9 research outputs found

    Kongenitalni nefroblastom ploda holštajnsko-frizijske pasmine.

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    A seven-year-old Holstein-Friesian cow was brought to the hospital with signs of dystocia in the eighth month of gestation. The dystocia was relieved and a dead male fetus removed. The fetus had a significantly distended abdomen. At necropsy, the fetus showed a very large, round and well encapsulated extra renal mass in the abdominal cavity. The cut surfaces of the mass showed a white, caulifl ower-like growth with red surfaces. The lobules were spongy and distinctly demarcated by fat and hemorrhages. Microscopic examination of the tissue sections revealed blastemal, epithelial and mesenchymal elements. These cells were round to oval in shape with scanty cytoplasm. The nuclei were spherical, sometimes vesicular and hyperchromatic. The epithelial structures resembled the development of tubulo-glomerulogenesis. The mesenchymal cells were polyhedral in shape, found between the tubules. The gross and microscopic features of the tissue sections were consistent with a diagnosis of nephroblastoma.Krava holštajnsko-frizijske pasmine u dobi od sedam godina i osmom mjesecu steonosti dopremljena je na bolnički pregled sa znakovima distocije. Pri teškom teljenju uklonjen je uginuli muški plod. Plod je imao znatno povećan trbuh. Pri razudbi je ustanovljeno da je imao vrlo veliku, okruglu i dobro učahurenu tvorevinu oko bubrega u trbušnoj šupljini. Tvorevina je nalikovala na cvjetaču bjelkaste boje s crvenkastom površinom. Lobuli su bili spužvasti i jasno razgraničeni masnim tkivom s nalazom krvarenja. Mikroskopskom pretragom ustanovljene su primitivne epitelne i mezenhimne stanice. One su bile okrugle do jajolike s malo citoplazme. Jezgre su im bile okrugle, mjestimično mjehuričaste i hiperkromatske. Epitelna građa podsjećala je na tubuloglomerulogenezu. Mezenhimne stanice bile su višestraničnog oblika, smještene između tubula. Makroskopski i mikroskopski nalaz na prerezu tkiva ukazivao je na nefroblastom

    The contribution of associated congenital anomalies in understanding Hirschsprung’s disease

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