504 research outputs found

    Absolute accuracy in membrane-based ac nanocalorimetry

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    To achieve accurate results in nanocalorimetry a detailed analysis and understanding of the behavior of the calorimetric system is required. There are especially two system-related aspects that should be taken in consideration: the properties of the empty cell and the effect of the thermal link between sample and cell. Here we study these two aspects for a membrane-based system where heater and thermometer are both in good contact with each other and the center of the membrane. Practical, analytical expressions for describing the frequency dependence of heat capacity, thermal conductance, and temperature oscillation of the system are formulated and compared with measurements and numerical simulations. We finally discuss the experimental conditions for an optimal working frequency, where high resolution and good absolute accuracy are combined

    Einfluß gesteigerter organischer und mineralischer Düngung und biologisch-dynamischer Präparate auf Ertrag, Qualität und Lagerfähigkeit von Kartoffeln

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    Die gesteigerte Düngung ergab an beiden Standorten bei den meisten Parametern die erwarteten Effekte. Eine Wirkung der biologisch-dynamischen Präparate, entweder getrennt in Kompost- und Spritzpräparate, oder kombiniert angewendet, konnte ebenfalls bei mehreren Parametern nachgewiesen werden. Allerdings ist nach wie vor nicht klar, unter welchen Umständen diese Präparate wirken und warum sie z.T. gegensinnige Effekte haben. In dem hier vorgestellten Projekt stehen zur Zeit aus den letzten beiden Versuchsjahren noch diverse Parameter, u.a. einige Inhaltsstoffe (z.B. Ascorbinsäure, Nitrat, Mineralstoffe) zur Analyse und Auswertung aus. Aus diesen Ergebnissen und denen der nächsten fünf Jahre erwarten wir in der Zusammenschau mit den Ergebnissen unserer Forschergruppe (vgl. SCHULZ und KÖPKE, 1995) schlüssige Hinweise auf Möglichkeiten zur Verbesserung der Qualität durch differenzierte Düngung und Behandlung mit den biologisch-dynamischen Präparaten

    A influência da adubagem orgânica e mineral e da adição de preparado biodinâmico na produtividade, qualidade e armazenamento de batatas

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    O aumento da concentração de adubo apresentou os efeitos esperados. Comprovou-se uma alterção significativa das propriedades aqui estudadas através do uso de preparado biodinâmico, aplicado separadamente ou combinado em forma de preparado composto ou irrigado. Não fica claro porém em quais circustâncias ele atua e porque em certos casos a sua influência é contraditória. No projeto aqui apresentado encontram-se ainda em processo de análise outros parâmetros destes dois últimos anos de colheita, como concentração de nutrientes ( por exemplo ácido ascórbico, nitrato, minerais). Espera-se que após a análise do conjunto de variáveis dos cinco anos de plantio previstos seja possível estabelecer parâmetros para o aprimoramento da qualidade da batata proveniente da agricultura orgânica atrvés da adubação diferenciada e do uso de preparado biodinâmico

    Experimental and numerical results of active flow control on a highly loaded stator cascade

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.This article presents experimental and numerical results for a compressor cascade with active flow control. Steady and pulsed blowing has been used to control the secondary flow and separation characteristics of a highly loaded controlled diffusion airfoil. Investigations were performed at the design incidence for blowing ratios from approximately 0.7 to 3.0 (jet-to-inlet velocity) and a Reynolds number of 840 000 (based on axial chord and inlet velocity). Detailed flow field data were collected using a five-hole pressure probe, pressure taps on the blade surfaces, and time-resolved Particle Image Velocimetry. Unsteady Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes simulations were performed for a wide range of flow control parameters. The experimental and numerical results are used to understand the interaction between the jet and the passage flow. The benefit of the flow control on the cascade performance is weighted against the costs of the actuation by introducing an efficiency which takes the presence of the jets into account.DFG, SFB 557, Beeinflussung komplexer turbulenter Scherströmunge

    Thermal Conversion of Guanylurea Dicyanamide into Graphitic Carbon Nitride via Prototype CNx Precursors

