355 research outputs found

    Supersymmetry and superalgebra for the two-body system with a Dirac oscillator interaction

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    Some years ago, one of the authors~(MM) revived a concept to which he gave the name of single-particle Dirac oscillator, while another~(CQ) showed that it corresponds to a realization of supersymmetric quantum mechanics. The Dirac oscillator in its one- and many-body versions has had a great number of applications. Recently, it included the analytic expression for the eigenstates and eigenvalues of a two-particle system with a new type of Dirac oscillator interaction of frequency~ω\omega. By considering the latter together with its partner corresponding to the replacement of~ω\omega by~ω-\omega, we are able to get a supersymmetric formulation of the problem and find the superalgebra that explains its degeneracy.Comment: 21 pages, LaTeX, 1 figure (can be obtained from the authors), to appear in J. Phys.

    Playing relativistic billiards beyond graphene

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    The possibility of using hexagonal structures in general and graphene in particular to emulate the Dirac equation is the basis of our considerations. We show that Dirac oscillators with or without restmass can be emulated by distorting a tight binding model on a hexagonal structure. In a quest to make a toy model for such relativistic equations we first show that a hexagonal lattice of attractive potential wells would be a good candidate. First we consider the corresponding one-dimensional model giving rise to a one-dimensional Dirac oscillator, and then construct explicitly the deformations needed in the two-dimensional case. Finally we discuss, how such a model can be implemented as an electromagnetic billiard using arrays of dielectric resonators between two conducting plates that ensure evanescent modes outside the resonators for transversal electric modes, and describe an appropriate experimental setup.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figures. Submitted to NJ

    Relativistic echo dynamics and the stability of a beam of Landau electrons

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    We extend the concepts of echo dynamics and fidelity decay to relativistic quantum mechanics, specifically in the context of Klein-Gordon and Dirac equations under external electromagnetic fields. In both cases we define similar expressions for the fidelity amplitude under perturbations of these fields, and a covariant version of the echo operator. Transformation properties under the Lorentz group are established. An alternate expression for fidelity is given in the Dirac case in terms of a 4-current. As an application we study a beam of Landau electrons perturbed by field inhomogeneities.Comment: 8 pages, no figure

    Non-Linear Canonical Transformations in Classical and Quantum Mechanics

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    pp-Mechanics is a consistent physical theory which describes both classical and quantum mechanics simultaneously through the representation theory of the Heisenberg group. In this paper we describe how non-linear canonical transformations affect pp-mechanical observables and states. Using this we show how canonical transformations change a quantum mechanical system. We seek an operator on the set of pp-mechanical observables which corresponds to the classical canonical transformation. In order to do this we derive a set of integral equations which when solved will give us the coherent state expansion of this operator. The motivation for these integral equations comes from the work of Moshinsky and a variety of collaborators. We consider a number of examples and discuss the use of these equations for non-bijective transformations.Comment: The paper has been improved in light of a referee's report. The paper will appear in the Journal of Mathematical Physics. 24 pages, no figure

    The no-core shell model with general radial bases

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    Calculations in the ab initio no-core shell model (NCSM) have conventionally been carried out using the harmonic-oscillator many-body basis. However, the rapid falloff (Gaussian asymptotics) of the oscillator functions at large radius makes them poorly suited for the description of the asymptotic properties of the nuclear wavefunction. We establish the foundations for carrying out no-core configuration interaction (NCCI) calculations using a basis built from general radial functions and discuss some of the considerations which enter into using such a basis. In particular, we consider the Coulomb-Sturmian basis, which provides a complete set of functions with a realistic (exponential) radial falloff.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures; presented at Horizons on Innovative Theories, Experiments, and Supercomputing in Nuclear Physics 2012, New Orleans, Louisiana, June 4-7, 2012; submitted to J. Phys. Conf. Se


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    Quantum matter wave dynamics with moving mirrors

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    When a stationary reflecting wall acting as a perfect mirror for an atomic beam with well defined incident velocity is suddenly removed, the density profile develops during the time evolution an oscillatory pattern known as diffraction in time. The interference fringes are suppressed or their visibility is diminished by several effects such as averaging over a distribution of incident velocities, apodization of the aperture function, atom-atom interactions, imperfect reflection or environmental noise. However, when the mirror moves with finite velocity along the direction of propagation of the beam, the visibility of the fringes is enhanced. For mirror velocities below beam velocity, as used for slowing down the beam, the matter wave splits into three regions separated by space-time points with classical analogues. For mirror velocities above beam velocity a visibility enhancement occurs without a classical counterpart. When the velocity of the beam approaches that of the mirror the density oscillations rise by a factor 1.8 over the stationary value.Comment: 5.2 pages, 6 figure

    Energy Spectrum of a 2D Dirac Oscillator in the Presence of the Aharonov-Bohm Effect

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    We determine the energy spectrum and the corresponding eigenfunctions of a 2D Dirac oscillator in the presence of Aharonov-Bohm (AB) effect . It is shown that the energy spectrum depends on the spin of particle and the AB magnetic flux parameter. Finally, when the irregular solution occurs it is shown that the energy takes particular values. The nonrelativistic limit is also considered.Comment: Latex, 12 page

    The Dirac Oscillator. A relativistic version of the Jaynes--Cummings model

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    The dynamics of wave packets in a relativistic Dirac oscillator is compared to that of the Jaynes-Cummings model. The strong spin-orbit coupling of the Dirac oscillator produces the entanglement of the spin with the orbital motion similar to what is observed in the model of quantum optics. The collapses and revivals of the spin which result extend to a relativistic theory our previous findings on nonrelativistic oscillator where they were known under the name of `spin-orbit pendulum'. There are important relativistic effects (lack of periodicity, zitterbewegung, negative energy states). Many of them disappear after a Foldy-Wouthuysen transformation.Comment: LaTeX2e, uses IOP style files (included), 14 pages, 9 separate postscript figure