3,543 research outputs found

    Ringlike inelastic events in cosmic rays and accelerators

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    In cosmic rays and in accelerators there were observed single inelastic processes with densely produced (azimuthally isotropic) groups of particles exhibiting spikes in the pseudorapidity plot of an individual event (i.e. ringlike events). Theoretically the existence of such processes was predicted as a consequence of Cerenkov gluon radiation or, more generally, of deconfinement radiation. Nowadays some tens of such events have been accumulated at 400 GeV and at 150 TeV. Analyzing ringlike events in proton-nucleon interactions at 400 GeV/c it is shown that they exhibit striking irregularity in the positions of pseudorapidity spikes' centers which tend to lie mostly at 55,90 and 125 deg in cms. It implies rather small deconfinement lengths of the order of some fermi

    Derived categories of Burniat surfaces and exceptional collections

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    We construct an exceptional collection Υ\Upsilon of maximal possible length 6 on any of the Burniat surfaces with KX2=6K_X^2=6, a 4-dimensional family of surfaces of general type with pg=q=0p_g=q=0. We also calculate the DG algebra of endomorphisms of this collection and show that the subcategory generated by this collection is the same for all Burniat surfaces. The semiorthogonal complement A\mathcal A of Υ\Upsilon is an "almost phantom" category: it has trivial Hochschild homology, and K_0(\mathcal A)=\bZ_2^6.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figure; further remarks expande

    Fermionic construction of partition functions for two-matrix models and perturbative Schur function expansions

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    A new representation of the 2N fold integrals appearing in various two-matrix models that admit reductions to integrals over their eigenvalues is given in terms of vacuum state expectation values of operator products formed from two-component free fermions. This is used to derive the perturbation series for these integrals under deformations induced by exponential weight factors in the measure, expressed as double and quadruple Schur function expansions, generalizing results obtained earlier for certain two-matrix models. Links with the coupled two-component KP hierarchy and the two-component Toda lattice hierarchy are also derived.Comment: Submitted to: "Random Matrices, Random Processes and Integrable Systems", Special Issue of J. Phys. A, based on the Centre de recherches mathematiques short program, Montreal, June 20-July 8, 200

    Fermionic construction of partition function for multi-matrix models and multi-component TL hierarchy

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    We use pp-component fermions (p=2,3,...)(p=2,3,...) to present (2p−2)N(2p-2)N-fold integrals as a fermionic expectation value. This yields fermionic representation for various (2p−2)(2p-2)-matrix models. Links with the pp-component KP hierarchy and also with the pp-component TL hierarchy are discussed. We show that the set of all (but two) flows of pp-component TL changes standard matrix models to new ones.Comment: 16 pages, submitted to a special issue of Theoretical and Mathematical Physic

    Engineered Optical Nonlocality in Nanostructured Metamaterials

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    We analyze dispersion properties of metal-dielectric nanostructured metamaterials. We demonstrate that, in a sharp contrast to the results for the corresponding effective medium, the structure demonstrates strong optical nonlocality due to excitation of surface plasmon polaritons that can be engineered by changing a ratio between the thicknesses of metal and dielectric layers. In particular, this nonlocality allows the existence of an additional extraordinary wave that manifests itself in the splitting of the TM-polarized beam scattered at an air-metamaterial interface

    Negative high-frequency differential conductivity in semiconductor superlattices

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    We examine the high-frequency differential conductivity response properties of semiconductor superlattices having various miniband dispersion laws. Our analysis shows that the anharmonicity of Bloch oscillations (beyond tight-binding approximation) leads to the occurrence of negative high-frequency differential conductivity at frequency multiples of the Bloch frequency. This effect can arise even in regions of positive static differential conductivity. The influence of strong electron scattering by optic phonons is analyzed. We propose an optimal superlattice miniband dispersion law to achieve high-frequency field amplification

    Semiorthogonal decompositions of derived categories of equivariant coherent sheaves

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    Let X be an algebraic variety with an action of an algebraic group G. Suppose X has a full exceptional collection of sheaves, and these sheaves are invariant under the action of the group. We construct a semiorthogonal decomposition of bounded derived category of G-equivariant coherent sheaves on X into components, equivalent to derived categories of twisted representations of the group. If the group is finite or reductive over the algebraically closed field of zero characteristic, this gives a full exceptional collection in the derived equivariant category. We apply our results to particular varieties such as projective spaces, quadrics, Grassmanians and Del Pezzo surfaces.Comment: 28 pages, uses XY-pi
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