374 research outputs found

    Repeated simple sedimentation technique and prevalence of bovine schistosomosis in selected sites of Bahir Dar woreda

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    The study was conducted from April 2008 to February 2009 at Bahir Dar Woreda adjoining Upper Blue Nile “Abay” river basin, northwest Ethiopia with the aim of estimating the benefit from repeated examination of faecal samples in diagnosis of bovine Schistosomosis and determining the prevalence of the disease in naturally infected cattle. Two hundred and twenty nine cattle (112 local and 117cross) were used from the population as study animals. Out of 687 faecal samples (229 cattle x 3 consecutive days) examined, 256 samples were found positive for Schistosoma bovis giving an overall prevalence of 37.3%. Sampling of each animal was made for three consecutive days and schistosomosis prevalence was determined for each sample day i.e. for day1, day2 and day3. There was a significant difference (

    Characterization of the indigenous goat production system in Asossa zone, Benishangul Gumuz region, Ethiopia

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    Most of the livestock population in Asossa zone is comprised of indigenous goats, which have remarkable socioeconomic relevance to the society. This study aimed to generate information on the production system and production constraints of goats in the study area. The study was conducted based on a household survey in which 192 householdswere purposively sampled. The households were located in Sherkole, Kurmuk and Menge districts that have a high goat population in Asossa zone. Data were recorded inMS Excel data sheet and analyzed using SAS. A chi-square and GLM procedure of SAS was used to test significant differences among categorical and quantitative variables. The primary reason for keeping goats was for cash income with an index value of 0.46, 0.34 and 0.31 for Sherkole Kurmuk and Menge districts, respectively. Milk was the second purpose for rearing goats, with a ranking index value of 0.29, 0.30 and 0.30 for Sherkole, Kurmuk, and Menge districts, respectively. Grazing on natural pasture was the major feed source for goat production in the three districts (with an index of 0.86, 0.91 and 0.0.87 for Sherkole, Kurmuk and Menge districts, respectively). Although the majority of households (59 %, 75% and 62.5% in Sherkole, Kurmuk, and Menge districts, respectively) used yard type of housing, the number of households that used this type of housing was significantly different (p<0.05) among the three districts. Majority of goat owners used an uncontrolled type of mating that accounts 92.2%, 89.1% and 85.9% in Sherkole, Kurmuk, and Menge districts, respectively. Feed shortage (with ranking index value of 0.30, 0.34 and 0.28 in Sherkole Kurmuk and Menge districts, respectively) and water shortage (with ranking index value 0.21, 0.23 and 0.22 in Sherkole Kurmuk and  Menge districts, respectively) were the first and second goat production constraints. Age at sexual maturity was 7.52 months for males and 7.84 months for female goats in this region. Goats play a multi-functional role for the community by adapting to the different constraints that need intervention mechanisms from responsible bodies to boost the productivity of the sector.Key words: constraints, Ethiopia, feed, housing, indigenous goats, reproductive performance, production system, wate

    The association of TB with HIV infection in Oromia Regional National State, Ethiopia in 2006/7

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    Background: Infection with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is an established risk factor for tuberculosis infection. Population-based data on associations between HIV and tuberculosis (TB) can provide an epidemiological assessment of the impact of HIV infection on TB in environments where individual based data are difficult to collect.Method: We used an ecological study to assess the association between infection with HIV and tuberculosis in Oromia Region National State, Ethiopia in 2006/7.Result: The prevalence of HIV infection was significantly associated with the incidence of TB across the areas in Oromia region (r=0.69,

    Multivariate diversity, heritability and genetic advance in Tef Landraces in Ethiopia

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    Characterisation of exiting genetic variability is a prerequisite for further crop improvement activity. This study was designed to assess genetic variability among randomly selected Eragrostis tef, Zucc.Trotter (Tef) genotypes from five administrative zones in the Amhara region in Ethiopia. The experiment was conducted in 2010 main cropping season at Adet Agricultural Research Center. All traits, except first inter-node length showed highly significant differences among the 37 lines. Number of productive tillers per plant, grain yield per plant, and biomass yield per plant showed high phenotypic coefficients of variation; 18.9, 17.5 and 16.9% in that order. Harvest index (15.1%) showed the highest genotypic coefficient of variation while the lowest (3.5%) was for days to maturity. Heritability in broad sense was highest for days to heading (80.7%), followed by culm length (72.4%). Grain yield and shoot biomass yield showed heritability values of 54.6 and 57.3%, and GAM values of 18.9 and 20.6%, respectively. The first three principal components (PCs) with eigenvalues greater than one explained 75% of the observed variation. Four PCs were effective in explaining 93% of the variation among zones. Cluster analysis grouped the 37 lines into five real clusters, while zones of collection were grouped into three major clusters. These data are useful for future tef breeding/crop improvement programmes and undertakings

    Why do people not attend for treatment for trachomatous trichiasis in Ethiopia? A study of barriers to surgery.

