14 research outputs found

    Integrating pivot based search with branch and bound for binary MIPs

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    This paper examines integration of a sophisticated, pivot-based tabu search into branch and bound for 0-1 MIPS and global diversification tests using chunking. Issues related to behavior of a tabu search within a branch and bound algorithm are analyzed using computational experiments. Results are presented showing that the inclusion of the local search sometimes results in fewer and nodes and lower CPU times even when used in a callback mode. The main benefit in incorporating a pivot based heuristic is that an integer feasible solution can be found earlier in the branching process. Computational experiments are presented showing that for some instances the overall search time is improved, while for some others the tabu search can find good solutions quickly

    Tabu Search With Path Relinking For An Integrated Productiondistribution Problem

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    This paper deals with the problem of integrating production and distribution planning over periods of a finite horizon. We consider a capacity-constrained plant that produces a number of items distributed by a fleet of homogenous vehicles to customers with known demand for each item in each period. The production planning defines the amount of each item produced in every period, while the distribution planning defines when customers should be visited, the amount of each item that should be delivered to customers, and the vehicle routes. The objective is to minimize production and inventory costs at the plant, inventory costs at the customers and distribution costs. We propose two tabu search variants for this problem, one that involves construction and a short-term memory, and one that incorporates a longer term memory used to integrate a path relinking procedure to the first variant. The proposed tabu search variants are tested on generated instances with up to ten items and on instances from the literature involving a single item. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd.38811991209Simchi-Levi, D., Kaminskt, P., Simchi-Levi, E., (2004) Managing the Supply Chain, , McGraw-Hill New YorkShiguemoto, A.L., (2008) Métodos Heurísticos Para Resolução de Problemas Integrados de Produção, Estoque e Distribuiç ão, , Doctoral thesis (in portuguese), Universidade Estadual de Campinas, SP, BrazilThomas, J.D., Griffin, P.M., Coordinated supply chain management (1996) European Journal of Operational Research, 94, pp. 1-15Vidal, C.J., Goetschalckx, M., Strategic productiondistribution models: A critical review with emphasis on global supply chain models (1997) European Journal of Operational Research, 98, pp. 1-18Sarmiento, A.M., Nagi, R., A review of integrated analysis of productiondistribution (1999) IIE Transactions, 31, pp. 1061-1074Ereng, S.S., Simpson, N.C., Vakharia, A.J., Integrated production/distribution planning in supply chains: An invited review (1999) European Journal of Operational Research, 115, pp. 219-236Chen, Z.-L., Integrated Production and Distribution Operations: Taxonomy, Models, and Review (2004) Handbook of Quantitative Supply Chain Analysis: Modelling in the E-Business Era, pp. 711-746Hurter, A.P., Van Buer, M.G., The newspaper production/distribution problem (1996) Journal of Business Logistics, 17, pp. 85-107Van Buer, M.G., Woodruff, D.L., Olson, R.T., Solving the medium newspaper production/distribution problem (1999) European Journal of Operational Research, 115, pp. 237-253Russell, R., Chiang, W.-C., Zepeda, D., Integrating multi-product production and distribution in newspaper logistics (2008) Computers and Operations Research, 35, pp. 1576-1588Chandra, P., Fisher, M.L., Coordination of production and distribution planning (1994) European Journal of Operational Research, 72, pp. 503-517Fumero, F., Vercellis, C., Synchronized development of production, inventory, and distribution schedules (1999) Transportation Science, 33, pp. 330-340Boudia, M., Louly, M.A.O., Prins, C., A reactive GRASP and path relinking for a combined production- distribution problem (2007) Computers and Operations Research, 34 (11), pp. 3402-3419. , DOI 10.1016/j.cor.2006.02.005, PII S0305054806000426Boudia, M., Prins, C., A memetic algorithm with dynamic population management for an integrated productiondistribution problem (2009) European Journal of Operational Research, 195, pp. 703-715Bard, J.F., Nananukul, N., The integrated production-inventory-distribution-routing problem (2009) Journal of Scheduling, 12, pp. 257-280Lei, L., Liu, S., Ruszczynski, A., Park, S., On the integrated production, inventory, and distribution routing problem (2006) IIE Transactions, 38, pp. 955-970Toth, P., Vigo, D., (2002) The Vehicle Routing Problem, , SIAM PhiladelphiaKarimi, B., Fatemi, S.M.T., Wilson, J.M., The capacitated lot sizing problem: A review of models and algorithms (2003) Omega, 31, pp. 365-378Glover, F., Laguna, M., (1997) Tabu Search, , Boston, MA KluwerGendreau, M., (2004) On the Importance of Allowing Infeasible Moves in Tabu Search Heuristics, Presented at the INFORMS National Meeting, , Denver, OctoberClarke, G., Wright, J.W., Scheduling of vehicles from a central depot to a number of delivery points (1964) Operations Research, 12, pp. 568-581Evans, J.R., An efficient implementation of the WagnerWhitin algorithm for dynamic lot-sizing (1985) Journal of Operational Management, 5, pp. 229-235Wagner, H.M., Whitin, T.M., Dynamic version of the economic lot size model (1958) Management Science, 5, pp. 89-96Glover, F., Tabu Search and Adaptive Memory ProgrammingAdvances, Applications and Challenges (1996) Computing Tools for Modeling. Optimization and Simulation: Interfaces in Computer Science and Operations Research, pp. 1-75Glover, F., A Template for Scatter Search and Path Relinking (1998) Artificial Evolution Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1363, pp. 13-54Mart, R., Laguna, M., Glover, F., Principles of scatter search (2006) European Journal of Operational Research, 169, pp. 359-372Yamashita, D.S., Armentano, V.A., Laguna, M., Scatter search for project scheduling with resource availability cost (2006) European Journal of Operational Research, 169, pp. 623-637Resende, M.G.C., Ribeiro, C.C., Glover, F., Mart, R., Scatter search and path-relinking: Fundamentals, advances, and applications (2010) Handbook of MetaheuristicsBertazzi, L., Paletta, G., Speranza, M.G., Minimizing the total cost in an integrated vendor-managed inventory ystem (2005) Journal of Heuristics, 11, pp. 393-419Trigeiro, W.W., Thomas, L.J., McClain, J.O., Capacitated lot sizing with setup times (1989) Management Science, 35, pp. 353-366Toledo, F.M.B., Armentano, V.A., A Lagrangian-based heuristic for the capacitated lot-sizing problem in parallel machines (2006) European Journal of Operational Research, 175, pp. 1070-108

