2,414 research outputs found

    Pmp27 Promotes Peroxisomal Proliferation

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    Peroxisomes perform many essential functions in eukaryotic cells. The weight of evidence indicates that these organelles divide by budding from preexisting peroxisomes. This process is not understood at the molecular level. Peroxisomal proliferation can be induced in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by oleate. This growth substrate is metabolized by peroxisomal enzymes. We have identified a protein, Pmp27, that promotes peroxisomal proliferation. This protein, previously termed Pmp24, was purified from peroxisomal membranes, and the corresponding gene, PMP27, was isolated and sequenced. Prop27 shares sequence similarity with the Pmp30 family in Candida boidinii. Pmp27 is a hydrophobic peroxisomal membrane protein but it can be extracted by high pH, suggesting that it does not fully span the bilayer. Its expression is regulated by oleate. The function of Pmp27 was probed by observing the phenotype of strains in which the protein was eliminated by gene disruption or overproduced by expression from a multicopy plasmid. The strain containing the disruption (3B) was able to grow on all carbon sources tested, including oleate, although growth on oleate, glycerol, and acetate was slower than wild type. Strain 3B contained peroxisomes with all of the enzymes of β-oxidation. However, in addition to the presence of a few modestly sized peroxisomes seen in a typical thin section of a cell growing on oleate-containing medium, cells of strain 3B also contained one or two very large peroxisomes. In contrast, cells in a strain in which Pmp27 was overexpressed contained an increased number of normal-sized peroxisomes. We suggest that Pmp27 promotes peroxisomal proliferation by participating in peroxisomal elongation or fission.

    Kerjasama Indonesia Belanda dalam Pencegahan Penyelundupan Narkotika

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    This research is explain the cooperation done by Indonesia and the Netherlands in the effort of preventing smuggling of narcotics and distribution to Indonesia by transnational crime syndicate. The research method used in this research is qualitative method, descriptive research type of analysis, and through library data collection techniques. Analysis of cooperation was also conducted to test the follow-up of cooperation between the two parties, namely Indonesia and the Netherlands. Cooperation in this research is analyzed by using achievement approach and interest which can be elaborated with the framework of thinking that is realism paradigm, concept of bilateral cooperation, and interest concept. The results of this analysis then prove that the cooperation between Indonesia and the Netherlands implemented in the relationship JCLEC - CILC - Interpol, is a less effective cooperation because there are still many interests between the two parties. This is because the absence of an Indoneisa-Dutch extradition treaty is due to prosecute the defend Narcotics Crimes who escaped to the Netherlands can not be done even though there has been communication to both parties up to Interpol

    Konsepsi Penyelamatan Dana Desa dari Perbuatan Korupsi

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    This paper aims to analyze the management of village funds from corruption. The problem focuses on how the concept of saving village funds from corruption? This research is in the form of normative legal research with approach of legal norm and legal principles. The result of the research shows that the concept of fund grant from villages from corruption bundles, namely, First, MoU with community with the aim of committing to build village together with village fund monitoring team; Second, establishing an independent team of supervisors to oversee the running of village fund management processes; third, ready to be sworn the village apparatus in the oath by using the scriptures of each religion; four strict sanctions with a view to providing perpetrators of village funds

    Upaya Indonesia Dalam Mencegah Perdagangan Ilegal Senjata Api Berkaliber Kecil Dan Ringan Pada Tahun 2006-2008

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    Illicit trafficking of Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) is animportant issue as it can be the source of the emerging conflicts andtransnational crimes. Indonesia is one of the destination countries of thiscrime. This issue can be a threat for human rights, security, and thedevelopment of the country. Transnational crime theory, liberalinstitutionalism,and International regime, are used in this research.Those theories explain that cooperation and International regime areneeded by Indonesia to solve the Illicit trafficking of SALW. Therefore,Indonesia has adopted UNPoA as a standard to implement the preventionof Illicit trafficking of SALW's problem in national, regional, and globallevel. However, in 2007-2008, Illicit trafficking of SALW issue inIndonesia decreased after facing a previous significant increase. Thisresearch aims to know Indonesia's capability to prevent Illicit traffickingof SALW through UNPoA implementation. Descriptive-Analysis type ofresearch is used to describe the history of Illicit trafficking of SALW inIndonesia, then to analyse Indonesia's efforts through UNPoA byidentifying the obstacles and the stimulant. The results of this researchshows that Indonesia has been good enough to prevent Illicit traffickingof SALW. However, there had been some factors as geographic,economic, socio-culture, law, and foreign policy, that detained the effortsto prevent Illicit trafficking of SALW

