106 research outputs found

    How to centralize and normalize quandle extensions

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    We show that quandle coverings in the sense of Eisermann form a (regular epi)-reflective subcategory of the category of surjective quandle homomorphisms, both by using arguments coming from categorical Galois theory and by constructing concretely a centralization congruence. Moreover, we show that a similar result holds for normal quandle extensions.Comment: 17 page

    Core and crust contributions in overshooting glitches: the Vela pulsar 2016 glitch

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    During the spin-up phase of a large pulsar glitch - a sudden decrease of the rotational period of a neutron star - the angular velocity of the star may overshoot, namely reach values greater than that observed for the new post-glitch equilibrium. These transient phenomena are expected on the basis of theoretical models for pulsar internal dynamics, and their observation has the potential to provide an important diagnostic for glitch modelling. In this article, we present a simple criterion to assess the presence of an overshoot, based on the minimal analytical model that is able to reproduce an overshooting spin-up. We employed it to fit the data of the 2016 glitch of the Vela pulsar, obtaining estimates of the fractional moments of inertia of the internal superfluid components involved in the glitch, of the rise and decay timescales of the overshoot, and of the mutual friction parameters between the superfluid components and the normal one. We studied the cases with and without strong entrainment in the crust: in the former, we found an indication of a large inner core strongly coupled to the observable component, and of a reservoir of angular momentum extending into the core to densities below nuclear saturation; while in the latter, a large reservoir extending above nuclear saturation and a standard normal component without inner core were found

    Hospital admissions for vitamin D related conditions and subsequent immune-mediated disease: record-linkage studies

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    PMCID: PMC3729414The electronic version of this article is the complete one and can be found online at: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1741-7015/11/171. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited

    Role of autofluorescence bronchoscopy in evaluation of bronchial mucosa after lung transplantation

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    Airway complications are a significant and persistent source of morbidity and mortality after lung transplantation; the incidence of these complications is around 15% with a mortality rate of 2- 3%. Airway complications arise, typically, the first two years post-transplant, and of these almost half are identified prior to discharge; their pathogenesis, as well as to opportunistic infections, appear to be related to the difficult revascularization of the bronchi resulting in chronic ischemia

    Reliability of computed tomography (CT) quantitative analysis in lung transplantation follow-up

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    Functional analysis of CT imaging in lung-transplanted patients is an emerging tool for the interpretation of parenchymal (patterns) evolution after lung transplantation (LT). Aim of this study was to determine the trends of pulmonary function (PFT) indices and quantitative CT parameters within 1-year followup. We prospectively collected PFT parameters (FEV1, FVC) and inspiration/expiration CT scans of LT patients at standard time-points (3-6-12 months). Specific gas volume (SV , ml/g) was measured on CT images as previously described (Salito et al, Radiology 2009; Aliverti et al, ERJ 2013). Selected quantitative indexes were lung volume at inspiration (V ) and the difference between inspiration and expiration SV normalized on expiration SV : \u394SV /SV EXP. Patients who experienced uneventful 12 months postoperative course after bilateral LT were included. Fifteen patients completed the trial. As expected, FEV1 and FVC values significantly improved at each time-point until the 12-month check. Correspondingly, V and \u394SV / SV EXP increased in the same fashion with a trend toward healthy values (Fig1, bottom panels). This preliminary trial evidenced the reliability of specific gas volume analysis as an attractive quantitative CT parameter of lung function after LT. Future studies are requested to verify the accuracy of specific gas volume analysis in the evaluation of patients with lung allograft dysfunction

    Trapianto di polmone da graft con bronco tracheale: aspetti tecnici e revisione della letteratura

