24 research outputs found

    Sample-efficient Model-based Reinforcement Learning for Quantum Control

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    We propose a model-based reinforcement learning (RL) approach for noisy time-dependent gate optimization with improved sample complexity over model-free RL. Sample complexity is the number of controller interactions with the physical system. Leveraging an inductive bias, inspired by recent advances in neural ordinary differential equations (ODEs), we use an auto-differentiable ODE parametrised by a learnable Hamiltonian ansatz to represent the model approximating the environment whose time-dependent part, including the control, is fully known. Control alongside Hamiltonian learning of continuous time-independent parameters is addressed through interactions with the system. We demonstrate an order of magnitude advantage in the sample complexity of our method over standard model-free RL in preparing some standard unitary gates with closed and open system dynamics, in realistic numerical experiments incorporating single shot measurements, arbitrary Hilbert space truncations and uncertainty in Hamiltonian parameters. Also, the learned Hamiltonian can be leveraged by existing control methods like GRAPE for further gradient-based optimization with the controllers found by RL as initializations. Our algorithm that we apply on nitrogen vacancy (NV) centers and transmons in this paper is well suited for controlling partially characterised one and two qubit systems.Comment: 14+6 pages, 6+4 figures, comments welcome

    Statistically characterizing robustness and fidelity of quantum controls and quantum control algorithms

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    Robustness of quantum operations or controls is important to build reliable quantum devices. The robustness-infidelity measure (RIM_p) is introduced to statistically quantify in a single measure the robustness and fidelity of a controller as the p-th order Wasserstein distance between the fidelity distribution of the controller under any uncertainty and an ideal fidelity distribution. The RIM_p is the p-th root of the p-th raw moment of the infidelity distribution. Using a metrization argument, we justify why RIM_1 (the average infidelity) is a good practical robustness measure. Based on the RIM_p, an algorithmic robustness-infidelity measure (ARIM) is developed to quantify the expected robustness and fidelity of controllers found by a control algorithm. The utility of the RIM and ARIM is demonstrated on energy landscape controllers of spin-1/2 networks subject to Hamiltonian uncertainty. The robustness and fidelity of individual controllers as well as the expected robustness and fidelity of controllers found by different popular quantum control algorithms are characterized. For algorithm comparisons, stochastic and non-stochastic optimization objectives are considered. Although high fidelity and robustness are often conflicting objectives, some high-fidelity, robust controllers can usually be found, irrespective of the choice of the quantum control algorithm. However, for noisy or stochastic optimization objectives, adaptive sequential decision-making approaches, such as reinforcement learning, have a cost advantage compared to standard control algorithms and, in contrast, the high infidelities obtained are more consistent with high RIM values for low noise levels

    Sample-efficient model-based reinforcement learning for quantum control

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    We propose a model-based reinforcement learning (RL) approach for noisy time-dependent gate optimization with reduced sample complexity over model-free RL. Sample complexity is defined as the number of controller interactions with the physical system. Leveraging an inductive bias, inspired by recent advances in neural ordinary differential equations (ODEs), we use an autodifferentiable ODE, parametrized by a learnable Hamiltonian ansatz, to represent the model approximating the environment, whose time-dependent part, including the control, is fully known. Control alongside Hamiltonian learning of continuous time-independent parameters is addressed through interactions with the system. We demonstrate an order of magnitude advantage in sample complexity of our method over standard model-free RL in preparing some standard unitary gates with closed and open system dynamics, in realistic computational experiments incorporating single-shot measurements, arbitrary Hilbert space truncations, and uncertainty in Hamiltonian parameters. Also, the learned Hamiltonian can be leveraged by existing control methods like GRAPE (gradient ascent pulse engineering) for further gradient-based optimization with the controllers found by RL as initializations. Our algorithm, which we apply to nitrogen vacancy (NV) centers and transmons, is well suited for controlling partially characterized one- and two-qubit systems

