214 research outputs found

    Effect of different N fertilization of vine on the tryptophan, free and total indole-3-acetic acid concentrations

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    The compound responsible for UTA (untypical ageing off-flavour) in wines is o-AAP (o-amino acetophenone). It is formed from IAA (indole-3-acetic acid), triggered by sulfurylation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of different N fertilizer supply on this precursor in must and wine, making use of a long-term nitrogen fertilization experiment. Trp (Tryptophan) as well as free and conjugated IAA were determined in musts and wines produced from grapevines supplied with 0, 30, 60, 90 or 150 kg N ha-1 year-1. IAA concentrations in musts and wines varied highly over years (1994-1999), wines containing about half of the total IAA of musts. The IAA concentration in must was positively correlated with the concentration of amino acids in must, however, nitrogen supply did not have any effect, neither on Trp nor on IAA concentrations

    Investigation of grapevine root distribution by in situ minirhizotron observation

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    Root observations of Vitis berlandieri x Vitis riparia were conducted in two experimental sets using minirhizotron technique. Experiment 1 was a field experiment carried out on a 12 years old Riesling/5C vineyard. On six plants three minirhizotrons were installed at different angles (90°, 60°, 45°) and two directions per tube were used for observation. The maximum of root length density (RLD) was found in soil depths of 600-800 mm with high variation mainly due to plant x angle interaction. Observation direction did not influence the estimates of RLD. The installation angle of the tubes did not lead to any consistent effect on root observation. Experiment 2 was a pot trial of six pots with four vines each. Tubes were installed horizontally. RLD in the pot experiment according to the monolith method and the estimated RLD according to the minirhizotron method did not correlate, so the quantification of Vitis RLD distribution using minirhizotron is difficult.

    Root dynamics and pattern of 'Riesling' on 5C rootstock using minirhizotrons

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    Root length density (RLD) in the years from 1994-1997 was estimated using minirhizotrons. The field experiment was conducted on six 'Riesling' vines in Rheingau (Germany). The majority of root distribution was found in soil depths of 60-100 cm with considerable variations between the plants. Roots dynamics showed a periodicity with one or two maxima, depending on year and vine plant. The first peak of RLD was observed around veraison, the second peak appeared after harvest. The rate of root length death was estimated. In the deeper layer the turnover of roots was 60% of the total RLD every year.


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    Untypical ageing off-ßavour and masking effects due to long-term nitrogen fertilizationVitis 46 (1), 33-38 (2007

    Untypical ageing off-flavour and masking effects due to long-term nitrogen fertilization

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    The off-flavour UTA (untypical ageing) of wines produced from the vintages 1996-1999 within the scope of a long-term N fertilization experiment was compared to the o-aminoacetophenone (AAP) concentrations found in these wines. The wines were made of plants treated with 0, 60 and 150 kg N ha-1·N fertilization led to higher UTA intensities and AAP concentrations in aged wines; due to stronger fruity aromas with increasing N fertilization, young wines were able to mask AAP. Controls had a stronger masking effect in older wines, caused by antioxidants (phenols) and possibly higher alcohols. Moreover, at the same AAP level, wines from the vintages 1996 and 1998 exhibited lower UTA intensity than wines from 1997 and 1999. This is influenced by N supply, yield and time of harvest which can not be separated from each other.

    Ambivalence of the influence of nitrogen supply on o-aminoacetophenone in 'Riesling' wine

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    AAP (o-aminoacetophenone) is the aroma substance responsible for the untypical ageing off-flavour (UTA). The impact of nitrogen supply on the formation of AAP was investigated between 1994 and 1999. The experiment was carried out in the Rheingau (Germany) with six fertigation treatments of annual quantities of N (0, 30, 60, 90, 150 kg·N·ha-1). Results indicated that the long-term varied N fertilization affected AAP concentration in wine as much as the year. Whereas a better N supply of the grapes due to effects of the year coincided with lower AAP values, the fertilization effect was reversal: higher N fertilization increased the concentrations of AAP. AAP did not correlate with its precursor IAA and only slightly with antioxidative capacity. Neither varying yield nor soluble solids could explain the high variance of AAP. An indicator for potential AAP formation could not be found, neither in must nor in wine.

