160 research outputs found

    Nanocomposite Bienzymatic Sensor for Monitoring Xanthine in Wound Diagnostics

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    This work reports a biosensor for monitoring xanthine for potential wound healing assessment. Active substrate of the biosensor has xanthine oxidase (XO) and horseradish peroxidase (HRP) physisorbed on a nanocomposite of multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) decorated with gold nanoparticles (AuNP). The presence of HRP provided a two-fold increase in response to xanthine, and a three-fold increase in response to the nanocomposite. With a sensitivity of 155.71 nA μM−1 cm−2 the biosensor offers a detection limit of 1.3 μM, with linear response between 22 μM and 0.4 mM. Clinical sample analyses showed the feasibility of xanthine detection from biofluids in a lesion site due to diffusion of the analyte into surrounding biofluids. Higher concentrations by three-fold were observed from wound proximity, than away from injury, with an average recovery of 110%. Results show the feasibility of monitoring wound severity through longitudinal measurements of xanthine from injured vicinity

    Acute Wounding Alters the Beta2-Adrenergic Signaling and Catecholamine Synthetic Pathways in Keratinocytes

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    Keratinocyte migration is critical for wound re-epithelialization. Previous studies showed that epinephrine activates the beta2-adrenergic receptor (B2AR), impairing keratinocyte migration. Here, we investigated the keratinocyte catecholamine synthetic pathway in response to acute trauma. Cultured keratinocytes were scratch wounded and expression levels of the B2AR and catecholamine synthetic enzymes tyrosine hydroxylase and phenylethanolamine-N-methyltransferase were assayed. The binding affinity of the B2AR was measured. Wounding downregulated B2AR, tyrosine hydroxylase, and phenylethanolamine-N-methyltransferase expression, but pre-exposure to timolol, a beta-adrenergic receptor antagonist, delayed this effect. In wounded keratinocytes, B2AR-binding affinity remained depressed even after its expression returned to prewounding levels. Keratinocyte-derived norepinephrine increased after wounding. Norepinephrine impaired keratinocyte migration; this effect was abrogated with B2AR-selective antagonist ICI-118,551 but not with B1AR-selective antagonist bisoprolol. Finally, for clinical relevance, we determined that norepinephrine was present in freshly wounded skin, thus providing a potential mechanism for impaired healing by local B2AR activation in wound-edge keratinocytes. Taken together, the data show that keratinocytes modulate catecholamine synthetic enzymes and release norepinephrine after scratch wounding. Norepinephrine appears to be a stress-related mediator that impairs keratinocyte migration through activation of the B2AR. Future therapeutic strategies evaluating modulation of norepinephrine-related effects in the wound are warranted

    Innate immunity and microbial dysbiosis in hidradenitis suppurativa – vicious cycle of chronic inflammation

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    Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) is a chronic multifactorial inflammatory skin disease with incompletely understood mechanisms of disease pathology. HS is characterized by aberrant activation of the innate immune system, resulting in activation of pathways that aim to protect against pathogenic microorganisms, and also contribute to failure to resolve inflammation. Imbalance in innate immunity is evident in deregulation of host antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) and the complement system associated with the microbiome dysbiosis. The pathology is further complicated by ability of pathogens associated with HS to overcome host immune response. Potential roles of major AMPs, cathelicidin, defensins, dermcidin, S100 proteins, RNAse 7 and complement proteins are discussed. Dysregulated expression pattern of innate immunity components in conjunction with bacterial component of the disease warrants consideration of novel treatment approaches targeting both host immunity and pathogenic microbiome in HS

    Distribution and Extinction of Ungulates during the Holocene of the Southern Levant

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    BACKGROUND: The southern Levant (Israel, Palestinian Authority and Jordan) has been continuously and extensively populated by succeeding phases of human cultures for the past 15,000 years. The long human impact on the ancient landscape has had great ecological consequences, and has caused continuous and accelerating damage to the natural environment. The rich zooarchaeological data gathered at the area provide a unique opportunity to reconstruct spatial and temporal changes in wild species distribution, and correlate them with human demographic changes. METHODOLOGY: Zoo-archaeological data (382 animal bone assemblages from 190 archaeological sites) from various time periods, habitats and landscapes were compared. The bone assemblages were sorted into 12 major cultural periods. Distribution maps showing the presence of each ungulate species were established for each period. CONCLUSIONS: The first major ungulate extinction occurred during the local Iron Age (1,200-586 BCE), a period characterized by significant human population growth. During that time the last of the largest wild ungulates, the hartebeest (Alcelaphus buselaphus), aurochs (Bos primigenius) and the hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius) became extinct, followed by a shrinking distribution of forest-dwelling cervids. A second major wave of extinction occurred only in the 19th and 20th centuries CE. Furthermore, a negative relationship was found between the average body mass of ungulate species that became extinct during the Holocene and their extinction date. It is thus very likely that the intensified human activity through habitat destruction and uncontrolled hunting were responsible for the two major waves of ungulate extinction in the southern Levant during the late Holocene

    Transmission in Heteronymous Spinal Pathways Is Modified after Stroke and Related to Motor Incoordination

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    Changes in reflex spinal pathways after stroke have been shown to affect motor activity in agonist and antagonist muscles acting at the same joint. However, only a few studies have evaluated the heteronymous reflex pathways modulating motoneuronal activity at different joints. This study investigates whether there are changes in the spinal facilitatory and inhibitory pathways linking knee to ankle extensors and if such changes may be related to motor deficits after stroke. The early facilitation and later inhibition of soleus H reflex evoked by the stimulation of femoral nerve at 2 times the motor threshold of the quadriceps were assessed in 15 healthy participants and on the paretic and the non-paretic sides of 15 stroke participants. The relationships between this reflex modulation and the levels of motor recovery, coordination and spasticity were then studied. Results show a significant (Mann-Whitney U; P<0.05) increase in both the peak amplitude (mean±SEM: 80±22% enhancement of the control H reflex) and duration (4.2±0.5 ms) of the facilitation on the paretic side of the stroke individuals compared to their non-paretic side (36±6% and 2.9±0.4 ms) and to the values of the control subjects (33±4% and 2.8±0.4 ms, respectively). Moreover, the later strong inhibition observed in all control subjects was decreased in the stroke subjects. Both the peak amplitude and the duration of the increased facilitation were inversely correlated (Spearman r = −0.65; P = 0.009 and r = −0.67; P = 0.007, respectively) with the level of coordination (LEMOCOT) of the paretic leg. Duration of this facilitation was also correlated (r = −0.58, P = 0.024) with the level of motor recovery (CMSA). These results confirm changes in transmission in heteronymous spinal pathways that are related to motor deficits after stroke
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