198 research outputs found

    How Personality Affects Vulnerability among Israelis and Palestinians Following the 2009 Gaza Conflict

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    Can the onset of PTSD symptoms and depression be predicted by personality factors and thought control strategies? A logical explanation for the different mental health outcomes of individuals exposed to trauma would seem to be personality factors and thought control strategies. Trauma exposure is necessary but not sufficient for the development of PTSD. To this end, we assess the role of personality traits and coping styles in PTSD vulnerability among Israeli and Palestinian students amid conflict.We also determine whether gender and exposure level to trauma impact the likelihood of the onset of PTSD symptoms. Five questionnaires assess previous trauma, PTSD symptoms, demographics, personality factors and thought control strategies, which are analyzed using path analysis. Findings show that the importance of personality factors and thought control strategies in predicting vulnerability increases in the face of political violence: the higher stress, the more important the roles of personality and thought control strategies. Thought control strategies associated with introverted and less emotionally stable personality-types correlate positively with higher levels of PTSD symptoms and depression, particularly among Palestinians. By extension, because mental health is key to reducing violence in the region, PTSD reduction in conflict zones warrants rethinking

    Preference Matching, Income, and Population Distribution in Urban and Adjacent Rural Regions

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    We analyze the impact of preference matching and income on the distribution of the population in an aggregate economy consisting of an urban and an adjacent rural region. It costs more (less) to live in the urban (rural) region. Individuals choose freely to live either in the urban or in the rural region. They differ in their incomes. These incomes are uniformly distributed on the unit interval. Our analysis leads to four results. First, when the cost differential parameter satisfies a condition, both regions are occupied in the equilibrium. Second, when this parametric condition holds, in any equilibrium in which the mean income of individuals varies across the two regions, every resident of the rural region has a lower income than every resident of the urban region. Third, there exists an income threshold and all individuals with higher (lower) incomes choose to live in the urban (rural) region. Finally, in the equilibrium with income sorting, it is possible to make everyone better off by slightly modifying their residential choices

    The Eliashberg Function of Amorphous Metals

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    A connection is proposed between the anomalous thermal transport properties of amorphous solids and the low-frequency behavior of the Eliashberg function. By means of a model calculation we show that the size and frequency dependence of the phonon mean-free-path that has been extracted from measurements of the thermal conductivity in amorphous solids leads to a sizeable linear region in the Eliashberg function at small frequencies. Quantitative comparison with recent experiments gives very good agreement.Comment: 4pp., REVTeX, 1 uuencoded ps fig. Original posting had a corrupted raw ps fig appended. Published as PRB 51, 689 (1995

    Supercomputer Simulations of Disk Galaxies

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    The time evolution of models for an isolated disk of highly flattened galaxies of stars is investigated by direct integration of the Newtonian equations of motion of N=30,000 identical stars over a time span of many galactic rotations. Certain astronomical implications of the simulations to actual disk-shaped (i.e. rapidly rotating) galaxies are explored as well.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figure Aat.sty, Aattable.sty, presented by E. Griv at the JENAM 2000, S02, Moscow, Russia, 200

    Dynamic Scaling of Magnetic Flux Noise Near the KTB Transition in Overdamped Josephson Junction Arrays

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    We have used a dc Superconducting QUantum Interference Device to measure the magnetic flux noise generated by the equilibrium vortex density fluctuations associated with the Kosterlitz-Thouless-Berezinskii (KTB) transition in an overdamped Josephson junction array. At temperatures slightly above the KTB transition temperature, the noise is white for f<fξf<f_\xi and scales as 1/f1/f for f>fξf>f_\xi. Here fξξzf_\xi\propto\xi^{-z}, where ξ\xi is the correlation length and zz is the dynamic exponent. Moreover, when all frequencies are scaled by fξf_\xi, data for different temperatures and frequencies collapse on to a single curve. In addition, we have extracted the dynamic exponent zz and found z=1.98±0.03z=1.98\pm0.03.Comment: 5 pages, LaTeX (REVTeX) format, requires epsfig and amstex style files. 3 figures included. Tentatively scheduled for publication in Physical Review Letters, 18 March, 199

