1,743 research outputs found

    Dilema Negara Kolonial: Seksualitas dan Moralitas di Hindia Belanda Awal Abad XX

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    Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengelaborasi persoalan seksualitas di Hindia Belanda pada awal abad ke-20. Perdebatan tentang seksualitas, dalam bentuk praktik pergundikan dan pengaturan pelacuran, selalu saja dikaitkan dengan persoalan moralitas. Kenyataan bahwa pemerintah kolonial pada satu periode memperbolehkan dua aktivitas ini dan melarangnya di periode yang lain merupakan contoh betapa otoritas kolonial tidak pernah memiliki penilaian yang sama terkait permasalahan ini. Hal ini disebabkan oleh adanya tegangan antara kepentingan ekonomi dan semangat pemberadaban dari kolonialisme. Memperbolehkan praktik pergundikan dan pelacuran akan memberi kesan bahwa pemerintah bersekutu dalam laku amoral, sementara larangan terhadapnya akan menjadi ancaman buat kepentingan ekonomi kolonial. Artikel ini akan mencoba menganalisis dilema yang dihadapi otoritas kolonial terkait masalah ini; apa yang membuat penilaian pemerintah selalu berubah; terakhir, artikel ini juga akan menunjukkan satu studi kasus terkait persoalan dilema moral ini. This article seeks to elaborate the question of sexuality in the Dutch Indies in the beginning of the twentieth century. The debate about sexuality, particularly in the common practice of the concubinage and the regulation of the prostitution is always linked to the issue of morality. The fact that the colonial government allowed the two activities in one period and prohibited these in other period, was an example to which extent the stance of the colonial authority toward this question changed. This inconsistency arose from the tension between the economic interest and the civilizing mission of the colonialism. Allowing the concubinage and prostitution will create the impression that the government allied to the immoral activity, while prohibiting it will endanger the economic interest of the colonialism. This article will try to analyze the dilemma of the colonial authority regarding this question; the reason why the government change their judgment; and lastly, to discuss this moral dilemma in a specific case

    Pengaruh Penambahan Probiotik Starbio dalam Ransum terhadap Bobot Potong, Persentase Karkas dan Persentase Lemak Abdominal Ayam Broiler.

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    The aim of This research is to know the effect of added probiotic Starbio on ration to dressed percentage and abdominal lipid percentage of broiler chicken. This research was used Completely Randomized Design. The treatments are consists five dosage of Probiotic Starbio in ration ie: 0 g.kg-1 (control), 1,5 g. kg-1, 2,5 g. kg-1, 3,5 g. kg-1, dan 4,5 g. kg-1. Every treatment using four replications. Parameter were used in this research are slaughtered weight, dressed percentage, and abdominal lipid percentage. Data were analyzed by Anova and Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) if refers difference significantly between treatments.The Result of this research showed that added of Probiotic Starbio in ration significantly different to slaughtered weight, dressed percentage and abdominal lipid percentage of broiler chicken commercial ration. Added Probiotic starbio on broiler chicken ration increase to slaughtered weight and dressed percentage but decrease to abdominal lipid percentage. This research was recomended that the using probiotic starbio till 4.5g.kg-1 in broiler chicken ration was to increased slaughtered weight (2.168,90 g), dressed percentage (75,10%) and decrease abdominal lipid percentage (2,55%

    Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Interaktif Pelajaran Matematika Mengenal Bangun Ruang dengan Metode Inkuiri untuk Siswa Tingkat Dasar

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pengaruh model pembelajaran interaktif berbasis inkuiridan kemampuan numerik terhadap hasil belajar Matematika. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SD Negeri 1Giyanti sebanyak 35 Siswa dari Kelas 3. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi lapangan,dokumen nilai belajar siswa untuk pelajaran matematika dan wawancara dengan Guru serta orang tuaterkait proses pembelajaran yang sedang berlangsung. Model Perangkat lunak yang digunakan dalampengembangan perangkat lunak animasi menggunakan model Waterfall. Perancangan animasimenggunakan Adobe Flash CS3 dan Actionscript 3.0. Materi animasi berupa bangun ruang dan jugaterdapat soal yang berbentuk permainan untuk menarik minat siswa. Pengujian kualitas perangkatlunak akan dilakukan dengan menggunakan blackbox testing. Sedangkan hasil penelitian disajikanmelalui grafik Pretest dan Posttest serta pengujian kualitas perangkat lunak menggunakan Model ISO9126. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan (1) hasil belajar matematika siswa yang belajar dengan modelpembelajaran inkuiri lebih tinggi daripada siswa yangbelajar dengan pembelajaran konvensional, (2)terdapat motivasi yang lebih tinggi dari siswa dengan penerapan animasi dalam proses pembelajaran,(3) adanya pengaruh interaktif antara model pembelajaran dan kemampuan numerik siswa terhadaphasil belajar

    Analisis Pendapatan Padi Lokal Varitas Karangdukuh (Oryza Sativa L) di Kecamatan Tamban Catur Kabupaten Kapuas

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    The purpose of this research was to know the income and the value efficiency of Paddy Local Paddy Karangdukuh Variety (Oryza sativa L) In Tamban Catur Sub-district the Regency of Kapuas. The sample was taken randomly using Purpossive Random Sampling. There were 35 respondents from 4 village which each village put 10 farmers and one vilage put 5 farmers. The data collection was done by interviewing 35 local paddy farmers in Tamban Catur Sub-district becomes the respondents directly. The data needed for the research is premier data that taken directly from the research field and the secondary data was gotten from the library study, the related agency and other sources that relate to this research. The data was processed and analyzed using income analysis and R/C Ratio. Based on the observation result of 35 respondents, the farmers of local paddy Karangdukuh variety were using semi intensive farming, with the average total cost per respondent Rp7.341.981,- kg year-1 and the total revenue that gotten is Rp16.324.400, year-1. The obtained results local paddy farm income is Rp Rp11.243.522,- year-1. The value average R/C Ratio that gotten is 2.2 which means that the local paddy Karangdukuh variety is getting profit

    Students' Strategies of Measuring TIME Using Traditional Gasing Game in Third Grade of Primary School

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    Understanding of measuring time has difficulty for children because it is intangible. Standar units often use directly by teacher for learning time measurement. Many researches involved game in designing learning material to facilitate fun and meaningful learning for children. For this reason, learning of time measurement that connect with children's daily experience was designed. The context of this research was traditional gasing game. The study is situated in implementation of Indonesian version of Realistic Mathematics Education, labeled as PMRI. This research aimed acquire learning trajectory of time measurement using traditional gasing game for the third grader of primary school by describing students' progress in learning. Design research methodology comprising preparing for the experiment, teaching experiment, and retrospective analysis was used. The research was conducted in SD (Sekolah Dasar) Pusri (Pupuk Sriwijaya) Palembang as one of PMRI (Pendidikan Matematika Realistik Indonesia) school. The result of the teaching experiment showed that learning design could foster students to experience reinvention of time measurement historically. It stimulated students to emerge their sense of time, measure time using non standar unit, understand the concept of standard unit, and measure time using standar unit. Students' strategies that were emerged showed students' progress through situation and problems that were provided by traditional gasing game
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