11 research outputs found

    Elimination of glutamatergic transmission from Hb9 interneurons does not impact treadmill locomotion

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    The spinal cord contains neural circuits that can produce the rhythm and pattern of locomotor activity. It has previously been postulated that a population of glutamatergic neurons, termed Hb9 interneurons, contributes to locomotor rhythmogenesis. These neurons were identified by their expression of the homeobox gene, Hb9, which is also expressed in motor neurons. We developed a mouse line in which Cre recombinase activity is inducible in neurons expressing Hb9. We then used this line to eliminate vesicular glutamate transporter 2 from Hb9 interneurons, and found that there were no deficits in treadmill locomotion. We conclude that glutamatergic neurotransmission by Hb9 interneurons is not required for locomotor behaviour. The role of these neurons in neural circuits remains elusive

    120-channel electrode arrays for rat brain: Towards 3D EIT imaging

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    EIT has much potential in many brain imaging applications demonstrated through animal experiments with a small epicortical 30-channel array. Spatial resolution can be improved by using a larger array to cover most of brain. A 120-channel electrode system was fabricated and successfully implanted covering c.90% of brain, and EIT data was successfully recorded

    Chemical Evolution of CoCrMo Wear Particles: An in Situ Characterization Study

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    The unexpected high failure rates of CoCrMo hip implants are associated with the release of a large number of inflammatory wear particles. CoCrMo is nominally a stable material; however, previous chemical speciation studies on CoCrMo wear particles obtained from periprosthetic tissue revealed only trace amounts of Co remaining despite Co being the major component of the alloy. The unexpected high levels of Co dissolution in vivo raised significant clinical concerns particularly related to the Cr speciation in the dissolution process. At high electrochemical potentials, the alloy's Cr-rich passive film breaks down (transpassive polarization), facilitating alloy dissolution. The potential release of the carcinogenic Cr(VI) species in vivo has been a subject of debate. While the large-scale Co dissolution observed on in vivo produced particles could indicate a highly oxidizing in vivo environment, Cr(VI) species were not previously detected in periprosthetic tissue samples (except in the specific case of post-mortem tissue of diabetic patients). However, Cr(VI) is likely to be an unstable (transient) species in biological environments, and studies on periprosthetic tissue do not provide information about intermediate reaction products or the exposure history of the wear particles. Here, an in situ spectromicroscopy approach was developed, utilizing the high chemical resolution of synchrotron radiation, to study CoCrMo reactivity as a function of time and oxidizing conditions. The results reveal limited Co dissolution from CoCrMo particles, which increases dramatically at a critical electrochemical potential. Furthermore, in situ XAS detected only Cr(III) dissolution, even at potentials where Cr(VI) is known to be produced, suggesting that Cr(VI) species are extremely transient in simulated biological environments where the oxidation zone is small

    Understanding the reactivity of CoCrMo-implant wear particles

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    CoCrMo-based metal-on-metal hip implants experienced unexpectedly high failure rates despite the high wear and corrosion resistance of the bulk material. Although they exhibit a lower volumetric wear compared to other implant materials, CoCrMo-based implants produced a significantly larger 'number' of smaller wear particles. CoCrMo is nominally an extremely stable material with high Cr content providing passivity. However, despite the Co:Cr ratio in the original alloy being 2:1; chemical analyses of wear particles from periprosthetic tissue have found the particles to be composed predominately of Cr species, with only trace amounts of Co remaining. Here a correlative spectroscopy and microscopy approach has shown that these particles dissolve via a non-stoichiometric, and geometrically inhomogeneous, mechanism similar to de-alloying. This mechanism is previously unreported for this material and was not apparent in any of the regulatory required tests, suggesting that such tests are insufficiently discriminating

    Correlative multi-scale cryo-imaging unveils SARS-CoV-2 assembly and egress.

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    Funder: Medical Research CouncilSince the outbreak of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, there have been intense structural studies on purified viral components and inactivated viruses. However, structural and ultrastructural evidence on how the SARS-CoV-2 infection progresses in the native cellular context is scarce, and there is a lack of comprehensive knowledge on the SARS-CoV-2 replicative cycle. To correlate cytopathic events induced by SARS-CoV-2 with virus replication processes in frozen-hydrated cells, we established a unique multi-modal, multi-scale cryo-correlative platform to image SARS-CoV-2 infection in Vero cells. This platform combines serial cryoFIB/SEM volume imaging and soft X-ray cryo-tomography with cell lamellae-based cryo-electron tomography (cryoET) and subtomogram averaging. Here we report critical SARS-CoV-2 structural events - e.g. viral RNA transport portals, virus assembly intermediates, virus egress pathway, and native virus spike structures, in the context of whole-cell volumes revealing drastic cytppathic changes. This integrated approach allows a holistic view of SARS-CoV-2 infection, from the whole cell to individual molecules

    Chemical Evolution of CoCrMo Wear Particles: An in Situ Characterization Study

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    The unexpected high failure rates of CoCrMo hip implants are associated with the release of a large number of inflammatory wear particles. CoCrMo is nominally a stable material; however, previous chemical speciation studies on CoCrMo wear particles obtained from periprosthetic tissue revealed only trace amounts of Co remaining despite Co being the major component of the alloy. The unexpected high levels of Co dissolution in vivo raised significant clinical concerns particularly related to the Cr speciation in the dissolution process. At high electrochemical potentials, the alloy’s Cr-rich passive film breaks down (transpassive polarization), facilitating alloy dissolution. The potential release of the carcinogenic Cr(VI) species in vivo has been a subject of debate. While the large-scale Co dissolution observed on in vivo produced particles could indicate a highly oxidizing in vivo environment, Cr(VI) species were not previously detected in periprosthetic tissue samples (except in the specific case of post-mortem tissue of diabetic patients). However, Cr(VI) is likely to be an unstable (transient) species in biological environments, and studies on periprosthetic tissue do not provide information about intermediate reaction products or the exposure history of the wear particles. Here, an in situ spectromicroscopy approach was developed, utilizing the high chemical resolution of synchrotron radiation, to study CoCrMo reactivity as a function of time and oxidizing conditions. The results reveal limited Co dissolution from CoCrMo particles, which increases dramatically at a critical electrochemical potential. Furthermore, in situ XAS detected only Cr(III) dissolution, even at potentials where Cr(VI) is known to be produced, suggesting that Cr(VI) species are extremely transient in simulated biological environments where the oxidation zone is small