50,575 research outputs found

    All-Orders Singular Emission in Gauge Theories

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    I present a class of functions unifying all singular limits for the emission of soft or collinear gluons in gauge-theory amplitudes at any order in perturbation theory. Each function is a generalization of the antenna functions of ref. [1]. The helicity-summed interferences these functions are thereby also generalizations to higher orders of the Catani--Seymour dipole factorization function.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    Medical Information Management System (MIMS): An automated hospital information system

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    Flexible system of computer programs allows manipulation and retrieval of data related to patient care. System is written in version of FORTRAN developed for CDC-6600 computer

    An imaging K-band survey - I: The catalogue, star and galaxy counts

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    We present results from a large area (552\,\sqamin) imaging KK-band survey to a 5σ\sigma limit of K17.3K\simeq 17.3. We have optical-infrared colours of almost all the objects in the sample. Star-galaxy discrimination is performed and the results used to derive the infrared star and galaxy counts. KK-band ``no-evolution'' galaxy-count models are constructed and compared with the observed data. In the infrared, there is no counterpart for the large excess of faint galaxies over the no-evolution model seen in optical counts. However, we show that the KK counts can be remarkably insensitive to evolution under certain reasonable assumptions. Finally, model predictions for KK-selected redshift surveys are derived.Comment: MNRAS in press. 21 pages plain TeX; figs plus table 4 available via anonymous ftp from /pub/kgb/paper1/sissa.uu at ftp.ast.cam.ac.u

    Non-Linear Beam Splitter in Bose-Einstein Condensate Interferometers

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    A beam splitter is an important component of an atomic/optical Mach-Zehnder interferometer. Here we study a Bose Einstein Condensate beam splitter, realized with a double well potential of tunable height. We analyze how the sensitivity of a Mach Zehnder interferometer is degraded by the non-linear particle-particle interaction during the splitting dynamics. We distinguish three regimes, Rabi, Josephson and Fock, and associate to them a different scaling of the phase sensitivity with the total number of particles.Comment: draft, 19 pages, 10 figure

    Fully Unintegrated Parton Correlation Functions and Factorization in Lowest Order Hard Scattering

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    Motivated by the need to correct the potentially large kinematic errors in approximations used in the standard formulation of perturbative QCD, we reformulate deeply inelastic lepton-proton scattering in terms of gauge invariant, universal parton correlation functions which depend on all components of parton four-momentum. Currently, different hard QCD processes are described by very different perturbative formalisms, each relying on its own set of kinematical approximations. In this paper we show how to set up formalism that avoids approximations on final-state momenta, and thus has a very general domain of applicability. The use of exact kinematics introduces a number of significant conceptual shifts already at leading order, and tightly constrains the formalism. We show how to define parton correlation functions that generalize the concepts of parton density, fragmentation function, and soft factor. After setting up a general subtraction formalism, we obtain a factorization theorem. To avoid complications with Ward identities the full derivation is restricted to abelian gauge theories; even so the resulting structure is highly suggestive of a similar treatment for non-abelian gauge theories.Comment: 44 pages, 69 figures typos fixed, clarifications and second appendix adde

    Nonlinearity of vacuum reggeons and exclusive diffractive production of vector mesons at HERA

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    The processes of exclusive photo- and electroproduction of vector mesons ρ0\rho^0(770), ϕ\phi(1020) and J/ψJ/\psi(3096) at collision energies 30GeV<W<300GeV30 GeV<W<300 GeV and transferred momenta squared 0<t<2GeV20<-t<2 GeV^2 are considered in the framework of a phenomenological Regge-eikonal scheme with nonlinear Regge trajectories in which their QCD asymptotic behavior is taken into account explicitly. By comparison of available experimental data from ZEUS and H1 Collaborations with the model predictions it is demonstrated that corresponding angular distributions and integrated cross-sections in the above-mentioned kinematical range can be quantitatively described with use of two CC-even vacuum Regge trajectories. These are the "soft" pomeron dominating the high energy reactions without a hard scale and the "hard" pomeron giving an essential contribution to photo- and electroproduction of heavy vector mesons and deeply virtual electroproduction of light vector mesons.Comment: 25 pages, 12 figure

    Sub Shot-Noise Phase Sensitivity with a Bose-Einstein Condensate Mach-Zehnder Interferometer

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    Bose Einstein Condensates, with their coherence properties, have attracted wide interest for their possible application to ultra precise interferometry and ultra weak force sensors. Since condensates, unlike photons, are interacting, they may permit the realization of specific quantum states needed as input of an interferometer to approach the Heisenberg limit, the supposed lower bound to precision phase measurements. To this end, we study the sensitivity to external weak perturbations of a representative matter-wave Mach-Zehnder interferometer whose input are two Bose-Einstein condensates created by splitting a single condensate in two parts. The interferometric phase sensitivity depends on the specific quantum state created with the two condensates, and, therefore, on the time scale of the splitting process. We identify three different regimes, characterized by a phase sensitivity Δθ\Delta \theta scaling with the total number of condensate particles NN as i) the standard quantum limit Δθ1/N1/2\Delta \theta \sim 1/N^{1/2}, ii) the sub shot-noise Δθ1/N3/4\Delta \theta \sim 1/N^{3/4} and the iii) the Heisenberg limit Δθ1/N\Delta \theta \sim 1/N. However, in a realistic dynamical BEC splitting, the 1/N limit requires a long adiabaticity time scale, which is hardly reachable experimentally. On the other hand, the sub shot-noise sensitivity Δθ1/N3/4\Delta \theta \sim 1/N^{3/4} can be reached in a realistic experimental setting. We also show that the 1/N3/41/N^{3/4} scaling is a rigorous upper bound in the limit NN \to \infty, while keeping constant all different parameters of the bosonic Mach-Zehnder interferometer.Comment: 4 figure

    Stratospheric sudden warming effects on winds and temperature in the middle atmosphere at middle and low latitudes: a study using WACCM

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    A stratospheric sudden warming (SSW) is a dynamical phenomenon of the wintertime stratosphere caused by the interaction between planetary Rossby waves propagating from the troposphere and the stratospheric zonal-mean flow. While the effects of SSW events are seen predominantly in high latitudes, they can also produce significant changes in middle and low latitude temperature and winds. In this study we quantify the middle and low latitude effects of SSW events on temperature and zonal-mean winds using a composite of SSW events between 1988 and 2010 simulated with the specified dynamics version of the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model (WACCM). The temperature and wind responses seen in the tropics also extend into the low latitudes in the other hemisphere. There is variability in observed zonal-mean winds and temperature depending on the observing location within the displaced or split polar vortex and propagation direction of the planetary waves. The propagation of planetary waves show that they originate in mid–high latitudes and propagate upward and equatorward into the mid-latitude middle atmosphere where they produce westward forcing reaching peak values of ~ 60–70 m s<sup>−1</sup> day<sup>−1</sup>. These propagation paths in the lower latitude stratosphere appear to depend on the phase of the quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO). During the easterly phase of the QBO, waves originating at high latitudes propagate across the equator, while in the westerly phase of the QBO, the planetary waves break at ~ 20–25° N and there is no propagation across the equator. The propagation of planetary waves across the equator during the easterly phase of the QBO reduces the tropical upwelling and poleward flow in the upper stratosphere