31,417 research outputs found

    Implicit Large-Eddy Simulations of Hot and Cold Supersonic Jets in Loci-CHEM

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    This paper introduces a 4th-order accurate low-dissipation flux scheme for use on un- structured CFD codes, and compares this flux scheme with two others for LES calculations of hot and cold supersonic jets. The flux schemes are compared with experimental profiles of jet centerline Mach number, total temperature and total pressure, with jet spreading rate data, and with near- field acoustic measurements. The influence of grid resolution on these solution accuracy is also evaluated. The new low-dissipation flux scheme is shown to be stable on a high-speed compressible turbulent ow problem, and to be significantly more accurate than the existing baseline flux approach

    The local potential approximation in the background field formalism

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    Working within the familiar local potential approximation, and concentrating on the example of a single scalar field in three dimensions, we show that the commonly used approximation method of identifying the total and background fields, leads to pathologies in the resulting fixed point structure and the associated spaces of eigenoperators. We then show how a consistent treatment of the background field through the corresponding modified shift Ward identity, can cure these pathologies, restoring universality of physical quantities with respect to the choice of dependence on the background field, even within the local potential approximation. Along the way we point out similarities to what has been previously found in the f(R) approximation in asymptotic safety for gravity.Comment: 40 pages, version accepted by JHE

    Local stabilisation of polar order at charged antiphase boundaries in antiferroelectric (Bi<sub>0.85</sub>Nd<sub>0.15</sub>)(Ti<sub>0.1</sub>Fe<sub>0.9</sub>)O<sub>3</sub>

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    Observation of an unusual, negatively-charged antiphase boundary in (Bi&lt;sub&gt;0.85&lt;/sub&gt;Nd&lt;sub&gt;0.15&lt;/sub&gt;)(Ti&lt;sub&gt;0.1&lt;/sub&gt;Fe&lt;sub&gt;0.9&lt;/sub&gt;)O&lt;sub&gt;3&lt;/sub&gt; is reported. Aberration corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy is used to establish the full three dimensional structure of this boundary including O-ion positions to ~ ± 10 pm. The charged antiphase boundary stabilises tetragonally distorted regions with a strong polar ordering to either side of the boundary, with a characteristic length scale determined by the excess charge trapped at the boundary. Far away from the boundary the crystal relaxes into the well-known Nd-stabilised antiferroelectric phase

    Gauged Dimension Bubbles

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    Some of the peculiar electrodynamical effects associated with gauged ``dimension bubbles'' are presented. Such bubbles, which effectively enclose a region of 5d spacetime, can arise from a 5d theory with a compact extra dimension. Bubbles with thin domain walls can be stabilized against total collapse by the entrapment of light charged scalar bosons inside the bubble, extending the idea of a neutral dimension bubble to accommodate the case of a gauged U(1) symmetry. Using a dielectric approach to the 4d dilaton-Maxwell theory, it is seen that the bubble wall is almost totally opaque to photons, leading to a new stabilization mechanism due to trapped photons. Photon dominated bubbles very slowly shrink, resulting in a temperature increase inside the bubble. At some critical temperature, however, these bubbles explode, with a release of radiation.Comment: 14 pages, no figures; to appear in Phys.Rev.

    Dynamical Friction on Star Clusters near the Galactic Center

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    Numerical simulations of the dynamical friction suffered by a star cluster near the Galactic center have been performed with a parallelized tree code. Gerhard (2001) has suggested that dynamical friction, which causes a cluster to lose orbital energy and spiral in towards the galactic center, may explain the presence of a cluster of very young stars in the central parsec, where star formation might be prohibitively difficult owing to strong tidal forces. The clusters modeled in our simulations have an initial total mass of 10^5-10^6 Msun and initial galactocentric radii of 2.5-30 pc. We have identified a few simulations in which dynamical friction indeed brings a cluster to the central parsec, although this is only possible if the cluster is either very massive (~10^6 Msun), or is formed near the central parsec (<~ 5 pc). In both cases, the cluster should have an initially very dense core (> 10^6 Msun pc-3). The initial core collapse and segregation of massive stars into the cluster core, which typically happens on a much shorter time scale than that characterizing the dynamical inspiral of the cluster toward the Galactic center, can provide the requisite high density. Furthermore, because it is the cluster core which is most likely to survive the cluster disintegration during its journey inwards, this can help account for the observed distribution of presumably massive HeI stars in the central parsec.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Heterostructure solar cells

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    The performance of gallium arsenide solar cells grown on Ge substrates is discussed. In some cases the substrate was thinned to reduce overall cell weight with good ruggedness. The conversion efficiency of 2 by 2 cm cells under AMO reached 17.1 percent with a cell thickness of 6 mils. The work described forms the basis for future cascade cell structures, where similar interconnecting problems between the top cell and the bottom cell must be solved. Applications of the GaAs/Ge solar cell in space and the expected payoffs are discussed

    Adaptive Optics Near-Infrared Spectroscopy of the Sgr A* Cluster

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    We present K-band λ/Δλ\lambda/\Delta\lambda ~ 2600 spectroscopy of five stars (K ~ 14 - 16 mag) within 0.''5 of Sgr A*, the radio source associated with the compact massive object suspected to be a 2.6 x 106^{6} \msun black hole at the center of our Galaxy. High spatial resolution of ~ 0.''09, and good strehl ratios of ~ 0.2 achieved with adaptive optics on the 10-meter Keck telescope make it possible to measure moderate-resolution spectra of these stars individually for the first time. Two stars (S0-17 and S0-18) are identified as late-type stars by the detection of CO bandhead absorption in their spectra. Their absolute K magnitudes and CO bandhead absorption strengths are consistent with early K giants. Three stars (S0-1, S0-2, and S0-16), with rproj_{proj} << 0.0075 pc (~ 0.''2) from Sgr A*, lack CO bandhead absorption, confirming the results of earlier lower spectral and lower spatial resolution observations that the majority of the stars in the Sgr A* Cluster are early-type stars. The absolute K magnitudes of the early-type stars suggest that they are late O - early B main sequence stars of ages << 20 Myr. The presence of young stars in the Sgr A* Cluster, so close to the central supermassive black hole, poses the intriguing problem of how these stars could have formed, or could have been brought, within its strong tidal field.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Wegner-Houghton equation and derivative expansion

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    We study the derivative expansion for the effective action in the framework of the Exact Renormalization Group for a single component scalar theory. By truncating the expansion to the first two terms, the potential UkU_k and the kinetic coefficient ZkZ_k, our analysis suggests that a set of coupled differential equations for these two functions can be established under certain smoothness conditions for the background field and that sharp and smooth cut-off give the same result. In addition we find that, differently from the case of the potential, a further expansion is needed to obtain the differential equation for ZkZ_k, according to the relative weight between the kinetic and the potential terms. As a result, two different approximations to the ZkZ_k equation are obtained. Finally a numerical analysis of the coupled equations for UkU_k and ZkZ_k is performed at the non-gaussian fixed point in D<4D<4 dimensions to determine the anomalous dimension of the field.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure
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