    Sample-efficient model-based reinforcement learning for quantum control

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    We propose a model-based reinforcement learning (RL) approach for noisy time-dependent gate optimization with improved sample complexity over model-free RL. Sample complexity is the number of controller interactions with the physical system. Leveraging an inductive bias, inspired by recent advances in neural ordinary differential equations (ODEs), we use an auto-differentiable ODE parametrised by a learnable Hamiltonian ansatz to represent the model approximating the environment whose time-dependent part, including the control, is fully known. Control alongside Hamiltonian learning of continuous time-independent parameters is addressed through interactions with the system. We demonstrate an order of magnitude advantage in the sample complexity of our method over standard model-free RL in preparing some standard unitary gates with closed and open system dynamics, in realistic numerical experiments incorporating single shot measurements, arbitrary Hilbert space truncations and uncertainty in Hamiltonian parameters. Also, the learned Hamiltonian can be leveraged by existing control methods like GRAPE for further gradient-based optimization with the controllers found by RL as initializations. Our algorithm that we apply on nitrogen vacancy (NV) centers and transmons in this paper is well suited for controlling partially characterised one and two qubit systems

    Retinal Image Analysis for Diabetic Retinopathy Grading: Preliminarily Results

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    Many eye diseases manifest themselves in the retina. Advances in Artificial intelligence (AI), especially in deep learning, improve pathological image analysis in routine clinical practice. We have developed a method for retina image analysis, based on image preprocessing stage and deep neural network as machine learning model. This is the preliminary results of big project for retina image analysis. The main focus was done for diabetic retina images. Also the scheme of new technology for retina image analysis was presented

    Egocentric Video Summarization Based on People Interaction Using Deep Learning

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    The availability of wearable cameras in the consumer market has motivated the users to record their daily life activities and post them on the social media. This exponential growth of egocentric videos demand to develop automated techniques to effectively summarizes the first-person video data. Egocentric videos are commonly used to record lifelogs these days due to the availability of low cost wearable cameras. However, egocentric videos are challenging to process due to the fact that placement of camera results in a video which presents great deal of variation in object appearance, illumination conditions, and movement. This paper presents an egocentric video summarization framework based on detecting important people in the video. The proposed method generates a compact summary of egocentric videos that contains information of the people whom the camera wearer interacts with. Our proposed approach focuses on identifying the interaction of camera wearer with important people. We have used AlexNet convolutional neural network to filter the key-frames (frames where camera wearer interacts closely with the people). We used five convolutional layers and two completely connected hidden layers and an output layer. Dropout regularization method is used to reduce the overfitting problem in completely connected layers. Performance of the proposed method is evaluated on UT Ego standard dataset. Experimental results signify the effectiveness of the proposed method in terms of summarizing the egocentric videos

    Shot Classification of Field Sports Videos Using AlexNet Convolutional Neural Network

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    Broadcasters produce enormous numbers of sport videos in cyberspace due to massive viewership and commercial benefits. Manual processing of such content for selecting the important game segments is a laborious activity; therefore, automatic video content analysis techniques are required to effectively handle the huge sports video repositories. The sports video content analysis techniques consider the shot classification as a fundamental step to enhance the probability of achieving better accuracy for various important tasks, i.e., video summarization, key-events selection, and to suppress the misclassification rates. Therefore, in this research work, we propose an effective shot classification method based on AlexNet Convolutional Neural Networks (AlexNet CNN) for field sports videos. The proposed method has an eight-layered network that consists of five convolutional layers and three fully connected layers to classify the shots into long, medium, close-up, and out-of-the-field shots. Through the response normalization and the dropout layers on the feature maps we boosted the overall training and validation performance evaluated over a diverse dataset of cricket and soccer videos. In comparison to Support Vector Machine (SVM), Extreme Learning Machine (ELM), K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN), and standard Convolution Neural Network (CNN), our model achieves the maximum accuracy of 94.07%. Performance comparison against baseline state-of-the-art shot classification approaches are also conducted to prove the superiority of the proposed approach