1,245 research outputs found

    Testosterone treatment improves body composition and sexual function in men with COPD, in a 6-month randomized controlled trial

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    AbstractThe aim of this study was to assess the effect of a low-dose testosterone on body composition and pulmonary function, as well as on quality of life, sexuality, and psychological symptoms in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Twenty-nine men with moderate to severe COPD were allocated to receive either 250mg of testosterone or placebo intra-muscularly, every fourth week, during the 26 weeks study period. Fat-free mass increased in the treatment group (P<0.05), and a significant difference between the treatment and the control group was seen after 26 weeks (P<0.05). Fat mass decreased in the treatment group (P<0.05), and there was a significant difference between the treatment and the control group after 12 weeks (P<0.01). A significantly better erectile function was reported in the treatment group at the final visit (P<0.05), and the overall sexual quality of life was significantly better in the treatment group after 12 weeks (P<0.05). No improvement in pulmonary function was found. In conclusion, administration of a low-dose testosterone to men with COPD for 26 weeks was associated with improvement of body composition, better erectile function and sexual quality of life. Furthermore, there were no clinical or biochemical side effects

    Mobile DNA elements in primate and human evolution

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    Roughly 50% of the primate genome consists of mobile, repetitive DNA sequences such as Alu and LINE1 elements. The causes and evolutionary consequences of mobile element insertion, which have received considerable attention during the past decade, are reviewed in this article. Because of their unique mutational mechanisms, these elements are highly useful for answering phylogenetic questions. We demonstrate how they have been used to help resolve a number of questions in primate phylogeny, including the human-chimpanzee- gorilla trichotomy and New World primate phylogeny. Alu and LINE1 element insertion polymorphisms have also been analyzed in human populations to test hypotheses about human evolution and population affinities and to address forensic issues. Finally, these elements have had impacts on the genome itself. We review how they have influenced fundamental ongoing processes like nonhomologous recombination, genomic deletion, and X chromosome inactivation. © 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc

    Ancestral alleles and population origins: Inferences depend on mutation rate

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    Previous studies have found that at most human loci, ancestral alleles are African, in the sense that they reach their highest frequency there. Conventional wisdom holds that this reflects a recent African origin of modern humans. This paper challenges that view by showing that the empirical pattern (of elevated allele frequencies within Africa) is not as pervasive as has been thought. We confirm this African bias in a set of mainly protein-coding loci, but find a smaller bias in Alu insertion polymorphisms, and an even smaller bias in noncoding loci. Thus, the strong bias that was originally observed must reflect some factor that varies among data sets - something other than population history. This factor may be the per-locus mutation rate: the African bias is most pronounced in loci where this rate is high. The distribution of ancestral alleles among populations has been studied using 2 methods. One of these involves comparing the fractions of loci that reach maximal frequency in each population. The other compares the average frequencies of ancestral alleles. The first of these methods reflects history in a manner that depends on the mutation rate. When that rate is high, ancestral alleles at most loci reach their highest frequency in the ancestral population. When that rate is low, the reverse is true. The other method - comparing averages - is unresponsive. Average ancestral allele frequencies are affected neither by mutation rate nor by the history of population size and migration. In the absence of selection and ascertainment bias, they should be the same everywhere. This is true of one data set, but not of 2 others. This also suggests the action of some factor, such as selection or ascertainment bias, that varies among data sets. © The Author 2007. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution. All rights reserved

    Recently integrated Alu elements and human genomic diversity

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    A comprehensive analysis of two Alu Y lineage subfamilies was undertaken to assess Alu-associated genomic diversity and identify new Alu insertion polymorphisms for the study of human population genetics. Recently integrated Alu elements (283) from the Yg6 and Yi6 subfamilies were analyzed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and 25 of the loci analyzed were polymorphic for insertion presence/absence within the genomes of a diverse array of human populations. These newly identified Alu insertion polymorphisms will be useful tools for the study of human genomic diversity. Our screening of the Alu insertion loci also resulted in the recovery of several young Alu elements that resided at orthologous positions in nonhuman primate genomes. Sequence analysis demonstrated these young Alu insertions were the products of gene conversion events of older, preexisting Alu elements or independent parallel forward insertions of older Alu elements in the same short genomic region. The level of gene conversion between Alu elements suggests that it may have an influence on the single nucleotide polymorphism within Alu elements in the genome. We have also identified two genomic deletions associated with the retroposition and insertion of Alu Y lineage elements into the human genome. This type of Alu retroposition-mediated genomic deletion is a novel source of lineage-specific evolution within primate genomes

