12 research outputs found

    Возможности обезболивания при фотодинамической терапии

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    The authors consider the possibilities of pain management during photodynamic therapy (PDT) of visible tumors based on the observation of 102 patients. Of the total number of patients, 62 had verified basal cell skin cancer, 10 people - squamous cell skin cancer, another 10 - oral and oropharynx mucosa cancer, 8 - oral leukoplakia and dysplasia, in 6 - lower lip cancer, in 4 - breast cancer, in 2 - other localizations of neoplasms. In 15 patients, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) were used as pain management, in 69 - a combination of NSAID with tramadol, in 14 - nerve block anesthesia, in 4 - PDT was performed under general anesthesia. The intensity of pain syndrome during laser irradiation of the tumor was assessed on the verbal rating scale (VRS). The absence of pain was recorded in 9% of cases. Mild pain was noted by 58% of patients, moderate pain - 20%, severe pain - 10%, very severe pain was noted by 3% of patients.The degree of expression of pain syndrome during PDT depends on the incidence of a lesion, histological form of tumor, and method of anesthesia. NSAID alone, or in combination with an opioid analgesic, allows effective control of pain syndrome in PDT of basal cell skin cancer in 89%, in PDT of squamous cell skin cancer in 66% of observations. Nerve block anesthesia allows stoping pain syndrome during PDT of oropharyngeal tumors.Авторы рассматривают возможности обезболивания при фотодинамической терапии (ФДТ) опухолей визуальных локализаций на основе анализа данных 102 пациентов. Среди пациентов, включенных в выборку, у 62 верифицирован базальноклеточный рак кожи, у 10 - плоскоклеточный рак кожи, у 10 - рак слизистой оболочки полости рта и ротоглотки, у 8 - лейкоплакия и дисплазия слизистой оболочки полости рта, у 6 - рак нижней губы, у 4 - рак молочной железы, у 2 - новообразования иных локализаций.У 15 пациентов для обезболивания применяли нестероидные противовоспалительные препараты (НПВС), у 69 - сочетание НПВС со слабыми опиоидами (трамадолом), у 14 - проводниковую анестезию, у 4 ФДТ проводили под общим обезболиванием. Интенсивность болевого синдрома оценивалась в процессе проведения лазерного облучения опухоли по шкале вербальных оценок (ШВО). Отсутствие болевых ощущений зафиксировано в 9% наблюдений. Слабую боль отмечали в 58% наблюдений, умеренную боль – в 20%, сильную боль - в 10%, очень сильную боль - в 3% наблюдений.Степень выраженности болевого синдрома при проведении ФДТ зависит от распространенности поражения, гистологической формы опухоли и способа обезболивания. НПВС в самостоятельном варианте или в сочетании с опиоидным анальгетиком позволяют эффективно контролировать болевой синдром при ФДТ базальноклеточного рака кожи в 89%, плоскоклеточного рака кожи – в 66% наблюдений. Проводниковая анестезия позволяет купировать болевой синдром при проведении ФДТ опухолей орофарингеальной области

    Viral infections during pregnancy - optimization of therapy

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    The article presents the results of a clinical study of a comparative assessment of the therapeutic efficacy, safety and tolerability of the drug Panavir, a solution for intravenous administration of 0.04 mg / ml with the preparations of the basic complex therapy of IVI in pregnant women in the II and III trimesters. The study revealed that the inclusion of the drug "Panavir" in the complex therapy of viral infections during pregnancy effectively reduces the risk of developing amnionitis, placenta and infection of the fetus; is safe for both the mother and the fetus and is not accompanied by side effects and undesirable phenomena.В статье представлены результаты клинического исследования сравнительной оценки лечебной эффективности, безопасности и переносимости препарата «Панавир», раствора для внутривенного введения 0,04 мг/мл с препаратами базовой комплексной терапии ВУИ у беременных во II и III триместрах. В результате исследования выявлено, что включение препарата «Панавир» в комплексную терапию вирусных инфекций во время беременности эффективно снижает риск развития амнионита, плацентита и инфицирование плода; безопасно как для матери, так и для плода и не сопровождается побочными эффектами и нежелательными явлениями

    Pharmacological correction of fetoplacental insufficiency with fetal growth retardation syndrome

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    The aim of the study was to compare the pharmacological effectiveness of commonly used angioprotective agents "Pentoxifylline"®, "Phlebodia 600",® and "Curantil 25"® based on the results of laboratory and instrumental methods of research conducted after treatment. The retrospective and prospective survey of 120 pregnant women with 28-36 weeks of gestation were carried out on a clinical site of the Department of Obstetrics and gynecology of KSMU, and on the site of the Regional Perinatal Center of the City of Kurs


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    Ground beetles of the Tersko-Kumskaya coastal area are studied. For the first time for the territory there are defined 170 species of the beetles related to 46 genus

    Role of parathyroid hormone measurement in fine-needle aspiration biopsy washout in diagnosis and treatment of primary hyperparathyroidism

