789 research outputs found

    Reverse electrodialysis – Multi effect distillation heat engine fed by lithium chloride solutions

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    Salinity Gradient Heat Engines (SG-HEs) have been proposed as a promising technology for converting low-temperature heat into electricity. The SG-HE includes two different processes: (i) a salinity gradient process where the salinity gradient between two solutions is converted into electricity and (ii) a thermal regeneration process where low-grade heat (T<100°C) is used to re-establish the original salinity gradient of the two streams. Among the proposed working solutions, aqueous solution of lithium chloride has been identified as one of the most promising thanks to its remarkable solubility and activity. In this work, a process model to study the performance of a SG-HE constituted by a Reverse ElectroDialysis (RED) unit coupled with a Multi Effect Distillation (MED) unit fed with lithium chloride solution is presented. The influence of the concentration of the inlet solution in the RED unit and the temperature difference in the evaporators of the MED unit on the performance were evaluated by considering ideal membranes. Furthermore, the impact of membrane permselectivity and resistance on the system performance was evaluated. Results showed promising system efficiencies, making this technology attractive for conversion of low-grade heat (<100°C) into electricity, but membrane properties should be enhanced

    La francophonie: An Alternative to Americanization

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    This paper will discuss la francophonie as the French response to globalization. Originating during a period of deep cultural and political transformation for the French nation, the Francophone community today has developed into an alternative to the Anglo‐Saxon political and cultural model. Through an examination of French national identity, we will look at how la francophonie serves as a vehicle in the promotion of French cultural values even while it maintains the French cultural influence in an international context

    ACCT 115-001: Fund of Financial Accounting

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    Fluid-structure interaction and flow redistribution in membrane-bounded channels

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    The hydrodynamics of electrodialysis and reverse electrodialysis is commonly studied by neglecting membrane deformation caused by transmembrane pressure (TMP). However, large frictional pressure drops and differences in fluid velocity or physical properties in adjacent channels may lead to significant TMP values. In previous works, we conducted one-way coupled structural-CFD simulations at the scale of one periodic unit of a profiled membrane/channel assembly and computed its deformation and frictional characteristics as functions of TMP. In this work, a novel fluid-structure interaction model is presented, which predicts, at the channel pair scale, the changes in flow distribution associated with membrane deformations. The continuity and Darcy equations are solved in two adjacent channels by treating them as porous media and using the previous CFD results to express their hydraulic permeability as a function of the local TMP. Results are presented for square stacks of 0.6-m sides in cross and counter flow at superficial velocities of 1 to 10 cm/s. At low velocities, the corresponding low TMP does not significantly affect the flow distribution. As the velocity increases, the larger membrane deformation causes significant fluid redistribution. In the cross flow, the departure of the local superficial velocity from a mean value of 10 cm/s ranges between -27% and +39%

    Evaluation of the economic and environmental performance of low-temperature heat to power conversion using a reverse electrodialysis - Multi-effect distillation system

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    In the examined heat engine, reverse electrodialysis (RED) is used to generate electricity from the salinity difference between two artificial solutions. The salinity gradient is restored through a multi-effect distillation system (MED) powered by low-temperature waste heat at 100 ◦C. The current work presents the first comprehensive economic and environmental analysis of this advanced concept, when varying the number of MED effects, the system sizing, the salt of the solutions, and other key parameters. The levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) has been calculated, showing that competitive solutions can be reached only when the system is at least medium to large scale. The lowest LCOE, at about 0.03 €/kWh, is achieved using potassium acetate salt and six MED effects while reheating the solutions. A similar analysis has been conducted when using the system in energy storage mode, where the two regenerated solutions are stored in reservoir tanks and the RED is operating for a few hours per day, supplying valuable peak power, resulting in a LCOE just below 0.10 €/kWh. A life-cycle assessment has been also carried out, showing that the case with the lowest environmental impact is the same as the one with the most attractive economic performance. Results indicate that the material manufacturing has the main impact; primarily the metallic parts of the MED. Overall, this study highlights the development efforts required in terms of both membrane performance and cost reduction, in order to make this technology cost effective in the future

    Adsorption from Solution

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    A major problem of the thermodynamic theory of adsorption at the solid/liquid interface is concerned with the definition of the heterogeneous surface in terms of mathematically treatable model. The paper gives a review of the theoretical approaches applied to studies of adsorption from concentrated and diluted binary mixtures. Experimental work has enjoyed much success since the uniform surface, graphitized carbon blacks became available. Results are described and discussed of measurements of heats of immersion on such surfaces

    Optimization of net power density in Reverse Electrodialysis

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    Reverse Electrodialysis (RED) extracts electrical energy from the salinity difference between two solutions using selective ion exchange membranes. In RED, conditions yielding a large net power density (NPD) are generally desired, due to the still large cost of the membranes. NPD depends on a large number of physical and geometric parameters. Some of these, for example the inlet concentrations of concentrate and diluate, can be regarded as “scenario” variables, imposed by external constraints (e.g., availability) or chosen by different criteria than NPD maximization. Others, namely the thicknesses HCONC, HDIL and the velocities UCONC, UDIL in the concentrate and diluate channels, can be regarded as free design parameters and can be chosen so as to maximize NPD. In the present study, a simplified model of a RED stack was coupled with an optimization algorithm in order to determine the conditions of maximum NPD in the space of the variables HCONC, HDIL,UCONC, UDIL for different sets of “scenario” variables. The study shows that an optimal choice of the free design parameters for any given scenario, as opposed to the adoption of standard fixed values for the same parameters, may provide significant improvements in NPD