408 research outputs found

    Role of hydrogen in volatile behaviour of defects in SiO2-based electronic devices

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    Charge capture and emission by point defects in gate oxides of metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistors (MOSFETs) strongly affect reliability and performance of electronic devices. Recent advances in experimental techniques used for probing defect properties have led to new insights into their characteristics. In particular, these experimental data show a repeated dis- and reappearance (the so-called volatility) of the defect-related signals. We use multiscale modelling to explain the charge capture and emission as well as defect volatility in amorphous SiO2 gate dielectrics. We first briefly discuss the recent experimental results and use a multiphonon charge capture model to describe the charge-trapping behaviour of defects in silicon-based MOSFETs. We then link this model to ab initio calculations that investigate the three most promising defect candidates. Statistical distributions of defect characteristics obtained from ab initio calculations in amorphous SiO2 are compared with the experimentally measured statistical properties of charge traps. This allows us to suggest an atomistic mechanism to explain the experimentally observed volatile behaviour of defects. We conclude that the hydroxyl-E′ centre is a promising candidate to explain all the observed features, including defect volatility

    Origin of trap assisted tunnelling in ammonia annealed SiC trench MOSFETs

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    The interface between silicon carbide (SiC) and silicon dioxide (SiO2) is of considerable importance for the performance and reliability of 4H-SiC (trench) metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistors (MOSFETs) and various different post oxidation anneals (POAs) have been used to optimize its quality. Whereas nitric oxide (NO) POA leads to very reliable and well performing MOSFETs, ammonia (NH3) can further improve the device performance, however, at the cost of the gate oxide (GOX) reliability, e.g. leading to trap assisted tunneling (TAT). We investigate the origin of TAT and GOX leakage in differently annealed gate oxides experimentally, using 4H-SiC trench MOSFETs, and theoretically, using Density Functional Theory (DFT) simulations. Our findings reinforce the view that the NO anneal for SiC devices results in the best overall quality as devices annealed in NH3 and nitrogen N2 show higher oxide charge density and leakage currents. DFT simulations demonstrate that, contrary to what has often been assumed so far, NH3 annealing leads to the formation of additional hydrogen related defects, which open leakage paths in the oxide otherwise not present in NO treated oxides

    Structural insights into the mechanism of negative regulation of single-box high mobility group proteins by the acidic tail domain.

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    The Drosophila and plant (maize) functional counterparts of the abundant vertebrate chromosomal protein HMGB1 (HMG-D and ZmHMGB1, respectively) differ from HMGB1 in having a single HMG box, as well as basic and acidic flanking regions that vary greatly in length and charge. We show that despite these variations, HMG-D and ZmHMGB1 exist in dynamic assemblies in which the basic HMG boxes and linkers associate with their intrinsically disordered, predominantly acidic, tails in a manner analogous to that observed previously for HMGB1. The DNA-binding surfaces of the boxes and linkers are occluded in "auto-inhibited" forms of the protein, which are in equilibrium with transient, more open structures that are "binding-competent." This strongly suggests that the mechanism of auto-inhibition may be a general one. HMG-D and ZmHMGB1 differ from HMGB1 in having phosphorylation sites in their tail and linker regions. In both cases, in vitro phosphorylation of serine residues within the acidic tail stabilizes the assembled form, suggesting another level of regulation for interaction with DNA, chromatin, and other proteins that is not possible for the uniformly acidic (hence unphosphorylatable) tail of HMGB1.This work was supported by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council through the award of Grant BB/D002257/1 (to J. O. T.) and a grant from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) (to K. D. G.).This is the final published version. It first appeared at http://www.jbc.org/content/289/43/29817.long

    Effect of electric field on migration of defects in oxides: Vacancies and interstitials in bulk MgO

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    Dielectric layers composed of metal oxides are routinely subjected to external electric fields during the course of normal operation of electronic devices. Many phenomenological theories suggest that electric fields strongly affect the properties and mobilities of defects in oxide films and can even facilitate the creation of new defects. Although defects in metal oxides have been studied extensively both experimentally and theoretically, the effect of applied electric fields on their structure and migration barriers is not well understood and still remains subject to speculations. Here, we investigate how static, homogeneous electric fields affect migration barriers of canonical defects—oxygen vacancies and interstitial ions—in a prototypical oxide, MgO. Using the modern theory of polarization within density functional theory (DFT), we apply electric fields to defect migration pathways in three different charge states. The effect of the field is characterized by the change of the dipole moment of the system along the migration pathway. The largest changes in the calculated barriers are observed for charged defects, while those for the neutral defects are barely significant. We show that by multiplying the dipole moment difference between the initial and the transition states, which we define as the effective dipole moment, by the field strength, one can obtain an estimate of the barrier change in excellent agreement with the DFT calculated values. These results will help to assess the applicability of phenomenological models and elucidate linear and nonlinear effects of field application in degradation of microelectronic devices, electrocatalysis, batteries, and other applications

    Hydrogen-induced rupture of strained Si─O bonds in amorphous silicon dioxide

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    Using ab initio modeling we demonstrate that H atoms can break strained Si─O bonds in continuous amorphous silicon dioxide (a−SiO2) networks, resulting in a new defect consisting of a threefold-coordinated Si atom with an unpaired electron facing a hydroxyl group, adding to the density of dangling bond defects, such as E′ centers. The energy barriers to form this defect from interstitial H atoms range between 0.5 and 1.3 eV. This discovery of unexpected reactivity of atomic hydrogen may have significant implications for our understanding of processes in silica glass and nanoscaled silica, e.g., in porous low-permittivity insulators, and strained variants of a−SiO2

