26 research outputs found

    The Gnevyshev Gap Effect in Galactic Cosmic Rays

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    Abstract During the last three solar cycles and in a wide energy range of galactic cosmic rays both the modulation and the variability of the intensity demonstrate effects related to the Gnevyshev Gap (GG) -a substantial decrease once or twice during the maximum phase of each solar cycle of a parameter that generally varies in phase with the cycle. The GG-effect also manifests itself in the behaviour of both the strength of the average interplanetary magnetic field and the power of its fluctuating component. The energy dependence of the GGeffect in the modulation and in the variability of the cosmic ray intensity was found to be different. The start of the GG-effect in the cosmic ray modulation practically coincides with a change in the energy dependence of the cosmic ray modulation

    Migration-related detention centers : The challenges of an ecological perspective with a focus on justice

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    Background: In recent years, border control and migration-related detention have become increasingly widespread practices affecting the lives of undocumented migrants, their families, and communities at large. In spite of the concern within academia, few studies have directly witnessed the life and experiences of people confined to migration-related detention centers. In the medical and psychological fields, a considerable body of research has demonstrated the pathogenic nature of detention in terms of mental health, showing an association between length of detention and severity of distress. Nevertheless, it was limited to the assessment of individuals’ clinical consequences, mainly focusing on asylum seekers. There currently exists a need to adopt an ecological perspective from which to study detained migrants’ experiences as context-dependent, and influenced by power inequalities. This paper addresses this gap. Discussion: Drawing upon advances in community psychology, we illustrate an ecological framework for the study of migration-related detention contexts, and their effects on the lives of detained migrants and all people exposed to them. Making use of existing literature, Kelly’s four principles (interdependence, cycling of resources, adaptation, succession) are analyzed at multiple ecological levels (personal, interpersonal, organizational, communal), highlighting implications for future research in this field. A focus on justice, as a key-dimension of analysis, is also discussed. Wellbeing is acknowledged as a multilevel, dynamic, and value-dependent phenomenon. Summary: In presenting this alternative framework, the potential for studying migration-related detention through an ecological lens is highlighted, pointing the way for future fields of study. We argue that ecological multilevel analyses, conceptualized in terms of interdependent systems and with a focus on justice, can enhance the comprehension of the dynamics at play in migration-related detention centers, providing an effective tool to address the multi-level challenges of doing research within them. Furthermore, they can contribute to the development of policies and practices concerned with health, equality, and human rights of all people exposed to migration-related detention. Consistent with these assumptions, empirical studies adopting such a framework are strongly encouraged. These studies should use mixed and multi-method culturally situated designs, based on the development of collaborative and empowering relationships with participants. Ethnographic approaches are recommended.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT

    The changes of ultrastructure and mechanical properties of lymphocytes' plasmalemma under the influence of chemotherapy

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    Atomic force microscopy has established the changes of mechanical properties of lymphocytes' membranes from patients with acute and chronic lymphoblastic leukaemia. The stiffness of cell membrane was increased under influence chemotherapy along with the ultrastructural organisation of the lymphocyte's surface was different between patients with acute and chronic leukaemi