260 research outputs found

    Jurusan Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian dan Program Pascasarjana Universitas Sriwijaya

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    The objective of the research is to find out the position of fresh fruit bunch (FFB) price of oil palmdetermined by regional government in a range of its price predicted by bilateral monopoly marketapproach, meaning that whether it have protected plasma farmers and reaching a price that reflectedbalance bargaining positions, or it tended to come close to a monopsonist price or to monopolist price.Three nucleus estate smallholders (NES) types was selected as samples to be examined their conditionand data (1998-2002) in this research, which were NES-Transmigration managed by private andpublic firms, and NES of small scale credit type. Single equations analyses of econometric modelwere used to estimate FFB price and volume in constructing demand and supply curves of thecommodity. The results show that the determined FFB price is proven to have protected farmers frommonopsonist price application without that intervention. However, the its level in bilateral monopolymarket perspective, in which KUD representing farmers as a monopolist, still closed to monopsonistprice. This also reflects stronger bargaining power of the nucleus firm than the plasma farmers, andthe status of FFB price as a derivation of world CPO price. More strong commitment and seriousattempt are needed from both sides to increase partnerships works in order to obtain fair FFB price inthe future

    Representasi Gaya Hidup Pria Metrosexual Di Majalah Pria Ibukota

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    , Munculnya majalah mode dan gaya hidup trans-nasional untuk pria menawarkangaya hidup yang mengusung nilai-nilai konsumtif. Ditinjau dari isi, majalah-majalah priatersebut sekarang ini tidak ada bedanya dengan majalah wanita. Lelaki modern dipersuasiuntuk peduli terhadap kesempurnaan setiap jengkal tubuhnya. Para lelaki diarahkan untukmendisiplinkan diri dalam perawatan tubuh seperti halnya perempuan. Majalah priamengkonstruksi perilaku feminine bagi para lelaki sebagai keseharian gaya hidup mereka.Gaya hidup seperti ini disebut metrosexual. Lelaki metrosexual biasanya adalah orang yangmemiliki karir yang cerah, kondisi finansial yang baik, dan sangat perhatian terhadappenampilan diri. Media menjadi dinamisator bagi berkembangnya suatu gaya hidup yangberdiri di atas kesadaran palsu. Dengan asumsi tersebut maka penulis meneliti apakah yangtersembunyi dalam teks itu memang kepalsuan. Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap tiga majalahtrans-nasional khusus pria yang beredar di Jakarta yaitu Majalah Men‟s Health, Men Fitness,dan Best Life. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode analisis isikualitatif dan analisis semiotic menjadi pilihan. Hasil penelitian dapat dikemukakan pertama,representasi di tiga majalah tersebut adalah representasi pendekatan konstruktivis. Maknadikonstruksikan lewat sistem bahasa dalam rangka mengidentifikasi citra tentang gaya hidup.Melalui prosesual sosial teks secara alamiah meneguhkan nilai-nilai budaya popular dankonsumerisme. Kedua, pencitraan sosok pria metroseksual dilihat dari penampilan gayahidup metroseksual bukanlah produk alamiah, tetapi suatu produk sosial

    Kecenderungan Penyajian Isu Politik dalam Berita Harian Kompas Pasca Pelantikan Presiden Jokowi Periode Desember 2014

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    Dinamika Pemilu dan Pilpres 2014 yang telah berlalu menggambarkan potret perilaku media massa, baik cetak seperti surat kabar maupun elektronik seperti televisi. Keberpihakan media terhadap masing masing kepentingan baik partai maupun calon presiden begitu gamblang terbelah dua antara Jokowi dan Prabowo. Hal itu terlihat dari cara bagaimana media mengemas berita-berita. Bagaimana kecenderungan penyajian pesannya, khususnya di Harian Kompas sebagai harian yang berskala nasional dan memiliki kredibilitas dan reputasi media yang baik Adapun teori yang terkait adalah teori tentang konstruksi realitas media dan teori tentang pesan; dilihat dari himbauan, struktur, dan cara penyajiannya. Berdasarkan itu maka penellitian ini dilakukan dengan metode analisis isi secara kuantitatif. Dengan rumus Kripendorf. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ternyata kecenderungan penyajian iklan secara gambalang menunjukan kepberpihakan pada calon tertentu. Dan setelah Pilpres pun kecenderungan untuk mengarahkan Opini positif pada Presiden Jokowi tetap kentara. Tidak ada pola yang jelas dari penyajiannya tapi secara motif sangat jelas mengarahkan opini bahwa Jokowi harus dicitrakan secara positif. Saran dari penelitian ini adalah agar kompas lebih mengedepankan independensi dan tidak menjadi surat kabar partisan


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    Farmers’ supply responsiveness planting rice in Jambi Province was estimated using Meta- Profit analysis function. The objective of study is to analyze rice farmers’ supply response. Research was conducted in Jambi Province in the year of 2010. Result showed that farmers’ profit planting rice increased because its price increased. Furthermore, its share decreased when its labour wage increased. This implied to farmers to plant rice because rice was relatively more profitable than other plants. The result showed that farmers tended to pushed risk in planting decision. As expected that irrigation index was also the important significant factor. Following it found that its profit planting rice increased in wet season. This results were consistent with the fact that the water availability was important factor to plant rice. The consistency of previous result, it found that profit to plant rice was the positive determination with irrigation index. This implied that government policy in agriculture had positive impact on technological adoption. The analysis production function suggested that labour and fertilizer elasticities higher than zero significantly. Production rice elasticity by considering the number of labour used was a little bit lower than fertilizer. As expected, it found that rice production elasticity by considering irrigation index was bigger than zero significantly.Crop Production/Industries,

