53 research outputs found

    Post-2020 climate agreements in the major economies assessed in the light of global models

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    Integrated assessment models can help in quantifying the implications of international climate agreements and regional climate action. This paper reviews scenario results from model intercomparison projects to explore different possible outcomes of post-2020 climate negotiations, recently announced pledges and their relation to the 2 °C target. We provide key information for all the major economies, such as the year of emission peaking, regional carbon budgets and emissions allowances. We highlight the distributional consequences of climate policies, and discuss the role of carbon markets for financing clean energy investments, and achieving efficiency and equity

    Muster und Strukturen am Schulanfang

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    Lüken M, Peter-Koop A. Muster und Strukturen am Schulanfang. In: Lüken M, Peter-Koop A, eds. Mathematischer Anfangsunterricht: Befunde und Konzepte für die Praxis. Offenburg: Mildenberger; 2011: 88-101

    Ohne „Struktursinn“ kein erfolgreiches Mathematiklernen – Ergebnisse einer empirischen Studie zur Bedeutung von Mustern und Strukturen am Schulanfang

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    Lüken M. Ohne „Struktursinn“ kein erfolgreiches Mathematiklernen – Ergebnisse einer empirischen Studie zur Bedeutung von Mustern und Strukturen am Schulanfang. In: Lindmeier A, Ufer S, eds. Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht 2010. Vorträge auf der 44. Tagung für Didaktik der Mathematik. Münster: WTM-Verlag; 2010: 573-576

    Sprache im inklusiven Mathematikunterricht der Grundschule

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    Tiedemann K. Sprache im inklusiven Mathematikunterricht der Grundschule. In: Lüken M, Peter-Koop A, Rottmann T, eds. Inklusiver Mathematikunterricht in der Grundschule. Offenburg: Mildenberger; 2015: 107-121

    A longitudinal study on avian polyomavirus-specific antibodies in captive Spix's macaws (Cyanopsitta spixii)

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    Avian polyomavirus (APV) causes a range of disease syndromes in psittacine birds, from acute fatal disease to subclinical infections, depending on age, species, and other unidentified risk factors. To determine the prevalence of APV-specific antibodies in a captive population of Spix’s macaws (Cyanopsitta spixii) in Quatar, 54 birds were tested by blocking enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. A prevalence of 48.1% for APV antibodies, which indicates viral exposure, was found. Of 36 Spix’s macaws that were serially tested over a period of 4 years, 50.0% were consistently positive, 36.1% were consistently negative, 5.5% had permanently declining antibody levels, and 2.8% showed variable results. By using polymerase chain reaction testing on whole blood samples, an apparent viremia was detected in 1 of 44 birds (2.3%), although contamination provides a likely explanation for this isolated positive result in a hand-reared chick. The white blood cell count was significantly higher in antibody-positive birds compared with antibody-negative birds (P<0.05). Because antibody-positive and antibodynegative birds were housed together without a change in their respective antibody status, transmission of APV within the adult breeding population appeared to be a rare event

    Asking early childhood teachers about their use of finger patterns

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    Lüken M, Lehmann A. Asking early childhood teachers about their use of finger patterns. In: van den Heuvel-Panhuizen M, Kullberg A, eds. Proceedings of the ICME-14 Topic Study Group 1: Mathematics education at preschool level. 2021: 41-45