44 research outputs found

    Sur quelques esp\ue8ces nouvelles de champignons inf\ue9rieurs

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    Volume: 19Start Page: 291End Page: 29

    La Phthiriose du Caféier au Cameroun

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    Maublanc A., Roger L. La Phthiriose du Caféier au Cameroun. In: Revue de botanique appliquée et d'agriculture coloniale, 15ᵉ année, bulletin n°161, janvier 1935. pp. 25-32

    Multiple Routing Strategies in a Labelled Network

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    We present here models and algorithms for the construction of efficient path systems, robust to possible variations of the characteristics of the network. We propose some interpretations of these models and proceed to numerical experimentations of the related algorithms. We conclude with a discussion of the way those concepts may be applied to the design of a Public Transportation System