218 research outputs found

    Third workshop on full-body and multisensory experience

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    The workshop on "Full-Body and Multisensory Experience" aims at discussing the rich possibilities that the body offers to experience the external world and the prospects that arise for interaction designers when these often-neglected abilities are taken into account. In particular, the workshop will focus on the rediscovery of the human senses, either alone or in a multimodal combination, and of the perceptual-motor abilities of our body. The one-day workshop is divided in three steps: first phase is for the generation of ideas on multisensory interfaces, in the second phase, participants will have the possibilities to explore and rediscover their sensorimotor abilities through several exercises and games; in the third and last phase, there will be a further creative session in order to evaluate how the full body and multisensory activities have fostered people's creative processes. The aim of the whole experience is twofold: first, inspiring participants in designing novel concepts for multisensory interfaces; second, providing a preliminary study on the effect of these exercises in fostering creativity and supporting the design process of multisensory interfaces

    Gulf of Maine seals - populations, problems and priorities

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    Meeting held: May 28th – 29th 2009, WHOI, Quissett Campus, Sponsored by the Marine Mammal Center at WHOIAs pinniped populations shift and change along the northeast U.S. and Canadian coastline, so too do the interests and issues of regional residents, scientists and stakeholders. In May 2009 the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) sponsored a meeting resulting in recommendations in three key areas regarding pinnipeds: population dynamics, human interaction and disease/health. The population group recommended: developing long-term surveys over all seasons and geographic ranges, coordinating sampling efforts for dietary research, refining correction factors for survey results, increasing documentation of fishery interactions and developing means of funding. The human interactions group recommended: addressing marine debris, developing survey, reporting and retrieval protocols for discarded fishing gear, studying impact of and expanding education and outreach for commercial seal watching, researching methods to deter depredation from fishing gear, streamlining the permitting processes for acoustic deterrent and gear modification research, and increasing cooperative research and outreach to the fishing community. The health and disease working group recommended: establishing baseline health indicators, addressing priority disease concerns, creating a pool of resources for standardized analysis of normal and unusual health event monitoring, determining standard health baselines for release, establishing a health consortium, improving communication along the coastline and establishing long term funding and ongoing collaboration.Funding was provided by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Marine Mammal Cente

    First-in-man craniectomy and asportation of solitary cerebellar metastasis in COVID-19 patient: A case report

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    Introduction: Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) outbreak has an impact on the delivery of neurosurgical care, and it is changing the perioperative practice worldwide. We present the first case in the literature of craniectomy procedure and asportation of a solitary cerebellar metastasis of the oesophagus squamous carcinoma in a 77 years old woman COVID-19 positive. In these particular circumstances, we show that adequate healthcare resources and risk assessments are essential in the management of COVID-19 patients referred to emergency surgery. Presentation of case: The case here presented was treated in 2019 for squamous carcinoma of the oesophagus. In April 2020, she presented a deterioration of her clinical picture consisting of dysphagia, abdominal pain, hyposthenia and ataxia. A Head CT scan was performed, which showed the presence of a solitary cerebellar metastasis. Her associated SARS-CoV-2 positivity status represented the principal clinical concern throughout her hospitalisation. Discussion: The patient underwent a suboccipital craniectomy procedure with metastasis asportation. She tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 in the pre- and post-operative phases, but she was not admitted to the intensive care unit because she did not present any respiratory complications. Her vital parameters and inflammation indexes fell within the reference ranges, and she was kept in isolation for 16 days in our neurosurgical unit following strict COVID-19 measures. She was asymptomatic and not treated for any of the specific and non-specific symptoms of COVID-19. Conclusion: This is the first case reported of solitary cerebellar metastasis of oesophagus carcinoma operated on a COVID-19 positive patient. It shows that asymptomatic COVID-19 positive patients can undergo major emergency surgeries without the risk of infecting the operating team if adequate Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) is used. The patient remained asymptomatic and did not develop the disease's active phase despite undergoing a stressful event such as a major emergency neurosurgical procedure. In the current crisis, a prophylactic COVID-19 screening test can identify asymptomatic patients undergoing major emergency surgery and adequate resource planning and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for healthcare workers can minimise the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic

    Development of a one-step duplex RT-qPCR for the quantification of phocine distemper virus

