648 research outputs found

    The Effect of Post-Purchase Perceived-Value Towards the Relationship Quality of Hajj and Umrah Travel Agencies in Indonesia

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    One out of four people in the world is a Moslem, and Indonesia ranks first on the biggest Moslem population in the world. Hundreds of thousands of people go to Makkah each year to make Hajj (pilgrimage). Hajj and Umrah travel agencies as providers of Hajj and Umrah packages are becoming important in Indonesia, as their number is about two hundred agencies. However, there has been little discussion about Hajj and Umrah, especially on Hajj and Umrah travel agencies. The purpose of this paper is to identify the relationships of post-purchase perceived-value to relationship quality, which consists of satisfaction, commitment, and trust, on Hajj and Umrah travel agencies. This study finds that the post-purchase perceived-value significantly affects satisfaction and trust but does not affect commitment. Moreover, satisfaction significantly affects trust and commitment, while trust does not affect commitment


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    Teaching materials is very important element that wasrequired teaching materials and decent standard. Teaching materials either to be in accord with standards appropriate teaching materials by bsnp namely the viability of contents, language, the presentation, and the graph. The aim is to find the teaching material used as teaching materials, and the election appropriate teaching material used for learning activities, and the response of the student teaching material. This research using a descriptive the quantitative study. Technical data is applicable in an interview that poll, and documentation. The results show (1) the teaching material used was teaching material printed in a book (the package. The reason is because the materials contained s considered most appropriate with our curriculum and comprehensible students. (2) any textbook subjects productive accounting improperly used for learning activities. (3) the students for using textbooks subjects productive accounting is good.   Keywords : Teaching Materials, Feasibility, Respons

    Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Materi Pengolahan Data Menggunakan Media Grafis di Kelas VI Sdn Jantiganggong II Perak Jombang

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    Penyajian data merupakan salah satu materi pembelajaran matematika yang ada di kelas VI SD yang terdiri dari kegiatan mengumpulkan dan membacadata, mengolah dan menyajikan data. Dalam kegiatan pembelajaran pengolahan dan menginterprestasikan data tetapi juga pada saat mengumpulkan data anak membutuhkan ketarampilan membuat tabel dan diagram datayang berasal dari pengalam serta orang lain, dalam pembuatan tabel penyajian data dibutuhkan suatu alat (media) agar pembelajaran lebih menarik, siswa ingin belajar (tertarik) dan siswa terlibat dalam pembelajaran, adapun media yang dimaksud adalah media grafis yang merupakan media visual yang mengkombinasikan fakta dan gagasan secara jelas untuk menyalurkan pesan ke penerima. Kenyataan yang berpusat pada guru, anak merasa bosan dan pembelajaran masih bersifat konvensional dengan mengacu pada buku. Sehingga berpengaruh pula pada hasil belajar, kegiatan belajar mengajar. Oleh sebab itu peneliti melakukan penelitian dengan jenis penelitian tindakan kelas dengan menggunakan media grafis untuk meningkatkan pembelajaran penyajian data kelas VI SD dengan rancangan penelitian perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengamatan dan refleksi yang terangkum dalam satu siklus. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini adaalh untuk mengetahui cara meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa mata pelajaran matematika materi penyajian data dengan menggunakan media grafis siswa kelas VI SD dan mengetahui langkah – langkah pembelajaran mata pelajaran matematika materi penyajian data yang dapat melibatkan keaktifan siswa. Adapun hasil dari penelitian adalah satu siklus peneliti rasa kurang cukup aktifitas belajar serta kegiatan mengajar guru masih belum maksimal hal ini mempengaruhi hasil belajar siswa, sehingga pada kegiatan ini terdiri dari dua siklus. Dengan instrumen tes, lembar pengamatan belajar siswa, dan lembar pengamatan guru. Adapun hasil penagamtan persiklus mengalami peningkatan pada aktivitas belajar siswa dari 60% menjadi 90% aktivitas mengajar guru dari 60% mrnjadi 80% dan hasil belajar dari 82% menjadi 89%