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    BACKGROUND: Trachomatous trichiasis (TT) surgery is provided free or subsidised in most trachoma endemic settings. However, only 18-66% of TT patients attend for surgery. This study analyses barriers to attendance among TT patients in Ethiopia, the country with the highest prevalence of TT in the world. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Participants with previously un-operated TT were recruited at 17 surgical outreach campaigns in Amhara Region, Ethiopia. An interview was conducted to ascertain why they had not attended for surgery previously. A trachoma eye examination was performed by an ophthalmologist. 2591 consecutive individuals were interviewed. The most frequently cited barriers to previous attendance for surgery were lack of time (45.3%), financial constraints (42.9%) and lack of an escort (35.5% in females, 19.6% in males). Women were more likely to report a fear of surgery (7.7% vs 3.2%, p<0.001) or be unaware of how to access services (4.5% vs 1.0% p<0.001); men were more frequently asymptomatic (19.6% vs 10.1%, p<0.001). Women were also less likely to have been previously offered TT surgery than men (OR = 0.70, 95%CI 0.53-0.94). CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The major barriers to accessing surgery from the patients' perspective are the direct and indirect costs of surgery. These can to a large extent be reduced or overcome through the provision of free or low cost surgery at the community level. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00522860 and NCT00522912

    Effect of different drying techniques on the volatile compounds, morphological characteristics and thermal stability of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni leaf

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    Purpose: To examine the volatile compounds, thermal stability and morphological characteristics of stevia (Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni) leaves after sun, oven and microwave drying.Methods: Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry with a spectral analysis manager was used to separate the volatile compounds. Dried stevia leaf powder was characterized morphologically by scanning electron microscopy while thermal properties were determined by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC).Results: The plant material contained large amounts of spathulenol and caryophyllene oxide. The main compounds were 1-docosanol and hexanoic acid; trans-β-ionone, 5-methylundecane, 2,5,6-trimethyldecane, (+) spathulenol, propanoic acid and 1-chlorononadecane. The surface of the dried leaf powder varied with the treatment applied. Following microwave drying, the particles were even, regular, and compact while the sun- and oven dried particles resembled angular bricks. All samples exhibited a strong endothermic response, indicating stability up to 150 °C; from 150 to 200 °C, thermal decomposition occurred.Conclusion: Drying method has a significant effect on the structure, thermal stability and volatile compounds contents of stevia leaves. All drying methods examined in this study have potential applications in the preparation of stevia as a functional ingredient for the food and pharmaceutical industries.Keywords: Differential scanning calorimetry, Drying techniques, Stevia rebaudiana, Pharmaceuticals, Scanning electron microscopy, Volatile compound

    Absorbable versus silk sutures for surgical treatment of trachomatous trichiasis in Ethiopia: a randomised controlled trial.

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    BACKGROUND: Trachoma causes blindness through an anatomical abnormality called trichiasis (lashes touching the eye). Trichiasis can recur after corrective surgery. We tested the hypothesis that using absorbable sutures instead of silk sutures might reduce the risk of recurrent disease among patients with major trichiasis in a randomised trial. METHODS AND FINDINGS: 1,300 individuals with major trichiasis from rural villages in the Amhara Region of Ethiopia were recruited and assigned (1:1) by computer-generated randomisation sequence to receive trichiasis surgery using either an absorbable suture (polyglactin-910) or silk sutures (removed at 7-10 days) in an otherwise identical surgical technique. Participants were examined every 6 months for 2 years by clinicians masked to allocation. The primary outcome measure was recurrent trichiasis (≥one lash touching the eye) at 1 year. There was no difference in prevalence of recurrent trichiasis at 1 year (114 [18.2%] in the absorbable suture group versus 120 [19.7%] in the silk suture group; odds ratio = 0.90, 95% CI 0.68-1.20). The two groups also did not differ in terms of corneal opacification, visual acuity, conjunctival inflammation, and surgical complications. CONCLUSIONS: There was no evidence that use of absorbable polyglactin-910 sutures was associated with a lower prevalence of trichiasis recurrence at 1 year postsurgery than silk sutures. However, from a programmatic perspective, polyglactin-910 offers the major advantage that patients do not have to be seen soon after surgery for suture removal. The postoperative review after surgery using absorbable polyglactin-910 sutures can be delayed for 3-6 months, which might allow us to better determine whether a patient needs additional surgery. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00522860

    "Like a doctor, like a brother" Achieving competence amongst lay health workers delivering community-based rehabilitation for people with schizophrenia in Ethiopia

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    BACKGROUND: There are gaps in our understanding of how non-specialists, such as lay health workers, can achieve core competencies to deliver psychosocial interventions in low- and middle-income countries.METHODS: We conducted a 12-month mixed-methods study alongside the Rehabilitation Intervention for people with Schizophrenia in Ethiopia (RISE) pilot study. We rated a total of 30 role-plays and 55 clinical encounters of ten community-based rehabilitation (CBR) lay workers using an Ethiopian adaptation of the ENhancing Assessment of Common Therapeutic factors (ENACT) structured observational rating scale. To explore factors influencing competence, six focus group discussions and four in-depth interviews were conducted with 11 CBR workers and two supervisors at three time-points. We conducted a thematic analysis and triangulated the qualitative and quantitative data.RESULTS: There were improvements in CBR worker competence throughout the training and 12-month pilot study. Therapeutic alliance competencies (e.g., empathy) saw the earliest improvements. Competencies in personal factors (e.g., substance use) and external factors (e.g., assessing social networks) were initially rated lower, but scores improved during the pilot. Problem-solving and giving advice competencies saw the least improvements overall. Multimodal training, including role-plays, field work and group discussions, contributed to early development of competence. Initial stigma towards CBR participants was reduced through contact. Over time CBR workers occupied dual roles of expert and close friend for the people with schizophrenia in the programme. Competence was sustained through peer supervision, which also supported wellbeing. More intensive specialist supervision was needed.CONCLUSION: It is possible to equip lay health workers with the core competencies to deliver a psychosocial intervention for people with schizophrenia in a low-income setting. A prolonged period of work experience is needed to develop advanced skills such as problem-solving. A structured intervention with clear protocols, combined with peer supervision to support wellbeing, is recommended for good quality intervention delivery. Repeated ENACT assessments can feasibly and successfully be used to identify areas needing improvement and to guide on-going training and supervision