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    Author Posting. © Wildlife Disease Association, 2015. This article is posted here by permission of Wildlife Disease Association for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Wildlife Diseases 51 (2015): 454-465, doi:10.7589/2014-05-142.Worldwide, stranded marine mammals and the network personnel who respond to marine mammal mortality have provided much of the information regarding marine morbillivirus infections. An assay to determine the amount of virus present in tissue samples would be useful to assist in routine surveying of animal health and for monitoring large-scale die-off events. False negatives from poor-quality samples prevent determination of the true extent of infection, while only small amounts of tissue samples or archived RNA may be available at the time of collection for future retrospective analysis. We developed a one-step duplex real-time reverse transcriptase-quantitative-PCR assay (RT-qPCR) based on Taqman probe technology to quantify phocine distemper virus (PDV) isolated from an outbreak in harbor (Phoca vitulina concolor) and gray seals (Halichoerus grypus) along the northeast US coast in 2006. The glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate-dehydrogenase (GAPDH) gene was selected to assess RNA quality. This duplex assay is specific for PDV and sensitive through a range of 100 to 109 copies ds-plasmid DNA. For the GAPDH target, the reaction in duplex amplified 100 to 109 copies of ds-plasmid DNA and was detectable in multiple seal species. This assay reduced the likelihood of false negative results due to degradation of tissues and well-to-well variability while providing sensitive and specific detection of PDV, which would be applicable in molecular epidemiologic studies and pathogen detection in field and laboratory investigations involving a variety of seal species.This project was possible thanks to the John H. Prescott Marine Mammal Rescue Assistance Grant Program (Grant NA10NMF4390260) and with support from the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration/University of Connecticut Oceans and Human Health I-RICH Fellowship.2016-04-0

    Constraints on the quantum gravity scale from kappa - Minkowski spacetime

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    We compare two versions of deformed dispersion relations (energy vs momenta and momenta vs energy) and the corresponding time delay up to the second order accuracy in the quantum gravity scale (deformation parameter). A general framework describing modified dispersion relations and time delay with respect to different noncommutative kappa -Minkowski spacetime realizations is firstly proposed here and it covers all the cases introduced in the literature. It is shown that some of the realizations provide certain bounds on quadratic corrections, i.e. on quantum gravity scale, but it is not excluded in our framework that quantum gravity scale is the Planck scale. We also show how the coefficients in the dispersion relations can be obtained through a multiparameter fit of the gamma ray burst (GRB) data.Comment: 9 pages, final published version, revised abstract, introduction and conclusion, to make it clear to general reade

    Morpho-chemical observations of human deciduous teeth enamel in response to biomimetic toothpastes treatment

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    Today, biomaterial research on biomimetic mineralization strategies represents a new challenge in the prevention and cure of enamel mineral loss on delicate deciduous teeth. Distinctive assumptions about the origin, the growth, and the functionalization on the biomimetic materials have been recently proposed by scientific research studies in evaluating the different clinical aspects of treating the deciduous tooth. Therefore, appropriate morpho-chemical observations on delivering specific biomaterials to enamel teeth is the most important factor for controlling biomineralization processes. Detailed morpho-chemical investigations of the treated enamel layer using three commercial toothpastes (Biorepair, F1400, and F500) were performed through variable pressure scanning electron microscopy (VP-SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) on deciduous teeth in their native state. A new microscopy methodology allowed us to determine the behaviors of silicate, phosphate, and calcium contents from the early stage, as commercially available toothpastes, to the final stage of delivered diffusion, occurring within the enamel layer together with their penetration depth properties. The reported results represent a valuable background towards full comprehension of the role of organic-inorganic biomaterials for developing a controlled biomimetic toothpaste in biofluid media

    Crucial role of androgen receptor in vascular H2S biosynthesis induced by testosterone.

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Hydrogen sulphide (H2S) is a gaseous mediator strongly involved in cardiovascular homeostasis, where it provokes vasodilation. Having previously shown that H2S contributes to testosterone (T) induced vasorelaxation, here we aim to uncover the mechanisms underlying this effect. EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH: H2S biosynthesis was evaluated in rat isolated aorta rings following androgen receptor (AR) stimulation. Co-immunoprecipitation and surface plasmon resonance analysis have been performed to investigate mechanisms involved in AR activation. KEY RESULTS: H2S biosynthesis is associated to activation of AR by testosterone or androgen agonist mesterolone and blocked by AR antagonist nilutamide. This event is linked to AR-multicomplex-derived heath shock protein 90 (hsp90), since its specific inhibitor geldanamycin strongly reduced T-induced H2S production. Neither progesterone nor 17-β-oestradiol actions did account for H2S release. Furthermore, we found that cystathionine gamma lyase (CSE), the main vascular H2S-synthesizing enzyme, is physically associated to AR/hsp90 complex and the generation of such a ternary system represents a key event leading to CSE activation. Finally, H2S levels in human blood collected from male healthy volunteers were higher than those observed in female samples. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS: Here, we demonstrated that selective activation of the AR is essential for H2S biosynthesis within vascular tissue and this event is based on formation of a ternary complex among CSE, AR and hsp90. This novel molecular mechanism operating in vascular district, corroborated by higher H2S level in males, suggested that L-cysteine/CSE/H2S pathway may be preferentially activated in males leading to a gender-related H2S biosynthesis

