46 research outputs found

    Mikroszatellita-instabilitás előfordulása, intratumoralis heterogenitása, prognosztikus és prediktív potenciálja primer colorectalis carcinomák és párosított májáttéteik sebészi kezelését követően

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    Absztrakt Bevezetés: A vastagbéldaganatokra jellemző genetikai instabilitás megnyilvánulhat több úton: kromoszomális instabilitás, mikroszatellita-instabilitás, illetve „CpG-island methylator phenotype”. Ezek pontosabb karakterizálásával a rendelkezésre álló kezelések elviekben optimalizálhatók lehetnek. Célkitűzés: A szerzők a mikroszatellita-instabilitás előfordulását, heterogenitását, prognosztikus és prediktív potenciálját vizsgálták 122 primer colontumor szisztematikusan szelektált régióiban és 69 párosított májmetasztázisban. Módszer: Szöveti multiblokkok kialakítása után az MLH1, MSH2, MSH6 és PMS2 kifejeződését vizsgálták immunhisztokémiai módszerrel. Eredmények: A betegek 11,5%-a (14/122) rendelkezett mikroszatellita-instabil fenotípusú daganattal. A különböző tumorrégiók fehérjekifejeződésében nem volt jelentős különbség. A primer tumor–májmetasztázis párok esetében 20,2%-ban a kettő más mismatch repair státusba volt sorolható. A relapsusmentes és teljes túlélést tekintve a mismatch repair státus nem volt prognosztikus. Az 5-fluorouracil-, oxaliplatin-, irinotecan-, bevacizumab-, cetuximab-, panitumumabterápia hatékonyságát tekintve mismatch repair státus nem volt prediktív a progressziómentes és teljes túlélés adatai alapján. Következtetések: A prognosztikus faktorok pontosabb meghatározása nagyobb esetszámú, pontosan szelektált vizsgálat keretében hatékonyabbá teheti a kezelés megválasztását. Orv. Hetil., 2015, 156(36), 1460–1471

    Heterogén vastagbéldaganat: a fogazott útvonalon kialakuló, sporadikus laesiók jelentősége a klinikai gyakorlatban = Colorectal cancer heterogeneity: the clinical impact of sporadic lesions arising via the serrated pathway

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    Today, colorectal cancer is regarded as a heterogeneous disease. Its heterogeneity is caused by genetic alterations, molecular aberrations, different developing pathways as well as by micro- and macroenviromental agents. In the last decade, beside the classic genetic model for colorectal tumuorgenesis that follows the adenoma-carcinoma sequence, an alternative pathway has been identified. This pathway is called the serrated pathway and it is responsible for approximately one third of all colorectal lesions. Beyond their dissimilar molecular characteristics, these tumours also show different macroscopic and histologic appearance. Moreover, their malignant potency and progressive ability distinguish them from tumours of the classic genetic model. The aim of this review is to summarize the molecular and pathologic features of serrated lesions and the serrated pathway to colorectal cancer and to highlight their clinical impact

    A várandósság alatti emlőrák kezelése = Treatment of pregnancy associated breast cancer