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    Il caso descritto dimostra la fattibilit\ue0 tecnica di resezione bronchiale e segmentectomia del graft su banco. Tale procedura \ue8 risultata essere un ottimo espediente per permettere l\u2019impianto del polmone in assenza di rischi intraoperatori e di complicanze post-operatorie. Introduzione: La presenza di anomalie anatomiche a livello della trachea e dei bronchi principali rappresenta una condizione rara e spesso riscontrata occasionalmente, con un\u2019incidenza dello 0,1-0,5%. In letteratura vengono riportati solo 4 casi di trapianto polmonare bilaterale sequenziale in cui nel donatore sia presente un bronco tracheale e soltanto in uno di questi casi viene descritta l\u2019esecuzione di una segmentectomia apicale, dopo impianto, per permettere l\u2019anastomosi bronchiale. L\u2019approccio da seguire in tali situazioni risulta ancora controverso. Metodologia: Viene riportato un caso di trapianto polmonare bilaterale in paziente affetta da fibrosi cistica, da donatore portatore di bronco tracheale superiore destro emergente a circa 2 anelli dalla carena tracheale. Dopo l\u2019impianto del polmone sinistro, veniva eseguita su banco una resezione anatomica del segmento apicodorsale destro con sacrificio del bronco accessorio, con successivo impianto del graft destro con tecnica standard. Risultati: L\u2019intervento \ue8 risultato esente da eventi avversi ed il tempo operatorio sovrapponibile a quello della nostra casistica. L\u2019immediato decorso post-operatorio si \ue8 svolto in modo regolare con rapido svezzamento respiratorio. Non si sono verificate stenosi o deiscenze anastomotiche, n\ue8 perdite aree prolungate. Ad otto mesi dal trapianto la paziente \ue8 in discrete condizioni generali, in assenza di rigetto. Conclusioni: Il caso descritto dimostra la fattibilit\ue0 tecnica di resezione bronchiale e segmentectomia del graft su banco. Tale procedura \ue8 risultata essere un ottimo espediente per permettere l\u2019impianto del polmone in assenza di rischi intraoperatori e di complicanze post-operatorie

    Characteristics and patterns of care of endometrial cancer before and during COVID-19 pandemic

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    Objective: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak has correlated with the disruption of screening activities and diagnostic assessments. Endometrial cancer (EC) is one of the most common gynecological malignancies and it is often detected at an early stage, because it frequently produces symptoms. Here, we aim to investigate the impact of COVID-19 outbreak on patterns of presentation and treatment of EC patients. Methods: This is a retrospective study involving 54 centers in Italy. We evaluated patterns of presentation and treatment of EC patients before (period 1: March 1, 2019 to February 29, 2020) and during (period 2: April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021) the COVID-19 outbreak. Results: Medical records of 5,164 EC patients have been retrieved: 2,718 and 2,446 women treated in period 1 and period 2, respectively. Surgery was the mainstay of treatment in both periods (p=0.356). Nodal assessment was omitted in 689 (27.3%) and 484 (21.2%) patients treated in period 1 and 2, respectively (p<0.001). While, the prevalence of patients undergoing sentinel node mapping (with or without backup lymphadenectomy) has increased during the COVID-19 pandemic (46.7% in period 1 vs. 52.8% in period 2; p<0.001). Overall, 1,280 (50.4%) and 1,021 (44.7%) patients had no adjuvant therapy in period 1 and 2, respectively (p<0.001). Adjuvant therapy use has increased during COVID-19 pandemic (p<0.001). Conclusion: Our data suggest that the COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on the characteristics and patterns of care of EC patients. These findings highlight the need to implement healthcare services during the pandemic

    Action accessibility for categories of interest

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    We prove that every category of interest (in the sense of [17]) is action accessible in the sense of [8]. This fact allows us to give an intrinsic description of centers and centralizers in this class of categories. We give also some new examples of categories of interest, mainly arising from Loday's paper [11], [12] and [14]

    Characteristic subobjects in semi-abelian categories

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    We extend to semi-abelian categories the notion of characteristic subobject, which is widely used in group theory and in the theory of Lie algebras. Moreover, we show that many of the classical properties of characteristic subgroups of a group hold in the general semi-abelian context, or in stronger ones
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