13 research outputs found
System kontroli uprawnie艅 do dokument贸w w oparciu o RFID w obr臋bie 艂a艅cucha dostaw
Background: The information exchange process within the supply chain management is considered key to managing physical product flow and improving cost and service performance of enterprises. There are many different types of information that can be shared within the supply chain. In some cases, the information shared has to be strongly secured. The aim of the paper is to prepare appropriate models and design of the RFID-based access control system, as well as its architecture, including the domain model, requirements, business process models, and user interfaces.
Methods: The paper presents the concept and design models of the access control system for RFID-tagged documents in supply chain management. The system architecture and design models, including the domain model, requirements, business process models, and user interfaces were described.
Results: The access control system allows to assign privileges to particular persons or groups of persons for specific documents. When implementing the processes related to the handling of documents, the required privileges are verified. Existence or lack of such privileges affects further development of such processes. Conclusions: The module of privileges (using the functionalities of the Aurea BPM and Archer-DMS systems) including the user authorization to handle the documents at different sensitivity levels was developed.Proces wymiany informacji w obr臋bie 艂a艅cucha dostaw jest u偶ywany za kluczowy czynnik w przep艂ywie materia艂贸w jak r贸wnie偶 dla poprawy jako艣ci zarz膮dzania kosztami i poziomem obs艂ugi klienta w przedsi臋biorstwie. Istnieje kilka r贸偶nych typ贸w informacji, kt贸rych wymiana nast臋puje w obr臋bie 艂a艅cucha dostaw. W niekt贸rych przypadkach informacja ta musi by膰 szczeg贸lnie chroniona. Celem tej pracy by艂o przygotowanie odpowiednich modeli oraz zaprojektowanie systemu kontroli dost臋pu w oparciu o technologi臋 RFID jak r贸wnie偶 jego architektury, w tym modele domeny, wymaga艅, modelu procesu biznesowego oraz interfejs贸w u偶ytkownika.
Metody: Zaprezentowano koncepcj臋 oraz modele projektowe systemu kontroli dost臋pu w oparciu o technologi臋 RFID w zarz膮dzaniu 艂a艅cuchem dostaw. Opisano architektur臋 systemu i modele projektowe w tym modele domeny, wymaga艅, modelu procesu biznesowego oraz interfejs贸w u偶ytkownika. Wyniki: System kontroli dost臋pu umo偶liwia nadawanie uprawnie艅 poszczeg贸lnym u偶ytkownik贸w lub ich grupom dost臋pu do poszczeg贸lnych dokument贸w. W trakcie realizacji proces贸w pozyskiwania dokument贸w, nast臋puje weryfikacja uprawnie艅. Brak tych uprawnie艅 ma wp艂yw na dalsze post臋powanie w trakcie analizowanego procesu.
Wnioski: Opracowano modu艂 uprawnie艅 (przy zastosowaniu funkcjonalno艣ci system贸w Aurea BPM oraz Archer-DMS), w tym autoryzacji u偶ytkownika, w celu zarz膮dzania dost臋pem do dokument贸w na wymaganym poziomie
Access control system for RFID-tagged documents in supply chain management
The paper presents the concept and design models of the access control system for RFID tagged documents in supply chain management. The access control system allows to assign privileges to particular persons or groups of persons for specific documents. When implementing the processes related to the handling of documents, the required privileges are verified. Existence or lack of such privileges affects further development of such processes