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    In this article, we discuss difficulties in parathyroid localization modalities in diagnosis of primary hyperparathyroidism. Most often, superior parathyroid glands are located on the posteromedial surface of the right and left lobes of the thyroid gland, however, they also could be found at the carotid bifurcation, behind pharynx and esophagus, as well as inside thyroid gland. Location of the inferior parathyroid glands is more variable: on the side or back surface, or below the lower pole of the thyroid gland, as well as in thymus, posterior or anterior mediastinum, or inside thyroid. Localization modalities of primary hyperparathyroidism are based on neck ultrasonography, scintigraphy with sestamibi, computed tomography of neck and mediastinum. In cases with combination of multinodal goitre and an intrathyroid location of the parathyroid gland, there might be additional difficulties in verification of various patterns (thyroid nodules or parathyroid glands). In this article, we present two clinical cases of intrathyroid location of parathyroid glands. The algorithm of parathyroid adenoma localization is shown. Determination of PTH level in washing liquid after fine-needle aspiration biopsy from necessary punctures of the nodule formations, which can be either intrathyroid parathyroid glands or thyroid nodules, can also help to avoid diagnostic mistakes


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    The results of study of the spiders fauna of Daghestan on 2011 were summed up at most in the work. The annotated lost of species was cited according to the world catalogue of Norman Platnik [1]. By the present time the composition of species of studied district includes 311 species, from which 59 species are cited as new for Daghestan, and 2 species (Drassodes arc-hibensis Ponomarev & Alieva, 2008, Drassodes dagestanus Ponomarev & Alieva, 2008) are described as new for science. The indicated specimen earlier as sp. are identified to species – the species Nurscia albosignata Simon, 1874, earlier was identified as Nurscia sp. [8], the species Clubiona alpicola Kulczynski, 1881, earlier was identified as Clubiona sp.[8], and the species Clubiona brevipes Blackwall, 1841, earlier was identified as Clubiona sp.[8]. The mistaken definition is corrected – the species Pirata hurkai Buchar, 1966, earlier identified as Pirata knorri (Scopoli, 1763)

    Possibilities of pain management during photodynamic therapy

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    The authors consider the possibilities of pain management during photodynamic therapy (PDT) of visible tumors based on the observation of 102 patients. Of the total number of patients, 62 had verified basal cell skin cancer, 10 people - squamous cell skin cancer, another 10 - oral and oropharynx mucosa cancer, 8 - oral leukoplakia and dysplasia, in 6 - lower lip cancer, in 4 - breast cancer, in 2 - other localizations of neoplasms. In 15 patients, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) were used as pain management, in 69 - a combination of NSAID with tramadol, in 14 - nerve block anesthesia, in 4 - PDT was performed under general anesthesia. The intensity of pain syndrome during laser irradiation of the tumor was assessed on the verbal rating scale (VRS). The absence of pain was recorded in 9% of cases. Mild pain was noted by 58% of patients, moderate pain - 20%, severe pain - 10%, very severe pain was noted by 3% of patients.The degree of expression of pain syndrome during PDT depends on the incidence of a lesion, histological form of tumor, and method of anesthesia. NSAID alone, or in combination with an opioid analgesic, allows effective control of pain syndrome in PDT of basal cell skin cancer in 89%, in PDT of squamous cell skin cancer in 66% of observations. Nerve block anesthesia allows stoping pain syndrome during PDT of oropharyngeal tumors


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    Secondary dilation (arrhythmogenic) cardiomyopathy in children after artificial pacemaker implantation occurs rather rare. Criteria for implantation are typical: expressed disorders of systemic ventricle function (lowering EF < 35% in dynamics) and prolongation of QRS interval more 120 ms. Heart transplantation is the only alternative. We present 2 cases with successful application of cardioresynchronizer for critical lowering EF at a time of AP implantation. We consider this method will assist in overcoming critical decompensated heart insufficiency and it is a good alternative to the only reliable approach in these children-heart transplantation. The age of patients is not a constraint factor


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    Aim. The aim is to conduct a comparative analysis of the composition of the terrestrial fauna of the Tethys desert-steppe region of the Palearctic.Materials and methods. The work was based on the materials collected in different republics and regions of the Caucasus and the south of the European part of Russia during 50 years (from 1961 to 2016) which are kept in various domestic and foreign institutions. Catalogs on the studied model groups were also used to conduct the research. In making the dendrograms, a cluster analysis based on the Jaccard coefficient was used.Results. A detailed analysis was carried out by model groups of the animals of the Eastern and Western Thethys complexes of the desert-steppe region of the Palearctic. Comparative analysis has shown that a significant number of species and genera of the discussed territories is characterized by an exceptionally high ratio of endemic species and superspecies taxa. Indicators of endemism in model groups fluctuate depending on the population's ability to resettle. High endemism of faunas of darkling beetles, ground beetles, click beetles and land snails in the Eastern Tethys complex was noted.Conclusion. The Caucasus (in a new interpretation) is characterized by a high percentage of endemism for the studied model groups. A large number of the common Tethys genera and species in all model groups attests to their fundamental role in the overall composition of the biota against the background of powerful autochthonous centers of species-formation and, most importantly, the formation and functioning of the Palaearctic desert-steppe belt as the Tethys ocean reduced