    Peran Negara untuk Mewujudkan Kesejahteraan dalam Kerangka Maqashidus Syariah

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    The research was conducted to explain the role of the State in realizing welfare within the framework of maqashidasysyariah. maqashidasysyariah is a view developed by al-Ghazali to explain and accommodate the purposes of the Shari'a. Al Ghazali mentions that a welfare society is a society that can meet the needs of its dien, its nafs, its aql (its intellectual needs), nasl (descendant), and maal (wealth). In various literature studies, the authors found that only an Islamic State can realize such welfare and not in the form of another State. The welfare is mobilized into an institutional role as follows the non-material welfare of accommodating the needs of the community for its worship and the physical well-being of society as its basic physical needs are accommodated in political and economic activity

    Inventarisasi Makanan Tradisional Jawa Unsur Sesaji Di Pasar-pasar Tradisional Kabupaten Bantul

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    This research aims to (1) inventories Javanessee traditional food in Bantul traditional market, (2) describes the name of traditional food as offerings which is related with Javanesee philosophy in Javanessee tradition. It employed the survey technique, it used ethnolinguistic approach. The data sources were collected from 27 traditional markets in Bantul. There were 45 kinds of jajan pasar in traditional market in Bantul region. The food were made from cassava, rice, corn, and lour. The coocking techniques were fried, boiled, steam and roasted. There were food made from peanut and tuber. The food used for offerings were ketan, kolak, apem, jenang, peyek, kacang-kacangan, pala kependhem, jadah, wajik and lempe


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    Mendampingi dan memberikan pelatihan bertema leadership sebagai kegiatan  mengajarkan kepada para siswa-siswi yang merupakan anggota kepengurusan OSIS di sekolah menengah atas dalam rangka membentuk, membangun karakter, menumbuhkan sikap disiplin, lebih berani tampil, berani bertindak dan memutuskan, lebih percaya diri serta memiliki rasa emphaty terhadap orang lain. Diawali tahap observasi awal dan wawancara dengan pembina atau  guru sekolah yang membina OSIS disekolah serta dengan perwakilan pengurus OSIS. Pergantian anggota pengurus OSIS senior dengan junior sehingga diperlukan pendampingan dan pelatihan dasar kepemimpinan. Program pengabdian dilaksanakan untuk mendampingi dan melatih anggota kepengurusan OSIS SMK  STRADA 1

    Communication Pattern and Skill of Leaders in Private University Management

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    Communication strategies and skills supported by mutually supportive management tools are one of the managerial skills that must be mastered by private university (PTS) leaders. Leadership communication skills and style will form organizational communication patterns that will become the foundation for a healthy and effective organizational climate to develop its vision and mission. This research is done by using case study method at some PTS which is representation of PTS profile in West Java. The research results indicate that communication pattern of PTS leaders is still conventional, that is following the existing organizational structure, along with some informal communication form. Leadership communication skills are diverse, and include organizational communication skills, interpersonal communication, group communication, and social communication. All types of skills are required, but there are still some skills that have not been done optimally, such as group communication skills and social communication skills

    Analisis Kemampuan Ekonomi Rumah Tangga Petani Karet di Sumatera Selatan

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    Issue of this research is: (1) There is factors influence applied to forming of capital for rejuvenation of rubber plantation, (2) Does farmer have allocation ability of the earnings to forming of capital for rejuvenation of rubber plantation, (3) Does the residue of earnings that is not consumed (real saving) can be applied to forming of capital for rejuvenation of rubber plantation, (4) Is there is source of other business to add earnings of farmer to forming of capital for rejuvenation of rubber plantation. Analytical method used is regression and hypothesis test. The result of this research is: (1) Partially, household earning, residue of earnings that is not consumed (real saving), formal education of farmer, old worked as farmer, and rubber plantation wide variable have positive and significance effects to forming of capital for rejuvenation of rubber plantation, (2) Partially, household expenditure variable have negative and significance effects for forming of capital to forming of capital for rejuvenation of rubber plantation, and (3) Partially, sum of member of adult families and ownership status of rubber plantation variable have no significance effects to forming of capital for rejuvenation of rubber plantation

    Pengaruh Kualitas Produk dan Kualitas Pelayanan terhadap Minat Beli Ulang Pelanggan Shao Kao Kertajaya melalui Kepuasan Pelanggan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari kualitas produk dan kualitas pelayanan terhadap minat beli ulang dengan kepuasan pelanggan sebagai mediator. Penelitian menggunakan 150 responden yang merupakan pelanggan Shao Kao. Data yang diperoleh diolah menggunakan metode Partial Least Square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kualitas produk dan pelayanan keduanya berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kepuasan pelanggan dan kepuasan pelanggan sendiri berpengaruh signifikan positif terhadap minat beli ulang. Dalam penelitian ini pengaruh tidak langsung yang terbentuk bersifat memperlemah
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