33 research outputs found

    Nilai-nilai Pendidikan Dalam Ungkapan Larangan Masyarakat Nagari Punggasan Kecamatan Linggo Saribaganti Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan

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    Research aims to describe the structure, values education and social functions contained in the expression for the ban on the society at Nagari Punggasan Subdistrick Linggo Sari Baganti Regency Pesisir Selatan. This research descriptive qualitative research method.The background of this study was, while the entry of this study is the expression in Nagari Punggasan Subdistrick Linggo Sari Baganti Regency Pesisir Selatan ban on the society in terms of structure, values education and social functions. To collect the data acquisition from Nagari Punggasan Subdistrick Linggo Sari Baganti Regency Pesisir Selatan the informants using recording techniques. The technique used to analyze the data as follows (1) transcribes the data from spoken language into written language (2) translates the data into Indonesian,(3) analyzing the structure of the expression for the ban, (4) analyzed the values education for expression ban, (5) to analyze the social function expressions prohibition, 6) formulating research results in the form of reports

    Mantra Batatah Di Nagari Lubuak Layang Kecamatan Rao Selatan Kabupaten Pasaman Barat

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    This study aimed to describe (1) the structure of the text spells batatah, (2) supporting aspects incantations, (3) the process of succession mantra batatah in Nagari Lubuk Rao Elevated Southern District, Pasaman. This research is a qualitative descriptive method. Data collected through the techniques of observation and recording interviews. The study's findings that the structure of the text consists of parts spell batatah opener, the content, and the cover, as well as diction, figurative language (style). Batatah incantations supporting aspects are (a) time: free, (b) the place: in the yard or in the house, (c) events/opportunities: used when the child is eleven months old and above, (d) the perpetrator: the have a mantra that has got inheritance from generation to generation, (e) equipment: seven floral art, black soil, a carpet or rug, yellow rice, bertih, hair oil of lemon, root crops and frankincense, gold ring/dagger/ knife, and water, (f) clothing: free but polite, and (g) means: sitting cross-legged, sit cross-legged and squat. Process in inheritance batatah mantra is to provide the requirements specified by the shaman, in the form of money potluck, knife, blade of steel/a seamstress, a white cloth/ shroud piece

    Dampak Psikologis Tokoh Isabella Dalam Novel Isabella Karya Maulana Muhammad Saeed Dehlvi

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    The purpose of this research is to describe the role and impact of converting psychological character Isabella in the novel Isabella works of Maulana Muhammad Saeed Dehlvi by: (1) aspects of the Id, (2) aspects of the Ego, (3) aspects of the Super Ego. The data of this research are the word, phrase, phrases, and sentences that lead to the converting by Isabella that author expressed in the story. The data resources is founded in the novel itself. The data is collected by using descriptive methode that priorityzing the interaction interconcepts that studied empirically. The result of this research is thebpsychological impact that experienced by Isabella in the novel Isabella caused by id impulse that dominating herself

    Pantun Bajawek Dalam Acara Mananti Tando Di Binjai Kecamatan Tigo Nagari Kabupaten Pasaman

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    The purpose of this study was to describe (1) the structure of the event Mananti Pantun Bajawek Binjai district Tando Tigo Pasaman Nagari, and (2) the value of education Limerick Event Mananti Bajawek in district Tando Binjai Tigo Pasaman Nagari. The data of this study is the structure of the poem bajawek mananti event in Binjai district Tando Tigo Nagari Pasaman and values ​​education poem bajawek mananti event in Binjai district Tando Tigo Pasaman Nagari. The data sources of this study are oral sources, which are spoken in rhyme bajawek Tando mananti event. Data were collected by observation, recording, interviews, and data processing, the results of the analysis are written in the form of a full report of research results. The findings of the study in the event structure bajawek rhymes with rhyme mananti Tando usual, has sampiran and content and consists of four lines, and talibun ie, six lines, eight rows and ten rows. In addition, the poem was also built by the physical structure and the inner structure. Educational value poem bajawek traditional educational values​​, moral values ​​and values ​​education religious education

    Struktur Dan Fungsi Pantun Dalam Acara Manyerakan Marapulai Dan Anak Daro Pada Upacara Pernikahan Di Desa Tabek Sirah Kabupaten Pasaman Barat

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    The purpose of this study was to describe the structure and function of the poem in the event manyerakan marapulai and children daro at the wedding ceremony in the village of West Pasaman Tabek Sirah. This research is descriptive qualitative research method. The object of research in the form of rhymes and children's events manyerakan marapulai and children daro. Data analysis was performed with (1) transcripts of recording data into written language, (2) analyzing the data, (3) to classify the data into the aspects studied, (4) interpreting the data in accordance with the purposes of the study, (5) make the conclusion. The results of this study indicate that in the event manyerakan marapulai rhymes and children daro has a physical structure and inner structure. The physical structure consists of : diction, imagery, concrete words, figurative language, rhyme and Rithmah, while the inner structure consists of : theme, feeling, tone and atmosphere and mandate. Functions contained in the event manyerakan marapulai rhymes and children daro found ten functions, namely (1) as a means of communication, (2) the identity, (3) as an ornamental flower oral tradition, (4) as a means to preach, (5) as a means to educate, (6) as the embodiment of indigenou , (7) as a means of entertainment, (8) as symbols of culture, (9) evokes heroic values ​​and (10) to further humanize humans