27 research outputs found

    LIF-Dependent Signaling: New Pieces in the Lego

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    LIF, a member of the IL6 family of cytokine, displays pleiotropic effects on various cell types and organs. Its critical role in stem cell models (e.g.: murine ES, human mesenchymal cells) and its essential non redundant function during the implantation process of embryos, in eutherian mammals, put this cytokine at the core of many studies aiming to understand its mechanisms of action, which could benefit to medical applications. In addition, its conservation upon evolution raised the challenging question concerning the function of LIF in species in which there is no implantation. We present the recent knowledge about the established and potential functions of LIF in different stem cell models, (embryonic, hematopoietic, mesenchymal, muscle, neural stem cells and iPSC). We will also discuss EVO-DEVO aspects of this multifaceted cytokine

    Powołanie Michaiła Kozaczińskiego na archimandrytę słuckiego. 1748-1749

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    В статье рассматривается вопрос о назначении слуцким архимандритом известного преподавателя и писателя XVIII в. Михаила Козачинского. Показано как этот вопрос был тесно связан с деятельностью русского посольства в Варшаве и нежеланием польско-литовских магнатов поднимать вопрос о положении православных на ближайшем сейме. В то же время русское правительство не желало обострения отношений с одним из крупнейших литовских магнатов Великого княжества Литовского и патроном Слуцкой архимандрии – Иеронимом Радзивиллом. Сам Радзивилл при этом был готов оказать покровительство православию в обмен на удовлетворение российским двором его партикулярных интересов. При этом при назначении слуцкого архимандрита в 1748-1749 гг. не была учтена позиция слуцкого православного братства, что было чревато дальнейшим углублением конфликта вокруг архимандрии.W artykule omówiono kwestię powołania Michaiła Kozaczińskiego, sławnego pedagoga i pisarza XVIII wieku na archimandrytę słuckiego. Pokazano, jak ściśle ta kwestia była związana z działalnością ambasady rosyjskiej w Warszawie i niechęcią magnatów polsko-litewskich do podniesienia kwestii pozycji prawosławia na kolejnym sejmie. Jednocześnie władze rosyjskie nie chciały pogorszenia stosunków z jednym z największych magnatów litewskich, patronem słuckiej organizacji kościoła prawosławnego, Hieronimem Radziwiłłem. Sam Radziwiłł był gotów objąć patronatem prawosławie w zamian za zaspokojenie przez dwór rosyjski jego partykularnych interesów. W procesie powoływania archimandryty słuckiego nie uwzględniono stanowiska słuckiego bractwa prawosławnego, co wiązało się z dalszym pogłębieniem konfliktu.The paper tells about an appointment of Mikhail Kozačinski, famous writer and pedagogue of 18th century, as an archimandrite of the Slutsk Holy Trinity monastery. The problem was closely connected with the protection of the Russian embassy in Warsaw over the Orthodox people of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth that irritated Polish and Lithuanian magnates who protested against discussing it on the forthcoming Diet. At the same time the Russian government didn’t want to worsen relations with the one of the powerful Lithuanian magnates, the owner of the Slutsk principality and the patron of the Slutsk Holy Trinity monastery, Hieronim Florian Radziwiłł. He also was ready to protect his Orthodox subjects in return for providing some particular services from the Russian emperor court. Appointing new archimandrite, the metropolitan of Kiev Timophej Shcherbatskij didn’t take into account the position of the Slutsk Orthodox fraternity that provoke another more serious conflict next years

    New Trends in Heart Regeneration: A Review

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    In this review, we focus on new approaches that could lead to the regeneration of heart muscle and the restoration of cardiac muscle function derived from newly-formed cardiomyocytes. Various strategies for the production of cardiomyocytes from embryonic stem cells, induced pluripotent stem cells, adult bone marrow stem cells and cardiac spheres from human heart biopsies are described. Pathological conditions which lead to atherosclerosis and coronary artery disease often are followed by myocardial infarction causing myocardial cell death. After cell death, there is very little self-regeneration of the cardiac muscle tissue, which is replaced by non-contractile connective tissue, thus weakening the ability of the heart muscle to contract fully and leading to heart failure. A number of experimental research approaches to stimulate heart muscle regeneration with the hope of regaining normal or near normal heart function in the damaged heart muscle have been attempted. Some of these very interesting studies have used a variety of stem cell types in combination with potential cardiogenic differentiation factors in an attempt to promote differentiation of new cardiac muscle for possible future use in the clinical treatment of patients who have suffered heart muscle damage from acute myocardial infarctions or related cardiovascular diseases. Although progress has been made in recent years relative to promoting the differentiation of cardiac muscle tissue from non-muscle cells, much work remains to be done for this technology to be used routinely in translational clinical medicine to treat patients with damaged heart muscle tissue and return such individuals to pre-heart-attack activity levels


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    One of the important problems of medicine is the problem of bone injuries. A new methodology for preoperative planning in patients with injuries of the bones of the musculoskeletal system is proposed. The technique was implemented in MeVisLab and it is suitable for restoring any bones

    Mathematical model of optimizing the arrival of fire units with the use of information systems for monitoring transport logistics of Voronezh city

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    In recent years, the strong pace of construction is increasing in big cities. With their growth becomes a question of the deployment of firefighters and the number of fire stations. The most effective solution is the problem of finding the optimum route of fire departments, taking into account the information transport logistics systems within the city that will allow us to arrive at the scene at any time, regardless of the degree of congestion of city roads. Prompt arrival of fire units provides the most successful fire fighting. The main objective of the study is to develop a preliminary route and the route in case of unforeseen factors affecting the time fire engine arrived. To construct the routes used to develop actively in the current methods of machine learning artificial neural networks. To construct the optimal route requires a correct prediction of the future behavior of a complex system of urban traffic based on its past behavior. Within the framework of statistical machine learning theory considered the problem of classification and regression. The learning process is to select a classification or a regression function of a predetermined broad class of such functions. After determining the prediction scheme, it is necessary to evaluate the quality of its forecasts, which are measured not on the basis of observations, and on the basis of an improved stochastic process, the result of the construction of the prediction rules. The model is verified on the basis of data collected in real departures real fire brigades, which made it possible to obtain a minimum time of arrival of fire units

    Calibration features of information-measuring systems for diagnosing technical condition based on the analysis of the mark image blurring

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    Background. The necessity of creating diagnostic systems for vibro-loaded objects is shown. Contactless systems have sufficient capabilities to determine the amplitude of vibrations, it is noted that an important part of such systems is the calibration process. The purpose of the study is to improve the accuracy of calibration of vibration displacement meters, develop methods for modeling vibration displacement and estimating errors of measurement conversion Materials and methods. The principle of operation of the dynamic calibration system for measuring vibration displacement is proposed. Results. Modeling using this technique has been carried out. A method for estimating measurement errors of calibration vibration displacement has been developed, justified and illustrated with a specific numerical example. A family of curves has been constructed showing the dependence of the reduced error of the calibration system of vibration displacement measuring instruments on the radius of the calibration round mark for different values of the number of pixels per image of the calibration round mark. Conclusions. A technique for numerical simulation of the process of measuring transformation of the image of a calibration round mark and the trace of its vibrational blur has been developed