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    Terhességi emlőráknak a várandósság ideje alatt, illetve a szülést követő egy éven belül kialakuló rosszindulatú emlődaganatot nevezzük. Háromezer várandós nőből körülbelül 1-ben alakul ki. A tumor incidenciája növekedő tendenciát mutat, amelyben elsősorban a gyermekvállalás egyre későbbi életkorra való kitolódása játszhat szerepet. A várandós állapot késlekedést okozhat mind a diagnózis felállításában, mind a megfelelő kezelés elindításában. Közleményünkben egy 30 éves nőbeteg esetét ismertetjük, aki első terhességének 21. hetében önvizsgálat során észlelte a jobb emlő bőrének gyulladásos elváltozását, és a hónaljárokban levő megnagyobbodott nyirokcsomókat. Az antibiotikus kezelésre a páciens panaszai nem javultak, ezért az axillaris képlet vékonytű-aspirációs citológiai vizsgálatát végezték el, amelynek során metasztatikus emlőrák igazolódott. A klinikánkon végzett vizsgálat során cT4 cN3 lokoregionális kiterjedésű daganatot véleményeztünk. Az emlő bőrének elváltozása gyulladásos emlőrákra utalt, emellett axillaris, valamint supraclavicularis nyirokcsomó-konglomerátumot is tapintottunk. A core-bioptátum értékelése során hormonreceptor-negatív, Her-2-pozitív, grade III differenciáltságú invazív carcinoma igazolódott. Neonatológiai és onkológiai konzíliumot követően a beteg úgy döntött, hogy a várandósság alatt elzárkózik a kemoterápiás kezeléstől, ezért a 30. gesztációs héten elektív császármetszést végeztünk. A további vizsgálatok távoli áttétet nem igazoltak, így primer szisztémás kemoterápiát kezdtünk, majd ezt követően mastectomia és axillaris blokkdisszekció történt. Az eltávolított emlőállományban visszamaradt tumort a kórszövettani vizsgálat során már nem azonosítottunk, a szöveti kép alapján komplett patológiai remissziót véleményeztünk. A sugárkezelés befejezése után trastuzumabkezelést indítottunk. Az ellenőrző vizsgálatok a páciensnél eddig sem helyi kiújulást, sem távoli áttétet nem igazoltak. Az újszülött generalizált izomtónus-eloszlási zavarok miatt jelenleg is fejlődésneurológiai gondozás alatt áll. | Pregnancy-associated breast cancer (PABC) is defined as cancer of the breast diagnosed during pregnancy and up to 1 year postpartum. The crude incidence is 1/3000 pregnant women. As women delay childbearing the incidence of PABC increases with age. Young patients with PABC do not have worse prognosis compared with those with non-PABC; however, pregnancy can contribute to a delay in breast cancer diagnosis, evaluation, and treatment. Primary care physicians and gynecologists should be careful in the thorough workup of breast symptoms in the pregnant population to expedite diagnosis and allow multidisciplinary treatment as early as possible following the established diagnosis. Authors report a case of a 30-year-old pregnant woman, who detected inflammatory signs of her right breast and a palpable axillary mass at the 21st week of gestation. Her symptoms did not improve with administration of antibiotics. Therefore fine needle aspiration biopsy of the axillary lump was performed, with the result of unequivocal diagnosis of metastatic invasive carcinoma. The patient was referred to the multidisciplinary tumor board of our Department at the 27st week of gestation with the symptoms of inflammatory breast cancer, palpable right axillary and supraclavicular lymph nodes. Core biopsy showed an ER and PR negative, Her-2 positive, grade 3, infiltrating ductal carcinoma of the breast. After multidisciplinary team consultation the patient declined any kind of therapy during her pregnancy. On the 30th week of gestation caesarean section was performed. The premature baby girl was treated in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Imaging modalities revealed no evidence of distant metastases short after the delivery. After 6 cycles of chemotherapy (docetaxel-doxorubicin-cycclophosphamid) the patient underwent right mastectomy and axillary lymph node dissection. Complete pathological response was diagnosed, since no residual tumor was found in the surgical resection specimen. After radiotherapy, trastuzumab medication was initiated. To date, there is no evidence of local recurrence or distant metastases during her 24 months follow-up. The newborn is on close neurohabilitation folow-up due to the evidence of generalized muscle dystonia. Had the patient accepted chemotherapy, the damage of the newborn baby would have been avoidable

    Deep Proteomic Analysis on Biobanked Paraffine-Archived Melanoma with Prognostic/Predictive Biomarker Read-Out

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    SIMPLE SUMMARY: Malignant melanoma is one of the most aggressive cancer types among the solid tumors; therefore, more clinically applicable protein biomarkers predicting survival and therapy response have mandatory importance, impacting patient treatment. The aim of the study was to discover new proteins in biobanked FFPE samples that relate to progression-free survival and response to targeted- and immuno-therapies in patients with melanoma. Protein expressions were detected and quantified by high-resolution mass spectrometry and were integrated with the clinical data and in-depth histopathology characterization. Sample groups with distinct protein expression profiles were connected to longer and shorter survival as well as other clinicopathologic features. In addition, key regulating proteins were assigned, as predictive of progression-free survival in immuno- and/or targeted therapy. Some of the proteins exhibited functionally important correlations to progression and therapy response, which ultimately contributes to a better understanding of melanoma pathology. ABSTRACT: The discovery of novel protein biomarkers in melanoma is crucial. Our introduction of formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tumor protocol provides new opportunities to understand the progression of melanoma and open the possibility to screen thousands of FFPE samples deposited in tumor biobanks and available at hospital pathology departments. In our retrospective biobank pilot study, 90 FFPE samples from 77 patients were processed. Protein quantitation was performed by high-resolution mass spectrometry and validated by histopathologic analysis. The global protein expression formed six sample clusters. Proteins such as TRAF6 and ARMC10 were upregulated in clusters with enrichment for shorter survival, and proteins such as AIFI1 were upregulated in clusters with enrichment for longer survival. The cohort’s heterogeneity was addressed by comparing primary and metastasis samples, as well comparing clinical stages. Within immunotherapy and targeted therapy subgroups, the upregulation of the VEGFA-VEGFR2 pathway, RNA splicing, increased activity of immune cells, extracellular matrix, and metabolic pathways were positively associated with patient outcome. To summarize, we were able to (i) link global protein expression profiles to survival, and they proved to be an independent prognostic indicator, as well as (ii) identify proteins that are potential predictors of a patient’s response to immunotherapy and targeted therapy, suggesting new opportunities for precision medicine developments