    Nucleon Resonances and Quark Structure

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    A pedagogical review of the past 50 years of study of resonances, leading to our understanding of the quark content of baryons and mesons. The level of this review is intended for undergraduates or first-year graduate students. Topics covered include: the quark structure of the proton as revealed through deep inelastic scattering; structure functions and what they reveal about proton structure; and prospects for further studies with new and upgraded facilities, particularly a proposed electron-ion collider.Comment: 21 pages, 15 figure

    Implementasi Kerja Sama Indonesia-amerika Serikat Dalam Counter Terrorism: Hasil Program Diplomatic Security Service Antiterrorism Assistance Terhadap Kasus Terorisme Di Indonesia Tahun 2003-2014

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    Since the events of 9/11 were carried out Al-Qaeda group in the United States,the world back on to remind you that the crime of terrorism can be doneanytime and anywhere. Al-Qaeda group led by Osama bin Laden wanted toattack the United States and its allies to fight the oppression of Muslims bydeveloping a network to Indonesia. Groups in Indonesia who are convicted ofterrorism and has a style of thinking is similar to Al-Qaeda, namely JamaahIslamiyah, Jemaah Ansharut Tauhid, East Indonesian Mujahedeen and WestIndonesian Mujaheddin. In response to the terrorist acts, Indonesia incooperation with the United States to train law enforcement personnel of theRepublic of Indonesia is in the DSS/ATA (Diplomatic Security ServiceAntiterrorism Assistance). Literature and interviewing is a method to knowthe progress of the implementation of the cooperation. The initial results ofthis study showed that less than the maximum implementation of thiscooperation because there is some training that is not in its implementation.Then it can be concluded that the initial results of the study showed a negativecorrelation with the end result of research which states that the cooperationin the program DSS/ATA has been running well since the training has notbeen implemented yet due to terrorism cases should be dealt with using thetraining. After analysis, the authors also provide recommendations forcooperation between Indonesia and the United States in the DSS/AT

    Alasan Rusia Melibatkan Diri dalam Konflik Bersenjata Suriah Tahun 2011-2015

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    Arab Spring which was happened in 2011 had ceated nationwide protest movement of the Syrian people to throw the regime of the President Bashar Al Assad. The conflict that was, at first,only protest then turned into armed conflict where the government, opposition and terrorism groups such as ISIS and Jabhat Al Nusra involved. The number of the deaths caused by the conflict were then called by the UN as crime against humanity. The UN initiated Geneve Peace Talks as an agenda to hold a political transition towards Bashar Al Assad's regime. The effort was rejected by Russia Federation. In 2013, the U.S. and its alliance deployed its miltary forces in Syria to suport opposition group while in 2015 Russia then responded to the U.S. action by deploying its military troops in order to support the regime of Bashar Al Assad. This research is aimed to explain the motives of why Russia involved in the Syrian armed conflict. The research used qualitative method and Offensive Realism Theory by John J. Mearsheimer. The result of this research is that the involvement of Russia was meant to exercise its geopolitical influence in the Middle East and to repress the expansion of U.S. influence in Syria

    Perilaku Pemilih Menjelang Pilkada Serentak 2015 Di Kota Semarang

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    Indonesian political dynamics over the last 16 years since the Reformation movement initiated, the building shows the fragility of the Indonesian political experience. This can be seen how the level of community participation in the General Election in the Reformation era tend to decline until today. Election deemed not produce leaders who provide real change. This is exacerbated by the political system characterized transactional fraud. The purpose of this study was to look at the political behavior of society and give provisions regarding political education to the public ahead of the elections simultaneously in Semarang, especially in the Village Meteseh and Mangunharjo on December 2015. In this research use several theories: theory of rational choice and the theory of political participation

    Growing membranes in vitro by continuous phospholipid biosynthesis from free fatty acids

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    One of the key aspects that defines a cell as a living entity is its ability to self-reproduce. In this process, membrane biogenesis is an essential element. Here, we developed an in vitro phospholipid biosynthesis pathway based on a cascade of eight enzymes, starting from simple fatty acid building blocks and glycerol 3-phosphate. The reconstituted system yields multiple phospholipid species that vary in acyl-chain and polar head group compositions. Due to the high fidelity and versatility, complete conversion of the fatty acid substrates into multiple phospholipid species is achieved simultaneously, leading to membrane expansion as a first step towards a synthetic minimal cell
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