5 research outputs found

    Validation of a 3D CT method for measurement of linear wear of acetabular cups: A hip simulator study

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    Background We evaluated the accuracy and repeatability of a 3D method for polyethylene acetabular cup wear measurements using computed tomography (CT). We propose that the method be used for clinical in vivo assessment of wear in acetabular cups. Material and methods Ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene cups with a titanium mesh molded on the outside were subjected to wear using a hip simulator. Before and after wear, they were (1) imaged with a CT scanner using a phantom model device, (2) measured using a coordinate measurement machine (CMM), and (3) weighed. CMM was used as the reference method for measurement of femoral head penetration into the cup and for comparison with CT, and gravimetric measurements were used as a reference for both CT and CMM. Femoral head penetration and wear vector angle were studied. The head diameters were also measured with both CMM and CT. The repeatability of the method proposed was evaluated with two repeated measurements using different positions of the phantom in the CT scanner. Results The accuracy of the 3D CT method for evaluation of linear wear was 0.51 mm and the repeatability was 0.39 mm. Repeatability for wear vector angle was 17?. Interpretation This study of metal-meshed hip-simulated acetabular cups shows that CT has the capacity for reliable measurement of linear wear of acetabular cups at a clinically relevant level of accuracy

    Effect of head surface roughness and sterilization on wear of UHMWPE acetabular cups

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    The impact of femoral head surface roughness on wear of gamma-irradiation sterilized (3 MRad in nitrogen crosslinked) and nonsterilized (not crosslinked) UHNWPE acetabular cups has been evaluated. Gravimetric wear testing was performed in a hip joint simulator for 2x106 cycles. CoCrMo heads were used with different surface roughness (Ra=15 nm and Ra=400 nm). The surface roughness after wear test was unchanged for the roughened heads, whereas the initially smooth heads showed a few scratches. The roughened heads increased the wear of the acetabular cups 2-fold. The gamma-irradiated cups tested against rough heads underwent the highest wear. The absorption of water was highest for the gamma-irradiated cups (0,0204% compared to 0,0031% after 85 days). Raman spectroscopy showed small but significant crystallinity changes in the wear zone, where the gamma-irradiated cups with the most extensive abrasion increased in crystallinity, whereas the nonsterilized cups underwent a crystallinity decrease