    A psychoeducational intervention reduces the need for anesthesia during radiotherapy for young childhood cancer patients

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Radiotherapy (RT) has become an important treatment modality in pediatric oncology, but its delivery to young children with cancer is challenging and general anesthesia is often needed.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>To evaluate whether a psychoeducational intervention might reduce the need for anesthesia, 223 consecutive pediatric cancer patients receiving 4141 RT fractions during 244 RT courses between February 1989 and January 2006 were studied. Whereas in 154 RT courses corresponding with 2580 RT fractions patients received no psychoeducational intervention (group A), 90 RT courses respectively 1561 RT fractions were accomplished by using psychoeducational intervention (group B). This tailored psychoeducational intervention in group B included a play program and interactive support by a trained nurse according to age to get familiar with staff, equipment and procedure of radiotherapy.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Group A did not differ significantly from group B in age at RT, gender, diagnosis, localization of RT and positioning during RT. Whereas 33 (21.4%) patients in group A got anesthesia, only 8 (8.9%) patients in group B needed anesthesia. The median age of cooperating patients without anesthesia decreased from 3.2 to 2.7 years. In both uni- and multivariate analyses the psychoeducational intervention significantly and independently reduced the need for anesthesia.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We conclude that a specifically tailored psychoeducational intervention is able to reduce the need for anesthesia in children undergoing RT for cancer. This results in lower costs and increased cooperation during RT.</p

    Retinal oxygenation and oxygen metabolism in Abyssinian cats with a hereditary retinal degeneration

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    PURPOSE. To investigate the effects of a hereditary retinal degeneration on retinal oxygenation and determine whether it is responsible for the severe attenuation of retinal circulation in hereditary photoreceptor degenerations. METHODS. Seven adult Abyssinian cats affected by hereditary retinal degeneration were studied. Oxygen microelectrodes were used to collect spatial profiles of retinal oxygenation in anesthetized animals. A one-dimensional model of oxygen diffusion was fitted to the data to quantify photoreceptor oxygen utilization (QO 2 ). RESULTS. Photoreceptor QO 2 progressively decreased until it reached zero in the end stage of the disease. Average inner retinal oxygen tension remained within normal limits at all disease stages, despite the observed progressive retinal vessel attenuation. Light affected photoreceptors normally, decreasing QO 2 by ϳ50% at all stages of the disease. CONCLUSIONS. Loss of photoreceptor metabolism allows choroidal oxygen to reach the inner retina, attenuating the retinal circulation in this animal model of retinitis pigmentosa (RP) and probably also in human RP. As the degeneration progresses, there is a strong relationship between changes in the a-wave of the ERG and changes in rod oxidative metabolism, indicating that these two functional measures change together. 2-6 We hypothesized that the pronounced vasoconstriction results from decreased oxygen utilization by the outer retina after photoreceptor loss. Because less choroidal oxygen is used by the photoreceptors, it should reach the inner retina, where oxygen is known to cause constriction of retinal vessels. 10 Vessels do not simply constrict. Eventually they are lost in animals with photoreceptor degenerations. 6 These studies suggest not only a physiological role of oxygen, but a trophic (or antitrophic) one as well. In the present study, we further examined the hypothesis that oxygen from the choroid is responsible for attenuation of the retinal circulation, by characterizing changes in retinal oxygenation and oxidative metabolism during the progression of a feline hereditary retinal degeneration in a colony of Abyssinian cats. 3 The autosomal recessive genetic defect in this animal is not yet known, but it exhibits a slow rod-cone degeneration similar to human RP. Using measurements of intraretinal oxygen tension (PO 2 ) in these animals and our mathematical model of oxygen diffusion and utilization, 13 A preliminary report of these results has been presented (Linsenmeier RA, et al. IOVS 2000;41:ARVO Abstract 4721). METHODS Animals Eight Abyssinian cats affected by a hereditary retinal degeneration were studied. These are the same cats in which an ERG study, reported in this issue, was also performed. 13 3,13 The hematocrit from one stage 3 animal was low because of surgical complications and continued to decrease during the experiment. In this animal, the earlier choroidal PO 2 and the inner retinal PO 2 , which were in the normal range, are included in the reported data, but oxygen consumption data and later choroidal PO 2 data from this animal were not used. Electrode problems prevented data collection in one stage 2 animal. Data from animals with retinal degeneration were compared to similar data obtained from normal cats