    Critical Exponents of the Fully Frustrated 2-D Xy Model

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    We present a detailed study of the critical properties of the 2-D XY model with maximal frustration in a square lattice. We use extensive Monte Carlo simulations to study the thermodynamics of the spin and chiral degrees of freedom, concentrating on their correlation functions. The gauge invariant spin-spin correlation functions are calculated close to the critical point for lattice sizes up to 240×240240\times 240; the chiral correlation functions are studied on lattices up to 96×9696\times 96. We find that the critical exponents of the spin phase transition are ν=0.3069\nu=0.3069, and η=0.1915\eta=0.1915, which are to be compared with the unfrustrated XY model exponents ν=1/2\nu=1/2 and η=0.25\eta=0.25. We also find that the critical exponents of the chiral transition are νχ=0.875\nu_{\chi}=0.875, 2β=0.19362\beta=0.1936, 2γ=1.822\gamma= 1.82, and 2γ=1.0252\gamma\>\prime=1.025, which are different from the expected 2-D Ising critical exponents. The spin-phase transition occurs at TU(1)=0.446T_{U(1)}=0.446 which is about 7\% above the estimated chiral critical temperature TZ2=0.4206T_{Z_{2}}= 0.4206. However, because of the size of the statistical errors, it is difficult to decide with certainty whether the transitions occur at the same or at slightly different temperatures. Finally, the jump in the helicity modulus in the fully frustrated system is found to be about 23\% below the unfrustrated universal value. The most important consequence of these results is that the fully frustrated XY model appears to be in a novel universality class. Recent successful comparisons of some of these results with experimental data are also briefly discussed. (TO APPEAR IN PRB)Comment: 47 pages (PHYZZX

    Severe Exercise and Exercise Training Exert Opposite Effects on Human Neutrophil Apoptosis via Altering the Redox Status

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    Neutrophil spontaneous apoptosis, a process crucial for immune regulation, is mainly controlled by alterations in reactive oxygen species (ROS) and mitochondria integrity. Exercise has been proposed to be a physiological way to modulate immunity; while acute severe exercise (ASE) usually impedes immunity, chronic moderate exercise (CME) improves it. This study aimed to investigate whether and how ASE and CME oppositely regulate human neutrophil apoptosis. Thirteen sedentary young males underwent an initial ASE and were subsequently divided into exercise and control groups. The exercise group (n = 8) underwent 2 months of CME followed by 2 months of detraining. Additional ASE paradigms were performed at the end of each month. Neutrophils were isolated from blood specimens drawn at rest and immediately after each ASE for assaying neutrophil spontaneous apoptosis (annexin-V binding on the outer surface) along with redox-related parameters and mitochondria-related parameters. Our results showed that i) the initial ASE immediately increased the oxidative stress (cytosolic ROS and glutathione oxidation), and sequentially accelerated the reduction of mitochondrial membrane potential, the surface binding of annexin-V, and the generation of mitochondrial ROS; ii) CME upregulated glutathione level, retarded spontaneous apoptosis and delayed mitochondria deterioration; iii) most effects of CME were unchanged after detraining; and iv) CME blocked ASE effects and this capability remained intact even after detraining. Furthermore, the ASE effects on neutrophil spontaneous apoptosis were mimicked by adding exogenous H2O2, but not by suppressing mitochondrial membrane potential. In conclusion, while ASE induced an oxidative state and resulted in acceleration of human neutrophil apoptosis, CME delayed neutrophil apoptosis by maintaining a reduced state for long periods of time even after detraining

    Integrated Micro-Macro Structural Econometric Framework for Assessing Climate-Change Impacts on Agricultural Production and Food Markets

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    This paper combines a micro-level structural econometric model of farmland allocation and a market-level equilibrium supply-demand model in order to simulate the effects of climate changes on agricultural production, food prices and social welfare. The estimation accounts for corner solutions associated with disaggregated land-use data, whose usage enables treating prices as exogenous. We employ the model for assessing climate-change impacts in Israel, in which agriculture is protected by import tariffs. We find that projected climate changes are beneficial to farmers, particularly due to the positive impact of the forecasted temperature rise on field crops. Fruit production are projected to decline, and reduce consumer surpluses, but to a lower extent than the increase in total agricultural profits. Nearly 20% of the profit rise is attributed to farmers adaptation through land reallocation. Adaptation to the projected reduction in precipitation by increasing irrigation is found warranted from farmers perspective; however, it is not beneficial to society as a whole. Abolishing import tariffs effectively transfers surpluses from producers to consumers, but its impact on social welfare becomes positive only under large climate changes. Acknowledgement