6 research outputs found

    Evidence of phonon-assisted tunnelling in electrical conduction through DNA molecules

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    We propose a phonon-assisted tunnelling model for explanation of conductivity dependence on temperature and temperature-dependent I-V characteristics in deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) molecules. The capability of this model for explanation of conductivity peculiarities in DNA is illustrated by comparison of the temperature dependent I-V data extracted from some articles with tunnelling rate dependences on temperature and field strength computed according to the phonon-assisted tunnelling theory. PACS Codes: 87.15.-v, 71.38.-k, 73.40.GkComment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Exploring the Design Space of Static and Incremental Graph Connectivity Algorithms on GPUs

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    Connected components and spanning forest are fundamental graph algorithms due to their use in many important applications, such as graph clustering and image segmentation. GPUs are an ideal platform for graph algorithms due to their high peak performance and memory bandwidth. While there exist several GPU connectivity algorithms in the literature, many design choices have not yet been explored. In this paper, we explore various design choices in GPU connectivity algorithms, including sampling, linking, and tree compression, for both the static as well as the incremental setting. Our various design choices lead to over 300 new GPU implementations of connectivity, many of which outperform state-of-the-art. We present an experimental evaluation, and show that we achieve an average speedup of 2.47x speedup over existing static algorithms. In the incremental setting, we achieve a throughput of up to 48.23 billion edges per second. Compared to state-of-the-art CPU implementations on a 72-core machine, we achieve a speedup of 8.26--14.51x for static connectivity and 1.85--13.36x for incremental connectivity using a Tesla V100 GPU