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    Guanylurea dicyanamide, [(H2N)C(-O)NHC(NH2)2][N(CN)2], has been synthesized by ion exchange reaction in aqueous solution and structurally characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction (C2/c, a = 2249.0(5) pm, b = 483.9(1) pm, c = 1382.4(3) pm, β = 99.49(3)°, V = 1483.8(5) × 106 pm3, T = 130 K). The thermal behavior of the molecular salt has been studied by thermal analysis, temperature-programmed X-ray powder diffraction, FTIR spectroscopy, and mass spectrometry between room temperature and 823 K. The results were interpreted on a molecular level in terms of a sequence of thermally induced addition, cyclization, and elimination reactions. As a consequence, melamine (2,4,6-triamino-1,3,5-triazine) is formed with concomitant loss of HNCO. Further condensation of melamine yields the prototypic CNx precursor melem (2,6,10-triamino-s-heptazine, C6N7(NH2)3), which alongside varying amounts of directly formed CNxHy material transforms into layered CNxHy phases without significant integration of oxygen into the core framework owing to the evaporation of HNCO. Thus, further evidence can be added to melamine and its condensation product melem acting as “key intermediates” in the synthetic pathway toward graphitic CNxHy materials, whose exact constitution is still a point at issue. Due to the characteristic formation process and hydrogen content a close relationship with the polymer melon is evident. In particular, the thermal transformation of guanylurea dicyanamide clearly demonstrates that the formation of volatile compounds such as HNCO during thermal decomposition may render a large variety of previously not considered molecular compounds suitable CNx precursors despite the presence of oxygen in the starting material

    Conventional methods fail to measure cp(omega) of glass-forming liquids

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    The specific heat is frequency dependent in highly viscous liquids. By solving the full one-dimensional thermo-viscoelastic problem analytically it is shown that, because of thermal expansion and the fact that mechanical stresses relax on the same time scale as the enthalpy relaxes, the plane thermal-wave method does not measure the isobaric frequency-dependent specific heat c_p(omega). This method rather measures a "longitudinal" frequency-dependent specific heat, a quantity defined and detailed here that is in-between c_p(omega) and c_v(omega). This result means that no wide-frequency measurements of c_p(omega) on liquids approaching the calorimetric glass transition exist. We briefly discuss consequences for experiment

    Thermal Diffusion and Quench Propagation in YBCO Pancake Coils Wound with ZnO-and Mylar Insulations

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    The thermal diffusion properties of several different kinds of YBCO insulations and the quench properties of pancake coils made using these insulations were studied. Insulations investigated include Nomex, Kapton, and Mylar, as well as insulations based on ZnO, Zn2GeO4, and ZnO-Cu. Initially, short stacks of YBCO conductors with interlayer insulation, epoxy, and a central heater strip were made and later measured for thermal conductivity in liquid nitrogen. Subsequently, three different pancake coils were made. The first two were smaller, each using one meter total of YBCO tape present as four turns around a G-10 former. One of these smaller coils used Mylar insulation co-wound with the YBCO tape, the other used YBCO tape onto which ZnO based insulation had been deposited. One larger coil was made which used 12 total meters of ZnO-insulated tape and had 45 turns. The results for all short sample and coil thermal conductivities were ~1-3 Wm-1K-1. Finally, quench propagation velocity measurements were performed on the coils (77 K, self field) by applying a DC current and then using a heater pulse to initiate a quench. Normal zone propagation velocity (NZP) values were obtained for the coils both in the radial direction and in the azimuthal direction. Radial NZP values (0.05-0.7 mm/s) were two orders of magnitude lower than axial values (~14-17 mm/s). Nevertheless, the quenches were generally seen to propagate radially within the coils, in the sense that any given layer in the coil is driven normal by the layer underneath it.Comment: 58 pages, 5 tables, 16 fig

    Phylogenetic convergence and multiple shell shape optima for gliding scallops (Bivalvia: Pectinidae)

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    An important question in evolutionary biology is how often, and to what extent, do similar ecologies elicit distantly related taxa to evolve towards the same phenotype? In some scenarios, the repeated evolution of particular phenotypes may be expected, for instance when species are exposed to common selective forces that result from strong functional demands. In bivalved scallops (Pectinidae), some species exhibit a distinct swimming behaviour (gliding), which requires specific biomechanical attributes to generate lift and reduce drag during locomotive events. Further, a phylogenetic analysis revealed that gliding behaviour has independently evolved at least four times, which raises the question as to whether these independent lineages have also converged on a similar phenotype. Here, we test the hypothesis that gliding scallops display shell shape convergence using a combination of geometric morphometrics and phylogenetic comparative methods that evaluate patterns of multivariate trait evolution. Our findings reveal that the gliding species display less morphological disparity and significant evolutionary convergence in morphospace, relative to expectations under a neutral model of Brownian motion for evolutionary phenotypic change. Intriguingly, the phylomorphospace patterns indicate that gliding lineages follow similar evolutionary trajectories to not one, but two regions of morphological space, and subsequent analyses identified significant differences in their biomechanical parameters, suggesting that these two groups of scallops accomplish gliding in different ways. Thus, whereas there is a clear gliding morphotype that has evolved convergently across the phylogeny, functionally distinct morphological subforms are apparent, suggesting that there may be two optima for the gliding phenotype in the Pectinidae.J. M. Serb, E. Sherratt, A. Alejandrino & D. C. Adam