    Adaptive granular local search heuristic for a dynamic vehicle routing problem

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    Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)The advance of communication and information technologies based on satellite and wireless networks have allowed transportation companies to benefit from real-time information for dynamic vehicle routing with time windows. During daily operations, we consider the case in which customers can place requests such that their demand and location are stochastic variables. The time windows at Customer locations can be violated although lateness costs are incurred. The objective is to define a set of vehicle routes which are dynamically updated to accommodate new customers in order to maximize the expected profit. This is the difference between the total revenue and the sum of lateness costs and costs associated with the total distance traveled. The solution approach makes use of a new constructive heuristic that scatters vehicles in the service area and an adaptive granular local search procedure. The strategies of letting a vehicle wait, positioning a vehicle in a region where customers are likely to appear, and diverting a vehicle away from its current destination are integrated within a granular local search heuristic. The performance of the proposed approach is assessed in test problems based on real-life Brazilian transportation companies. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.361129552968Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Tabu search with path relinking for an integrated production-distribution problem

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    Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)This paper deals with the problem of integrating production and distribution planning over periods of a finite horizon. We consider a capacity-constrained plant that produces a number of items distributed by a fleet of homogenous vehicles to customers with known demand for each item in each period. The production planning defines the amount of each item produced in every period, while the distribution planning defines when customers should be visited, the amount of each item that should be delivered to customers, and the vehicle routes. The objective is to minimize production and inventory costs at the plant, inventory costs at the customers and distribution costs. We propose two tabu search variants for this problem, one that involves construction and a short-term memory, and one that incorporates a longer term memory used to integrate a path relinking procedure to the first variant. The proposed tabu search variants are tested on generated instances with up to ten items and on instances from the literature involving a single item. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.38811991209Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Adaptive Granular Local Search Heuristic For A Dynamic Vehicle Routing Problem

