette technique par les syndicats.LES RÈGLES DU JEU1. — Au Canada la négociation collective n'est pas consécutive à une série d'arguments logiques et rationnels.2. — Le pouvoir économique et politique demeure l'instrument majeur à la table des négociations.L'INTÉRÊT PUBLIC ET LE RÈGLEMENT DES CONFLITSLa conciliation et la médiation réussissent mal à protéger l'intérêt public dans le règlement des conflits. C'est un mécanisme qui a pour but de faciliter et non d'influencer l'atteinte et la nature du règlement.Un système qui, comme le nôtre met plus d'emphase sur l'atteinte d'une entente plutôt que sur les conséquences de cette entente sur les autres négociations est voué au départ à de sérieuses difficultés.UN REMÈDE AU LIBÉRALISME ÉCONOMIQUEL'arbitrage obligatoire et les tribunaux du travail représentent une solution qui à mon avis n'est ni désirable ni nécessaire. Nous sommes donc en présence des deux pôles extrêmes d'un continuum (laissez-faire et arbitrage obligatoire) à l'intérieur duquel se situe la solution idéale.LES RÈGLES DU JEU: L'EXPÉRIENCE DE LA COLOMBIE BRITANNIQUEL'imposition de l'arbitrage par le ministre lorsque l'intérêt public est en jeu explique la popularité qui entoure le "Mediation Commission Act" ou encore le bill 33 de la Colombie Britannique. Le but de ce bill est en fait de tenter d'éloigner les parties de la notion de négociation basée sur la force économique et politique pour les faire tendre le plus possible vers le règlement rationnel des conflits, règlement qui mettrait l'intérêt public au centre de ses préoccupations.LE CONCEPT DE "FARDEAU DE LA PREUVE"En vertu du bill 33, la Commission de médiation désigne la partie à laquelle incombe le fardeau de la preuve. C'est donc une innovation importante.LE BESOIN DE RECHERCHEL'article 39 de ce bill 33 autorise la Commission, après avoir référé au ministre, à enquêter sur des matières, telles la croissance économique, les relations patronales-ouvrières, la productivité, les problèmes d'adaptation. En plus, les décisions de la Commission deviennent propriété publique.LES PROBLÈMES D'APPLICATIONLa Commission a le pouvoir de déterminer le principe qui servira à un accord mais non les termes à utiliser dans l'entente. C'est là une difficulté sérieuse. On peut s'entendre sur les principes et non sur les mots. L'arbitrage tel que conçu dans ce bill pose également de sérieux problèmes.CONCLUSIONEst-ce que les partenaires en relations du travail sont prêts à envisager une législation tel le bill 33 ? Sont-ils prêts à accepter le concept du fardeau de la preuve ?The present system of collective bargaining is more an exercise in the use of coercive economic and political power by labour and management than a process of rational, logical argument and existing conciliation procedures have proven inadequate in reflecting the public interest in dispute settlement. What then is the impact of B.C. Bill 33 

    Examination of saffron cod (Eleginus gracilis) population genetic structure

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    Thesis (M.S.) University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2019The Saffron Cod (Eleginus gracilis) is an abundant forage fish that inhabits the coastlines of the north Pacific and Arctic oceans. We examined Saffron Cod population genetic structure to provide a reference baseline in anticipation of human and climate-change alterations of the Arctic environment. Nine microsatellites were designed to describe the genetic compositions of and variation among 40 collections of Saffron Cod from four regions (northwestern Alaska, Gulf of Alaska, Sea of Okhotsk, and Gulf of Anadyr). The northwestern Alaska collections (Bering Sea, Norton Sound, and Chukchi Sea) exhibited little genetic divergence. The Gulf of Anadyr collection differed from other regions but was most similar to those of the northwestern Alaska region. The two collections within the Sea of Okhotsk (Sakhalin Island and Hokkaido Island) differed genetically, but not to the extent they did from other regions. The collections from the Gulf of Alaska (Kodiak Island and Prince William Sound) comprised a lineage that was distinct from all of the other collections, including the geographically adjacent northwestern Alaska collections. The absence of genetic structure among northwestern Alaska collections probably reflects their recent expansion into previously unavailable habitat that became available after the Last Glacial Maximum (~16,000 years ago). The divergence of the Gulf of Alaska lineage may have resulted from recurrent episodes of isolation from previous glaciations.Bureau of Ocean Energy Managemen

    Manganese(II) octa­uranium(IV) hepta­deca­sulfide

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    Single crystals of manganese(II) octa­uranium(IV) hepta­deca­sulfide, MnU8S17, were grown from the reaction of the elements in a RbCl flux. MnU8S17 crystallizes in the space group C2/m in the CrU8S17 structure type. The asymmetric unit is composed of the following atoms with site symmetries shown: U1 (1), U2 (m), U3 (m), Mn1 (2/m), S1 (1), S2 (1); S3 (m), S4 (m), S5 (m), S6 (m) and S7 (2/m). The three UIV atoms are each coordinated by eight S atoms in a bicapped trigonal–prismatic arrangement. The MnII atom is coordinated by six S atoms in a distorted octa­hedral arrangement