17 research outputs found

    Replacement study of off-highway trucks in an open-pit coal mine in Turkey

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    The proper assignment of equipment can be achieved by insuring a timely investment and a timely replacement policy through the mine life. Mine design engineers must constantly decide whether existing assets should be continued in service or whether available new assets will better and more economically meet current and future needs. These decision must be made with increasing frequency as the dynamic side of mining quickly advances and technology produces more rapid changes. Thus the replacement of equipment requires careful engineering economy studies if we are to arrive at sound decisions. This paper reviews dynamic solution approach where all truck Beet are evaluated for each year of the operation. Equivalent annual cost of operation is carried through the analysis. The optimum solution is achieved by selecting the minimum equivalent annual cost at the last year. The solution provides the best equipment replacement policy

    Application of fuzzy multiple attribute decision making in mining operations

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    This paper presents a fuzzy multiple attribute decision making as an innovative tool for criteria aggregation in mining decision problems. So far, various types of formulations or solution methods have been proposed with mining systems, but most of them exclusively considered linear functions as objective functions. Real world study is decision making under subjective constraints of different importance, after using uncertain data (linguistic variables), where compromises between competing criteria axe allowed. It seems however that this technique is still very little known in mining. It is one of the aims of this case study to disseminate this technology in many mining fields

    Użycie zagęszczonej podsadzki zestalanej do bezpiecznego składowania odpadów górnictwa miedzi i cynku

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    The safe environmental disposal of sulphide-rich copper/zine mine tailings is fast becoming a major economic factor in determining the profitability of mining operations. There have been new approaches and better technologies practised in the recent years which allow the mining industries to reduce and/or eliminate the environmental impacts of harmful mine tailings. One of these approaches is the use of high-density paste backfill (HDPB) which is consisting mainly of a mix of solid particles (with the cement) and water, containing between 70% and 85% by dry weight of solids. The increased use of HDPB has improved the reliability, and has reduced the cost of the preparation and transportation systems. This paper focuses on the potential environmental benefits of using the HDPB when tailings are acid generating, and also provides a case study conducted in an underground copper/zinc mine in northeast Turkey in order to illustrate these benefits.Bezpieczne dla środowiska składowanie zasiarczonych odpadów przeróbczych górnictwa miedzi i cynku staje się ważnym czynnikiem ekonomicznym determinującym opłacalność działalności górniczej. W ostatnich latach stosuje się nowe podejście i opracowano nowe technologie, które pozwalają zakładom górniczym redukować i eliminować szkodliwe oddziaływanie górniczych odpadów przeróbczych na środowisko. Jednym z takich rozwiązań jest użycie zagęszczonej podsadzki zestalanej (HDPB), składającej się głównie z mieszaniny cząstek stałych (i cementu) z wodą, zawierającej między 70 a 85% wagowo suchej masy. Rosnące zastosowanie podsadzki zestalanej zwiększyło niezawodność, przy jednoczesnym zmniejszeniu kosztów produkcji i systemów transportu. Artykuł przedstawia potencjalne korzyści dla środowiska płynące z użycia podsadzki zestalanej w przypadku odpadów przeróbczych powodujących zakwaszanie. Zaprezentowano również studium przypadku podziemnej kopalni miedzi i cynku w północnowschodniej Turcji, które ilustruje uzyskane efekty

    Equipment selection for surface mining: a review

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    One of the challenging problems for surface mining operation optimization is choosing the optimal truck and loader fleet. We refer to this problem as the equipment selection problem (ESP). In this paper, we describe the ESP in the context of surface mining and discuss related problems and applications. Within the scope of both the ESP and related problems, we outline modeling and solution approaches. Using operations research literature as a guide, we conclude by pointing to future research directions to improve both the modeling and solution outcomes for practical applications of this problem