    Zakat Fitrah Di Lembaga Pendidikan Perspektif Mazhab Syafi'i Dan Mazhab Hanafi

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    Zakat is the third of pillars of Islam, which is very important for improving the existence of Muslim worship beside of prayer and fasting, so zakat fitrah is carried so much by Elementary Schools and Islamic Elementary Schools to be used as a basic learning by way of zakat payment practice in schools. There are two of education institutions carried by the author. They are Bandar II Elementary School and Ihsan al-Bandar Islamic Elementary School, Kedung Mulyo village, Bandar Kedung Mulyo sub-district, Jombang. In November 2014 ago. The main purpose of this study is to understand the practice of zakat fitrah applied in Elementary School and Islamic Elementary School in Bandar Kedung Mulyo Village, Bandar Kedung Mulyo sub-district, Jombang, and to review the law of Syafi'i and Hanafi sect perspective. In this study uses the type of empirical research with qualitative approach. Most of the primary data collected through semi-structured interviews and field observations. Literature and related documentation of this issue are used as the secondary data. After collecting the data, then analyze it by using qualitative descriptive method. Based on the analysis, the conclusion is zakat fitrah in Elementary School and Islamic Elementary School of Bandar Kedung Mulyo has different characteristics and practices in collecting zakat, zakat distribution, and the time of collection and dividing of zakat. The difference is because of Bandar II Elementary School tends to be proportional to follow the Syafi'i and Hanafi sect, whereas in al-Ihsan Islamic Elementary School tends to follow or taqlid at one sect, that is Syafi'i sect.Zakat adalah rukun ketiga dari rukun Islam, yang sangat penting untuk meningkatkan keberadaan ibadah Muslim samping doa dan puasa, sehingga zakat fitrah dilakukan begitu banyak oleh Sekolah Dasar dan Sekolah Dasar Islam untuk digunakan sebagai pembelajaran dasar dengan cara praktek pembayaran zakat di sekolah. Ada dua lembaga pendidikan yang dilakukan oleh penulis. Mereka adalah Bandar II Sekolah Dasar dan Ihsan al-Bandar Sekolah Dasar Islam, Desa Kedung Mulyo, Bandar Kedung Mulyo Kecamatan, Jombang. Pada November 2014 lalu. Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memahami praktek zakat fitrah diterapkan di Sekolah Dasar dan Madrasah Ibtidaiyah di Bandar Kedung Mulyo Desa, Bandar Kedung Mulyo Kecamatan, Jombang, dan untuk meninjau hukum Syafi'i dan perspektif Maadzhab Hanafi. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian empiris dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Sebagian besar data primer dikumpulkan melalui wawancara semi-terstruktur dan observasi lapangan. Sastra dan dokumentasi terkait masalah ini digunakan sebagai data sekunder. Setelah mengumpulkan data, kemudian menganalisisnya dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Berdasarkan analisis, kesimpulannya adalah zakat fitrah di Sekolah Dasar dan Sekolah Dasar Islam Bandar Kedung Mulyo memiliki karakteristik yang berbeda dan praktek dalam mengumpulkan zakat, distribusi zakat, dan saat pengumpulan dan pembagian zakat. Perbedaannya adalah karena Bandar II Sekolah Dasar cenderung proporsional mengikuti Madzhab Syafi'i dan Hanafi, sedangkan di al-Ihsan Sekolah Dasar Islam cenderung mengikuti atau taqlid pada satu Madzhab, yang Madzhab Syafi'i

    Analysis of Factors Related with Compliance Taking Medicine of Leprosy in District Pragaan