    In depth evaluation of the prognostic and predictive utility of PTEN immunohistochemistry in colorectal carcinomas: performance of three antibodies with emphasis on intracellular and intratumoral heterogeneity.

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    BACKGROUND: Phosphatase and tensin homolog deleted in chromosome 10 (PTEN) loss of function is frequently detected in advanced colorectal cancer. Its detection is thought to have prognostic significance and it is being considered to predict responsiveness to anti-EGFR therapy. Unfortunately, while immunohistochemical assessment of PTEN expression is widespread, it lacks standardization and the results are hardly comparable across the available publications. METHODS: Retrospectively collected, formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded colorectal tumor tissue samples from 55 patients were combined into tissue microarray (TMA) blocks. We used three different PTEN antibodies to determine the frequency, intensity and intracellular pattern of PTEN immunohistochemical labeling: Neomarkers, Dako and CellSignaling. We evaluated the aforementioned parameters in selected regions of colorectal cancers and in their lymph node metastases by using three scoring methods that take into consideration both staining frequency and intensity (H1-H3-score). We also evaluated intracellular localization. RESULTS: The Dako and CellSignaling antibodies stained predominantly cytoplasms, while the Neomarkers antibody specifically stained cell nuclei. PTEN H-scores were significantly lower in all tumor areas as compared to the normal colonic mucosa based on staining with the DAKO and CellSignaling antibodies. Intratumoral regional differences or differences between matching tumors and metastases were not detected with any of the antibodies. Neither Dako, neither CellSignaling, nor the Neomarkers antibodies revealed a significant correlation between PTEN expression and pT, Dukes/MAC and clinical stage. KRAS status, histological grade correlated with PTEN H-scores based on staining with the Neomarkers antibody. PTEN H-scores did not correlate with MMR status. PTEN H-scores did not show any correlation with relapse-free survival based on staining with either antibody. CONCLUSIONS: While PTEN expression decreased in colorectal cancer according to two antibodies, neither of the three applied PTEN antibodies could justify significant correlation with clinicopathological data, nor had prognostic value. Thus, we might conclude that immunohistochemical PTEN investigation remains a challenge requiring more standardized evaluation on larger number of cases to clarify its utility as a prognostic and predictive tool in CRC. The standardization of immunohistochemical method is key in the evaluation process, which is further discussed

    Identifying Resistance Mechanisms against Five Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors Targeting the ERBB/RAS Pathway in 45 Cancer Cell Lines

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    Because of the low overall response rates of 10-47% to targeted cancer therapeutics, there is an increasing need for predictive biomarkers. We aimed to identify genes predicting response to five already approved tyrosine kinase inhibitors. We tested 45 cancer cell lines for sensitivity to sunitinib, erlotinib, lapatinib, sorafenib and gefitinib at the clinically administered doses. A resistance matrix was determined, and gene expression profiles of the subsets of resistant vs. sensitive cell lines were compared. Triplicate gene expression signatures were obtained from the caArray project. Significance analysis of microarrays and rank products were applied for feature selection. Ninety-five genes were also measured by RT-PCR. In case of four sunitinib resistance associated genes, the results were validated in clinical samples by immunohistochemistry. A list of 63 top genes associated with resistance against the five tyrosine kinase inhibitors was identified. Quantitative RT-PCR analysis confirmed 45 of 63 genes identified by microarray analysis. Only two genes (ANXA3 and RAB25) were related to sensitivity against more than three inhibitors. The immunohistochemical analysis of sunitinib-treated metastatic renal cell carcinomas confirmed the correlation between RAB17, LGALS8, and EPCAM and overall survival. In summary, we determined predictive biomarkers for five tyrosine kinase inhibitors, and validated sunitinib resistance biomarkers by immunohistochemistry in an independent patient cohort. © 2013 Pénzváltó et al