    Mobile element scanning (ME-Scan) by targeted high-throughput sequencing

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Mobile elements (MEs) are diverse, common and dynamic inhabitants of nearly all genomes. ME transposition generates a steady stream of polymorphic genetic markers, deleterious and adaptive mutations, and substrates for further genomic rearrangements. Research on the impacts, population dynamics, and evolution of MEs is constrained by the difficulty of ascertaining rare polymorphic ME insertions that occur against a large background of pre-existing fixed elements and then genotyping them in many individuals.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Here we present a novel method for identifying nearly all insertions of a ME subfamily in the whole genomes of multiple individuals and simultaneously genotyping (for presence or absence) those insertions that are variable in the population. We use ME-specific primers to construct DNA libraries that contain the junctions of all ME insertions of the subfamily, with their flanking genomic sequences, from many individuals. Individual-specific "index" sequences are designed into the oligonucleotide adapters used to construct the individual libraries. These libraries are then pooled and sequenced using a ME-specific sequencing primer. Mobile element insertion loci of the target subfamily are uniquely identified by their junction sequence, and all insertion junctions are linked to their individual libraries by the corresponding index sequence. To test this method's feasibility, we apply it to the human <it>AluYb8 </it>and <it>AluYb9 </it>subfamilies. In four individuals, we identified a total of 2,758 <it>AluYb8 </it>and <it>AluYb9 </it>insertions, including nearly all those that are present in the reference genome, as well as 487 that are not. Index counts show the sequenced products from each sample reflect the intended proportions to within 1%. At a sequencing depth of 355,000 paired reads per sample, the sensitivity and specificity of ME-Scan are both approximately 95%.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Mobile Element Scanning (ME-Scan) is an efficient method for quickly genotyping mobile element insertions with very high sensitivity and specificity. In light of recent improvements to high-throughput sequencing technology, it should be possible to employ ME-Scan to genotype insertions of almost any mobile element family in many individuals from any species.</p

    Mobile element scanning (ME-Scan) identifies thousands of novel Alu insertions in diverse human populations

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    Alu retrotransposons are the most numerous and active mobile elements in humans, causing genetic disease and creating genomic diversity. Mobile element scanning (ME-Scan) enables comprehensive and affordable identification of mobile element insertions (MEI) using targeted high-throughput sequencing of multiplexed MEI junction libraries. In a single experiment, ME-Scan identifies nearly all AluYb8 and AluYb9 elements, with high sensitivity for both rare and common insertions, in 169 individuals of diverse ancestry. ME-Scan detects heterozygous insertions in single individuals with 91% sensitivity. Insertion presence or absence states determined by ME-Scan are 95% concordant with those determined by locus-specific PCR assays. By sampling diverse populations from Africa, South Asia, and Europe, we are able to identify 5799 Alu insertions, including 2524 novel ones, some of which occur in exons. Sub-Saharan populations and a Pygmy group in particular carry numerous intermediate-frequency Alu insertions that are absent in non-African groups. There is a significant dearth of exon-interrupting insertions among common Alu polymorphisms, but the density of singleton Alu insertions is constant across exonic and nonexonic regions. In one case, a validated novel singleton Alu interrupts a proteincoding exon of FAM187B. This implies that exonic Alu insertions are generally deleterious and thus eliminated by natural selection, but not so quickly that they cannot be observed as extremely rare variants. © 2013, Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press

    Following the LINEs: An analysis of primate genomic variation at human-specific LINE-1 insertion sites

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    The L1 Ta subfamily of long interspersed elements (LINEs) consists exclusively of human-specific L1 elements. Polymerase chain reaction-based screening in nonhuman primate genomes of the orthologous sites for 249 human L1 Ta elements resulted in the recovery of various types of sequence variants for approximately 12% of these loci. Sequence analysis was employed to capture the nature of the observed variation and to determine the levels of gene conversion and insertion site homoplasy associated with LINE elements. Half of the orthologous loci differed from the predicted sizes due to localized sequence variants that occurred as a result of common mutational processes in ancestral sequences, often including regions containing simple sequence repeats. Additional sequence variation included genomic deletions that occurred upon L1 insertion, as well as successive mobile element insertions that accumulated within a single locus over evolutionary time. Parallel independent mobile element insertions at orthologous loci in distinct species may introduce homoplasy into retroelement-based phylogenetic and population genetic data. We estimate the overall frequency of parallel independent insertion events at L1 insertion sites in seven different primate species to be very low (052%). In addition, no cases of insertion site homoplasy involved the integration of a second L1 element at any of the loci, but rather largely involved secondary insertions of Alu elements. No independent mobile element insertion events were found at orthologous loci in the human and chimpanzee genomes. Therefore, L1 insertion polymorphisms appear to be essentially homoplasy free characters well suited for the study of population genetics and phylogenetic relationships within closely related species