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    The advance of communication and information technologies based on satellite and wireless networks have allowed transportation companies to benefit from real-time information for dynamic vehicle routing with time windows. During daily operations, we consider the case in which customers can place requests such that their demand and location are stochastic variables. The time windows at customer locations can be violated although lateness costs are incurred. The objective is to define a set of vehicle routes which are dynamically updated to accommodate new customers in order to maximize the expected profit. This is the difference between the total revenue and the sum of lateness costs and costs associated with the total distance traveled. The solution approach makes use of a new constructive heuristic that scatters vehicles in the service area and an adaptive granular local search procedure. The strategies of letting a vehicle wait, positioning a vehicle in a region where customers are likely to appear, and diverting a vehicle away from its current destination are integrated within a granular local search heuristic. The performance of the proposed approach is assessed in test problems based on real-life Brazilian transportation companies. © 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.361129552968Balakrishnan, N., Simple heuristics for the vehicle routing problem with soft time windows (1993) Journal of the Operational Research Society, 44, pp. 279-287Bent, R., Hentenryck, P., Scenario-based planning for partially dynamic vehicle routing with stochastic customers (2004) Operations Research, 52, pp. 977-987Branke, J., Middendorf, M., Noeth, G., Dessouky, M., Waiting strategies for dynamic vehicle routing (2005) Transportation Science, 39, pp. 298-312Bräysy, O., A reactive variable neighborhood search for the vehicle-routing problem with time windows (2003) INFORMS Journal on Computing, 15, pp. 347-368Clarke, G., Wright, J.V., Scheduling of vehicles from a central depot to a number of delivery points (1964) Operations Research, 12, pp. 568-581Croes, G.A., A method for solving traveling-salesman problems (1958) Operations Research, 6, pp. 791-912Gendreau, M., Potvin, Y., Dynamic vehicle routing and dispatching (1998) Fleet management and logistics, pp. 115-126. , Crainic T.G., and Laporte G. (Eds), Kluwer, MassachusettsGendreau, M., Guertin, F., Potvin, J.Y., Parallel tabu search for real-time vehicle routing and dispatching (1999) Transportation Science, 33, pp. 381-390Gendreau, M., Guertin, F., Potvin, J.Y., Séguin, R., Neighborhood search heuristics for a dynamic vehicle dispatching problems with pick-ups and deliveries (2006) Transportation Research Part C, 14, pp. 157-174Glover, F., Laguna, M., (1997) Tabu search, , Kluwer, MassachusettsHvattum, L.M., Løkketangen, A., Laporte, G., Solving a dynamic and stochastic vehicle touting problem with a sample scenario hedging heuristic (2006) Transportation Science, 40, pp. 421-438Hvattum, L.M., Løkketangen, A., Laporte, G., A branch-and-regret heuristic for stochastic and dynamic vehicle routing problems (2007) Networks, 49, pp. 330-340Ichoua, S., Gendreau, M., Potvin, J.Y., Diversion issues in real-time vehicle dispatching (2000) Transportation Science, 34, pp. 426-438Ichoua, S., Gendreau, M., Potvin, J.Y., Exploiting knowledge about future demands for real-time vehicle dispatching (2006) Transportation Science, 40, pp. 211-225Kontoravdis, G., Bard, J.F., A GRASP for the vehicle routing problem with time windows (1995) ORSA Journal on Computing, 7, pp. 10-23Larsen, A., Madsen, O., Solomon, M., Partially dynamic vehicle routing-models and algorithms (2002) Journal of the Operational Research Society, 53, pp. 637-646Larsen, A., Madsen, O., Solomon, M., The a priori dynamic traveling salesman problem with time windows (2004) Transportation Science, 38, pp. 459-472Mitrović-Minić, S., Krishnamurti, R., Laporte, G., Double-horizon based heuristics for the dynamic pickup and delivery problem with time windows (2004) Transportation Research Part B, 38, pp. 669-685Mitrović-Minić, S., Laporte, G., Waiting strategies for the dynamic pickup and delivery problem with time windows (2004) Transportation Research Part B, 38, pp. 635-655Or, I., (1976) Traveling salesman-type combinatorial problems and their relation to the logistics of blood banking, , PhD thesis, Northwestern University, USAPsarafti, H.N., Dynamic vehicle routing problems (1988) Vehicle routing: methods and studies, pp. 223-248. , Golden B.L., and Assad A.A. (Eds), Elsevier, North-Holland, AmsterdamPsaraftis, H.N., Dynamic vehicle routing: status and prospects (1995) Annals of Operations Research, 61, pp. 143-164Rochat, Y., Taillard, E.D., Probabilistic diversification and intensification in local search for vehicle routing (1995) Journal of Heuristics, 1, pp. 147-167Savelsbergh, M.W.P., The vehicle routing problem with time windows: minimizing route duration (1992) ORSA Journal on Computing, 4, pp. 146-154Solomon, M., Algorithms for the vehicle routing and scheduling problems with time windows (1987) Operations Research, 35, pp. 254-265Taillard, E.D., Badeau, P., Gendreau, M., Guertin, F., Potvin, J.Y., A tabu search for the vehicle routing problem with soft time windows (1997) Transportation Science, 31, pp. 170-186Toth, P., Vigo, D., The granular tabu search and its application to the vehicle-routing problem (2003) INFORMS Journal on Computing, 15, pp. 333-346Yang, J., Jaillet, P., Mahmassani, H., Real-time multivehicle truckload pickup and delivery problems (2004) Transportation Science, 38, pp. 135-14