    Self-assembly of glycoprotein nanostructured filaments for modulating extracellular networks at long range

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    The intriguing capability of branched glycoprotein filaments to change their hierarchical organization, mediated by external biophysical stimuli, continues to expand understanding of self-assembling strategies that can dynamically rearrange networks at long range. Previous research has explored the corresponding biological, physiological and genetic mechanisms, focusing on protein assemblies within a limited range of nanometric units. Using direct microscopy bio-imaging, we have determined the morpho-structural changes of self-assembled filament networks of the zona pellucida, revealing controlled levels of structured organizations to join distinct evolved stages of the oocyte (Immature, Mature, and Fertilized). This natural soft network reorganizes its corresponding hierarchical network to generate symmetric, asymmetric, and ultimately a state with the lowest asymmetry of the outer surface roughness, and internal pores reversibly changed from elliptical to circular configurations at the corresponding stages. These elusive morpho-structural changes are regulated by the nanostructured polymorphisms of the branched filaments by self-extension/-contraction/-bending processes, modulated by determinate theoretical angles among repetitive filament units. Controlling the nanoscale self-assembling properties by delivering a minimum number of activation bio-signals may be triggered by these specific nanostructured polymorphic organizations. Finally, this research aims to guide this soft biomaterial into a desired state to protect oocytes, eggs, and embryos during development, to favour/prevent the fertilization/polyspermy processes and eventually to impact interactions with bacteria/virus at multiscale levels.The intriguing capability of branched glycoprotein filaments to change their hierarchical organization, mediated by external biophysical stimuli, continues to expand understanding of self-assembling strategies that can dynamically rearrange networks at long range

    Kinematics of a relativistic particle with de Sitter momentum space

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    We discuss kinematical properties of a free relativistic particle with deformed phase space in which momentum space is given by (a submanifold of) de Sitter space. We provide a detailed derivation of the action, Hamiltonian structure and equations of motion for such free particle. We study the action of deformed relativistic symmetries on the phase space and derive explicit formulas for the action of the deformed Poincare' group. Finally we provide a discussion on parametrization of the particle worldlines stressing analogies and differences with ordinary relativistic kinematics.Comment: RevTeX, 12 pages, no figure

    Biocompatibility and antibiofilm properties of calcium silicate-based cements: An in vitro evaluation and report of two clinical cases

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    Calcium silicate-based cements have reached excellent levels of performance in endodon-tics, providing predictable and successful results. To better assess the properties of these bioactive materials, the present study aimed to compare the biocompatibility and antibiofilm properties of ProRoot MTA and Biodentine. Human osteogenic sarcoma (Saos-2) cells were cultured on ProRoot MTA and Biodentine samples or in the presence of both cement extracts. Cell viability assay, meas-urement of reactive oxygen species (ROS), immunofluorescence analysis, as well as morphological evaluations were conducted. Moreover, Streptococcus mutans was used to assess the biofilm forming ability on ProRoot MTA and Biodentine disks. Finally, both cements were applied in vivo to treat immature permanent teeth affected by reversible pulpitis. Results: Cell viability assay demonstrated that Saos-2 cells had a dose-and time-dependent cytotoxicity to both analyzed cements, although cells exposed to ProRoot MTA showed a better cell vitality than those exposed to Biodentine (p < 0.001). Both cements demonstrated ROS production while this was greater in the case of Biodentine than ProRoot MTA (p < 0.001). Immunofluorescence images of the cytoskeleton and focal adhesions showed no differences in Saos-2 cells grown in the presence of ProRoot MTA eluate; whereas in the Biodentine groups, cells showed a morphology and focal adhesions more similar to that of the control sample, as the eluate concentration decreased. Morphological analysis revealed that Saos-2 cells were more flattened and exhibited better spreading when attached to ProRoot MTA disks than to Biodentine ones. The antibiofilm properties showed a time-dependent powerful inhibition of S. mutans superficial colonization and an antibiofilm effect of both cements. Clinically, complete root formation of the treated elements was achieved using the two studied cements, showing stable results over time. ProRoot MTA and Biodentine was demonstrated to be biocompatible and to possess antibiofilm properties. Their clinical application in vital pulp therapy provided successful outcomes after 2 years of follow-up
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