90 research outputs found

    Non-Fermi liquid fixed point for an imbalanced gas of fermions in 1+ϵ1+\epsilon dimensions

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    We consider a gas of two species of fermions with population imbalance. Using the renormalization group in d=1+ϵd=1+\epsilon dimensions, we show that for spinless fermions and ϵ>0\epsilon > 0 a fixed point appears at finite attractive coupling where the quasiparticle residue vanishes, and identify this with the transition to Larkin--Ovchinnikov--Fulde--Ferrell order (inhomogeneous superconductivity). When the two species of fermions also carry spin degrees of freedom we find a fixed point indicating a transition to spin density wave order.Comment: 4 pages and 4 figure

    Particle correlations in a fermi superfluid

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    We discuss correlations between particles of different momentum in a superfluid fermi gas, accessible through noise measurements of absorption images of the expanded gas. We include two elements missing from the simplest treatment, based on the BCS wavefunction: the explicit use of a conserving approximation satisfying particle number conservation, and the inclusion of the contribution from Cooper pairs at finite momentum. We expect the latter to be a significant issue in the strongly correlated state emerging in the BCS-BEC crossover.Comment: Published versio

    Relaxation, pre-thermalization and diffusion in a noisy Quantum Ising Chain

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    We study the dynamics of thermalization resulting from a time-dependent noise in a Quantum Ising Chain subject to a sudden quench of the transverse magnetic field. For weak noise the dynamics shows a pre-thermalized state at intermediate time scales, eventually drifting towards an asymptotic infinite temperature steady state characterized by diffusive behavior. By computing analytically the density of kinks, as well as the transverse and longitudinal magnetic field correlators, we characterize these two regimes, their observability and their signatures in the various physical quantities.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures. Accepted for publication in PRB Rapid Communication

    Quantum Brownian motion in a quasiperiodic potential

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    We consider a quantum particle subject to Ohmic dissipation, moving in a bichromatic quasiperiodic potential. In a periodic potential the particle undergoes a zero-temperature localization-delocalization transition as dissipation strength is decreased. We show that the delocalized phase is absent in the quasiperiodic case, even when the deviation from periodicity is infinitesimal. Using the renormalization group, we determine how the effective localization length depends on the dissipation. We show that {a similar problem can emerge in} the strong-coupling limit of a mobile impurity moving in a periodic lattice and immersed in a one-dimensional quantum gas.Comment: 5+6 pages, 1 figur

    Geometry of quantum observables and thermodynamics of small systems

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    The concept of ergodicity---the convergence of the temporal averages of observables to their ensemble averages---is the cornerstone of thermodynamics. The transition from a predictable, integrable behavior to ergodicity is one of the most difficult physical phenomena to treat; the celebrated KAM theorem is the prime example. This Letter is founded on the observation that for many classical and quantum observables, the sum of the ensemble variance of the temporal average and the ensemble average of temporal variance remains constant across the integrability-ergodicity transition. We show that this property induces a particular geometry of quantum observables---Frobenius (also known as Hilbert-Schmidt) one---that naturally encodes all the phenomena associated with the emergence of ergodicity: the Eigenstate Thermalization effect, the decrease in the inverse participation ratio, and the disappearance of the integrals of motion. As an application, we use this geometry to solve a known problem of optimization of the set of conserved quantities---regardless of whether it comes from symmetries or from finite-size effects---to be incorporated in an extended thermodynamical theory of integrable, near-integrable, or mesoscopic systems

    The phase diagram of 2D polar condensates in a magnetic field

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    Spin one condensates in the polar (antiferromagnetic) phase in two dimensions are shown to undergo a transition of the Ising type, in addition to the expected Kosterlitz--Thouless (KT) transition of half vortices, due to the quadratic Zeeman effect. We establish the phase diagram in terms of temperature and the strength of the Zeeman effect using Monte Carlo simulations. When the Zeeman effect is sufficiently strong the Ising and KT transitions merge. For very strong Zeeman field the remaining transition is of the familiar integer KT type.Comment: 4 pages, 7 figure

    Phase sensitive noise in quantum dots under periodic perturbation

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    We evaluate the ensemble averaged noise in a chaotic quantum dot subject to DC bias and a periodic perturbation of frequency Ω\Omega. The noise displays cusps at bias Vn=nΩ/eV_n=n\hbar\Omega/e that survive the average, even when the period of the perturbation is far shorter than the dwell time in the dot. These features are sensitive to the phase of the time-dependent scattering amplitudes of electrons to pass through the system.Comment: Published version. Improved discussion, with a few small typos correcte

    Persistent currents in ferromagnetic condensates

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    Persistent currents in Bose condensates with a scalar order parameter are stabilized by the topology of the order parameter manifold. In condensates with multicomponent order parameters it is topologically possible for supercurrents to "unwind" without leaving the manifold. We study the energetics of this process in the case of ferromagnetic condensates using a long wavelength energy functional that includes both the superfluid and spin stiffnesses. Exploiting analogies to an elastic rod and rigid body motion, we show that the current carrying state in a 1D ring geometry transitions between a spin helix in the energy minima and a solitonlike configuration at the maxima. The relevance to recent experiments in ultracold atoms is briefly discussed

    Critical velocity of a mobile impurity in one-dimensional quantum liquids

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    We study the notion of superfluid critical velocity in one spatial dimension. It is shown that for heavy impurities with mass MM exceeding a critical mass McM_\mathrm{c}, the dispersion develops periodic metastable branches resulting in dramatic changes of dynamics in the presence of an external driving force. In contrast to smooth Bloch Oscillations for M<McM<M_\mathrm{c}, a heavy impurity climbs metastable branches until it reaches a branch termination point or undergoes a random tunneling event, both leading to an abrupt change in velocity and an energy loss. This is predicted to lead to a non-analytic dependence of the impurity drift velocity on small forces.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures; New version with Supplemental Material (3 pages, 6 figures); Accepted to PR