    Schneditz D. Reactive hyperemia in the human liver

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    We tested whether hepatic blood flow is altered following central hypovolemia caused by simulated orthostatic stress. After 30 min of supine rest, hemodynamic, plasma density, and indocyanine green (ICG) clearance responses were determined during and after release of a 15-min 40 mmHg lower body negative pressure (LBNP) stimulus. Plasma density shifts and the time course of plasma ICG concentration were used to assess intravascular volume and hepatic perfusion changes. Plasma volume decreased during LBNP (Ϫ10%) as did cardiac output (Ϫ15%), whereas heart rate (ϩ14%) and peripheral resistance (ϩ17%) increased, as expected. On the basis of ICG elimination, hepatic perfusion decreased from 1.67 Ϯ 0.32 (pre-LBNP control) to 1.29 Ϯ 0.26 l/min (Ϫ22%) during LBNP. Immediately after LBNP release, we found hepatic perfusion 25% above control levels (to 2.08 Ϯ 0.48 l/min, P ϭ 0.0001). Hepatic vascular conductance after LBNP was also significantly higher than during pre-LBNP control (21.4 Ϯ 5.4 vs. 17.1 Ϯ 3.1 ml ⅐ min Ϫ1 ⅐ mmHg Ϫ1 , P Ͻ 0.0001). This indicates autoregulatory vasodilatation in response to relative ischemia during a stimulus that has cardiovascular effects similar to normal orthostasis. We present evidence for physiological post-LBNP reactive hyperemia in the human liver. Further studies are needed to quantify the intensity of this response in relation to stimulus duration and magnitude, and clarify its mechanism. hepatic; indocyanine green; orthostasis; splanchnic blood flow; autoregulation; lower body negative pressure CENTRAL HYPOVOLEMIA, AS CAUSED by blood redistribution (e.g., orthostasis) or blood loss (e.g., trauma) can be simulated by application of negative pressure to the body from the iliac crest downward (lower body "negative" pressure, LBNP), as this leads to peripheral blood pooling while avoiding additional hydrostatic effects of upright posture (14). Driven by decreased load on cardiopulmonary and eventually arterial baroreceptors, neurohumoral readjustments occur. The splanchnic vascular bed is a major regulatory target because it represents a large regional vascular conductance and constitutes the primary blood reserve in cardiovascular "emergency" situations (11) Even low (Յ20 mmHg) levels of LBNP suffice to induce sympathetic activation and reduce splanchnic perfusion (17), whereas higher stimulus levels (e.g., 50 mmHg) lower splanchnic vascular conductance as well, by as much as Ϸ30% (6, 33). Reduced perfusion has local metabolic consequences. Vascular "escape" from sympathetic influence (9, 34) and the general concept of "reactive hyperemia" (20, 31) and autoregulation (38) are well established, but hepatic reactive hyperemia as such has not yet been reported. Splanchnic ischemia is connected to hypotensive episodes especially under prolonged hypovolemic stress such as hemodialysis and ultrafiltration of excess body fluid (12, 36). We speculated whether a much shorter perturbation such as standard LBNP would also induce ischemia. We measured hepatic clearance of ICG as a surrogate for splanchnic perfusion before, during, and after LBNP and hypothesized that after LBNP-induced vasoconstriction, hepatic perfusion would not only return to but also actually exceed pre-LBNP control levels, owing to local effects of relative hypoperfusion induced metabolite accumulation that occurred during LBNP. METHODS The study was done in 14 healthy, male volunteers of moderate physical fitness, free from cardiovascular, renal, hepatic, and pulmonary diseases and not on any medication. The subjects abstained from use of tobacco, caffeine, alcohol, and heavy exercise for at least 48 h preceding each investigation and the subjects were their own controls. The Graz Medical University Research Ethics Committee approved the study protocol, and written, informed consent was obtained from each subject. Before the study, LBNP sham runs without blood sampling were carried out for familiarization to the study (24). Protocols were conducted between 9 and 12 AM to minimize circadian influences on hemodynamic variables (29). The subjects were fasting and emptied the bladder before each study. An antecubital vein was cannulated, for blood sampling and administration of ICG. Experiments were carried out in a semidark, quiet room maintained at 24°C and humidity at 55%. A padded pair of tightly connected chains was used to stabilize and maintain an exact sealing position at the exact level of the iliac crest within the LBNP box (14). The box was equipped with a footrest that was individually adjusted before LBNP was commenced. A pillow supported the head to avoid stimulation of the otolith organs, which has been reported to increase muscle sympathetic nerve activity and calf vascular resistance (21). Baseline data were collected for 30 min in the supine position, with the seal in place, before LBNP to allow for reequilibration of gravityrelated fluid shifts (16). Pressure within the box was lowered electronically by a pump within 10 s and monitored by an electronic gauge (24). LBNP (Ϫ40 mmHg) lasted for 15 min because any longer period affects LBNP tolerance (15). During LBNP the subjects were instructed to avoid movements of the lower limbs and to breathe normally. The post-LBNP observation period lasted another 15 min. The time course of the experimental protocol is shown in Blood volume and hepatic perfusion. ICG (25 mg) was injected at two times, 20 min before and 7 min into LBNP, with sufficient time between injections for ICG to be completely cleared from the blood stream. Whereas the ICG disappearance following the first injectio

    End-to-end annealing of microtubules in vitro.

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