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    Leprosy elimination in several areas in Indonesia still late. It caused by knowledge, social and economic factor of Multi Drug Therapy (MDT) treatment. Leprosy treatment is very important to eliminate cases of leprosy because leprosy can be cured by taking medication regularly. If patient of leprosy take medication irregularly, leprosy bacteria can become resistant, so the symptoms will be persisted and even worse. This study was aimed to analyze the factors related with compliance of taking medicine by patient of leprosy in Disctrict Pragaan Sumenep. This study used cross sectional approach. The number of sample in this study were 40 patients who were taken with simple random sampling. Chi-square test in Statcalc of epi-info was used to know the relation between independent variables and dependent variable with (α = 0,05). Based on study result, there was asscociation between knowledge about leprosy with compliance of taking medicineby patient of leprosy (p = 0,012)). There was association between family support with compliance of taking medicineby patient of leprosy (p = 0,003).There was association between stigma with compliance of taking medicineby patient of leprosy (p = 0,000). There was association between the role of health workers with compliance of taking medicineby patient of leprosy (p = 0,014). There was asscociation between availabiliy of MDT with compliance of taking medicineby patient of leprosy (p = 0,006). The conclusion of this study was knowledge about leprosy, family support, stigma, availability of MDT were factors that related with compliance of taking medicineby patient of leprosy. Effective socialization will give patient motivations to be obedient of taking medicine

    Implementasi Sekolah Ramah Anak (Sra) Pada Sekolah Percontohan Di SD Pekunden 01 Kota Semarang Sebagai Upaya Untuk Mendukung Program Kota Layak Anak (KLA)

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    Children are not an object so that can rudely treated, they have own characteristic that need to be determined by the differentiation towards their treatment, with an aim to protect and guard them for supporting their future. At the District / City level, regulations and policies on child protection tend to focus when a child has entered into legal matters or has committed break the law, the actions of the government are limited to rehabilitation and often ignore the aspects of prevention. This prevention aims to prevent a child from taking unlawful acts. This research is to describe child-friendly school program as an effort to prevent child face with law (ABH) in Semarang City. This research uses qualitative approach with the theoretical concept from Mazmanian & Sabatier. The results of this research shows that the implementation of child-friendly school program as an effort to prevent child face with law (ABH) in Semarang City has not been implemented optimally yet, because the implementation of child-friendly school program still facing many obstacles like physically violence in school by their teacher or students. Lack of control from parents, as well as environmental influences of children who are factors causing child face with law. Suggestion from researcher are increased cooperation between related institutions, and also doing communication intensity towards their parents. Then, the lack of human resources to guide the student physically become an obstacle to the implementation of child-friendly school

    Analisis Kesulitan Siswa dalam Menyelesaikan Soal Cerita Matematika Topik Pecahan Ditinjau dari Gender

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    Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah lima orang perempuan dan lima orang laki-laki siswa VII. Peneliti menggunakan langkah-langkah menurut Soedjadi, (a) Membaca soal dengan cermat untuk menangkap makna tiap kalimat, (b) Memisahkan dan mengungkapkan apa yang diketahui dalam soal, apa yang diminta/ditanyakan dalam soal, operasi pengerjaan apa yang diperlukan, (c) Membuat model matematika dari soal, (d) Menyelesaikan model menurut aturan-aturan matematika, sehingga mendapatkan jawaban dari model tersebut, dan (e) Mengembalikan jawaban soal kepada jawaban asal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan siswa perempuan mengalami kesulitan dalam memahami konsep pecahan (menyamakan penyebut), mengalami kesulitan dalam menentukan operasi pengerjaan seperti penjumlahan, pengurangan, perkalian dan pembagian serta tidak menuliskan kesimpulan terakhir sedangkan siswa laki-laki mengalami kesulitan dalam memahami soal sehingga kurang tepat dalam menyelesaikan hasil akhir serta menyamakan penyebut. Cara mengatasi faktor-faktor kesulitan dalam soal ceritaa matematika adalah memberikan intensitas latihan, menguatkan kembali konsep pecahan pada siswa perempuan dan meningkatkan komunikasi matematis siswa
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