7 research outputs found

    A multicaloric cooling cycle that exploits thermal hysteresis

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    The giant magnetocaloric effect, in which large thermal changes are induced in a material on the application of a magnetic field, can be used for refrigeration applications, such as the cooling of systems from a small to a relatively large scale. However, commercial uptake is limited. We propose an approach to magnetic cooling that rejects the conventional idea that the hysteresis inherent in magnetostructural phase-change materials must be minimized to maximize the reversible magnetocaloric effect. Instead, we introduce a second stimulus, uniaxial stress, so that we can exploit the hysteresis. This allows us to lock-in the ferromagnetic phase as the magnetizing field is removed, which drastically removes the volume of the magnetic field source and so reduces the amount of expensive Nd-Fe-B permanent magnets needed for a magnetic refrigerator. In addition, the mass ratio between the magnetocaloric material and the permanent magnet can be increased, which allows scaling of the cooling power of a device simply by increasing the refrigerant body. The technical feasibility of this hysteresis-positive approach is demonstrated using Ni-Mn-In Heusler alloys. Our study could l

    Giant barocaloric effect in all-d-metal Heusler shape memory alloys

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    We have studied the barocaloric properties associated with the martensitic transition of a shape memory Heusler alloy Ni50Mn31.5Ti18.5 which is composed of all-d-metal elements. The composition of the sample has been tailored to avoid long-range ferromagnetic order in both austenite and martensite. The lack of ferromagnetism results in a weak magnetic contribution to the total entropy change, thereby leading to a large transition entropy change. The combination of such a large entropy change and a relatively large volume change at the martensitic transition gives rise to giant barocaloric properties in this alloy. When compared to other shape memory Heusler alloys, our material exhibits values for adiabatic temperature and isothermal entropy changes significantly larger than values reported so far for this class of materials. Furthermore, our Ni50Mn31.5Ti18.5 also compares favorably to the best state-of-the-art magnetic barocaloric materials

    Giant and Reversible Barocaloric Effect in Trinuclear Spin-Crossover Complex Fe3(bntrz)6(tcnset)6

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    A giant barocaloric effect (BCE) in a molecular material Fe3(bntrz)6(tcnset)6 (FBT) is reported, where bntrz = 4-(benzyl)-1,2,4-triazole and tcnset = 1,1,3,3-tetracyano-2-thioethylepropenide. The crystal structure of FBT contains a trinuclear transition metal complex that undergoes an abrupt spin-state switching between the state in which all three FeII centers are in the high-spin (S = 2) electronic configuration and the state in which all of them are in the low-spin (S = 0) configuration. Despite the strongly cooperative nature of the spin transition, it proceeds with a negligible hysteresis and a large volumetric change, suggesting that FBT should be a good candidate for producing a large BCE. Powder X-ray diffraction and calorimetry reveal that the material is highly susceptible to applied pressure, as the transition temperature spans the range from 318 at ambient pressure to 383 K at 2.6 kbar. Despite the large shift in the spin-transition temperature, its nonhysteretic character is maintained under applied pressure. Such behavior leads to a remarkably large and reversible BCE, characterized by an isothermal entropy change of 120 J kg−1 K−1 and an adiabatic temperature change of 35 K, which are among the highest reversible values reported for any caloric material thus far

    Influence of microstructure on the application of Ni-Mn-In Heuler compounds for multicaloric cooling using magnetic field and uniaxial stress.

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    Novel multicaloric cooling utilizing the giant caloric response of Ni-Mn-based metamagnetic shape-memory alloys to different external stimuli such as magnetic field, uniaxial stress and hydrostatic pressure is a promising candidate for energy-efficient and environmentally-friendly refrigeration. However, the role of microstructure when several external fields are applied simultaneously or sequentially has been scarcely discussed in literature. Here, we synthesized ternary Ni-Mn-In alloys by suction casting and arc melting and analyzed the microstructural influence on the response to magnetic fields and uniaxial stress. By combining SEM-EBSD and stress-strain data, a significant effect of texture on the stress-induced martensitic transformation is revealed. It is shown that a texture can strongly reduce the critical transformation stresses. The effect of grain size on the material failure is demonstrated and its influence on the magnetic-field-induced transformation dynamics is investigated. Temperature-stress and temperature-magnetic field phase diagrams are established and single caloric performances are characterized in terms of ΔsT and ΔTad. The cyclic ΔTad values are compared to the ones achieved in the multicaloric exploiting-hysteresis cycle. It turns out that a suction-cast microstructure and the combination of both stimuli enables outstanding caloric effects in moderate external fields which can significantly exceed the single caloric performances. In particular for Ni-Mn-In, the maximum cyclic effect in magnetic fields of 1.9 T is increased by more than 200 % to -4.1 K when a moderate sequential stress of 55 MPa is applied. Our results illustrate the crucial role of microstructure for multicaloric cooling using Ni-Mn-based metamagnetic shape-memory alloys