618 research outputs found

    Photoionization of tungsten ions: experiment and theory for W4+^{4+}

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    Experimental and theoretical results are reported for single-photon single ionization of the tungsten ion W4+^{4+}. Absolute cross sections have been measured employing the photon-ion merged-beams setup at the Advanced Light Source in Berkeley. Detailed photon-energy scans were performed at 200~meV bandwidth in the 40 -- 105~eV range. Theoretical results have been obtained from a Dirac-Coulomb R-matrix approach employing basis sets of 730 levels for the photoionization of W4+^{4+}. Calculations were carried out for the 4f145s25p65d2  3FJ4f^{14}5s^2 5p^6 5d^2 \; {^3}{\rm F}_{J}, JJ=2, ground level and the associated fine-structure levels with JJ=3 and 4 for the W4+^{4+} ions. In addition, cross sections have been calculated for the metastable levels 4f145s25p65d2  3P0,1,2,1D2,1G4,1S04f^{14}5s^2 5p^6 5d^2 \; {^3}{\rm P}_{0,1,2},{^1}{\rm D}_{2},{^1}{\rm G}_{4},{^1}{\rm S}_{0}. Very satisfying agreement of theory and experiment is found for the photoionization cross section of W4+^{4+} which is remarkable given the complexity of the electronic structure of tungsten ions in low charge states.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures, to appear in the Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physic

    Single-photon single ionization of W+^{+} ions: experiment and theory

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    Experimental and theoretical results are reported for photoionization of Ta-like (W+^{+}) tungsten ions. Absolute cross sections were measured in the energy range 16 to 245 eV employing the photon-ion merged-beam setup at the Advanced Light Source in Berkeley. Detailed photon-energy scans at 100 meV bandwidth were performed in the 16 to 108 eV range. In addition, the cross section was scanned at 50 meV resolution in regions where fine resonance structures could be observed. Theoretical results were obtained from a Dirac-Coulomb R-matrix approach. Photoionization cross section calculations were performed for singly ionized atomic tungsten ions in their 5s25p65d4(5D)6s  6DJ5s^2 5p^6 5d^4({^5}D)6s \; {^6}{\rm D}_{J}, JJ=1/2, ground level and the associated excited metastable levels with JJ=3/2, 5/2, 7/2 and 9/2. Since the ion beams used in the experiments must be expected to contain long-lived excited states also from excited configurations, additional cross-section calculations were performed for the second-lowest term, 5d^5 \; ^6{\rm S}_{J}, JJ=5/2, and for the 4^4F term, 5d^3 6s^2 \; ^4{\rm F}_{J}, with JJ = 3/2, 5/2, 7/2 and 9/2. Given the complexity of the electronic structure of W+^+ the calculations reproduce the main features of the experimental cross section quite well.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figures, 1 table: Accepted for publication in J. Phys. B: At. Mol. & Opt. Phy

    Three Dimensional Mapping of Texture in Dental Enamel

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    We have used synchrotron x-ray diffraction to study the crystal orientation in human dental enamel as a function of position within intact tooth sections. Keeping tooth sections intact has allowed us to construct 2D and 3D spatial distribution maps of the magnitude and orientation of texture in dental enamel. We have found that the enamel crystallites are most highly aligned at the expected occlusal points for a maxillary first premolar, and that the texture direction varies spatially in a three dimensional curling arrangement. Our results provide a model for texture in enamel which can aid researchers in developing dental composite materials for fillings and crowns with optimal characteristics for longevity, and will guide clinicians to the best method for drilling into enamel, in order to minimize weakening of remaining tooth structure, during dental restoration procedure

    Advances in Atomic Data for Neutron-Capture Elements

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    Neutron(n)-capture elements (atomic number Z>30), which can be produced in planetary nebula (PN) progenitor stars via s-process nucleosynthesis, have been detected in nearly 100 PNe. This demonstrates that nebular spectroscopy is a potentially powerful tool for studying the production and chemical evolution of trans-iron elements. However, significant challenges must be addressed before this goal can be achieved. One of the most substantial hurdles is the lack of atomic data for n-capture elements, particularly that needed to solve for their ionization equilibrium (and hence to convert ionic abundances to elemental abundances). To address this need, we have computed photoionization cross sections and radiative and dielectronic recombination rate coefficients for the first six ions of Se and Kr. The calculations were benchmarked against experimental photoionization cross section measurements. In addition, we computed charge transfer (CT) rate coefficients for ions of six n-capture elements. These efforts will enable the accurate determination of nebular Se and Kr abundances, allowing robust investigations of s-process enrichments in PNe.Comment: To be published in IAU Symp. 283: Planetary Nebulae, an Eye to the Future; 2 page
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