12 research outputs found

    Thermopile detector of light ellipticity

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    Polarimetric imaging is widely used in applications from material analysis to biomedical diagnostics, vision and astronomy. The degree of circular polarization, or light ellipticity, is associated with the S3 Stokes parameter which is defined as the difference in the intensities of the left- and right-circularly polarized components of light. Traditional way of determining this parameter relies on using several external optical elements, such as polarizers and wave plates, along with conventional photodetectors, and performing at least two measurements to distinguish left- and right-circularly polarized light components. Here we theoretically propose and experimentally demonstrate a thermopile photodetector element that provides bipolar voltage output directly proportional to the S3 Stokes parameter of the incident light.ope

    Optical Assets of In situ Electro-assembled Platinum Black Nanolayers

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    Abstract Optoelectronic technology has been increasingly driven towards miniaturization. In this regard, maintaining the optical properties of the bulk materials while reducing their size is a critical need. How thin must the film be to preserve the bulk material´s optical absorbance and reflectance characteristics? This is the central question for our study of the in situ electro-assembly broad band optical absorber films of platinum in non-aqueous solution of PtCl4. By reducing the in situ constructed film to sub-visible-wavelength thicknesses, the measured reflectance in the region from the ultraviolet to the infrared remained close to that exhibited by the micrometre-width films. These platinum black films broadly absorb electromagnetic waves at a sub-incident-wavelength thickness owing to their plasmonically increased absorbance cross-section. Simulation of various incident energy electron trajectories gives insights into the electron depth through the porous platinum black of ρ = 1.6 g/cm3 and previews the optical behaviour close to the atomic thickness

    All-solution doping technique for tailoring core composition toward Yb:AlPO4:SiO2

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    A modified solution doping approach for incorporating appropriate amounts of Yb, Al and P in fused silica is shown. The mitigation of phosphorus evaporation is intended by the initial formation of AlPO4 from solution


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