50 research outputs found

    Use of Technogenic Silica Fume and Brown Coal Semi-Coke in the Technology of Silicon Carbide

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    The paper describes thermodynamic experiments to determine the optimal temperature and time modes for the carbide production process from the briquette charge comprising silica fume and brown coal semi-coke, conditions for chemical enriching of silicon carbide, its phase, chemical and granulometric compositions and particle morphology

    Ancient genomic time transect from the Central Asian Steppe unravels the history of the Scythians

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    The Scythians were a multitude of horse-warrior nomad cultures dwelling in the Eurasian steppe during the first millennium BCE. Because of the lack of first-hand written records, little is known about the origins and relations among the different cultures. To address these questions, we produced genome-wide data for 111 ancient individuals retrieved from 39 archaeological sites from the first millennia BCE and CE across the Central Asian Steppe. We uncovered major admixture events in the Late Bronze Age forming the genetic substratum for two main Iron Age gene-pools emerging around the Altai and the Urals respectively. Their demise was mirrored by new genetic turnovers, linked to the spread of the eastern nomad empires in the first centuries CE. Compared to the high genetic heterogeneity of the past, the homogenization of the present-day Kazakhs gene pool is notable, likely a result of 400 years of strict exogamous social rules.Introduction Results - The IA transition in the Kazakh Steppe - Admixture modeling of IA steppe populations - Post-IA genetic turnovers in the Kazakh Steppe - Dating ancient admixture - Present-day Kazakhs Discussion Material and methods - Radiocarbon dating - DNA extraction, library preparations, and sequencing - Modern DNA genotyping and quality controls - Ancient DNA data processing -- Raw data -- Authentication and contamination estimate -- Genotyping -- Sex determination -- Genetic relatedness estimation - Uniparental haplogroup assignment - Population structure analyses - Individual labeling and population grouping criteria - F-statistics and ancestry modeling - Admixture dating - CHROMOPAINTER and fineSTRUCTURE analyse


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    The methods of production and the results of investigation of high-porous spongy silver and morphology of its formation are presented. The product is shown to represent nanostructure consisting of silver particles of 100–200 nm in size, accreted with one another into conglomerates of branched forms. Examples of possible application of nanostructural high-porous spongy silver are given.Представлены методы получения и результаты исследования высокопористого губчатого серебра и морфологии его образования. Показано, что этот продукт представляет собой наноструктуру, состоящую из частиц серебра размером 100–200 нм, сросшихся между собой в конгломераты разветвленной формы. Даны примеры возможного использования наноструктурного высокопористого губчатого серебра


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    The results of experimental and theoretical researches of nanostructural filamentary lead sponge formation from chloride solutions are presented. It is established that such sponge with filament width of approximately 100 nm represents the hydrogen stabilized structure consisting of lead conglomerates (2-5 nm in size). The lead filamentary structure fragments are shown to remain unchanged in solid state for enough long time.Представлены результаты экспериментальных и теоретических исследований образования из хлоридных растворов наноструктурных нитевидных свинцовых губок. Установлено, что такая губка с толщиной нитей порядка 100 нм представляет собой структуру, состоящую из конгломератов свинца (размером 2–5 нм), стабилизированную водородом. Показано, что фрагменты нитевидной структуры свинца сохраняются в твердом состоянии достаточно продолжительное время


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    The article deals with the options for building optical schemes of infrared lenses with the real exit pupil. Overall calculation schemes have been determined and examples aberration calculations are shown. Also was found a promising scheme for the construction of multispectral optical systems.В статье рассмотрены варианты построения оптических схем объективов с действительным выходным зрачком, работающих с охлаждаемыми приёмниками. Произведены габаритные расчёты схем и приведены примеры аберрационных расчётов. Также найдена перспективная схема построения многоспектральных оптических систем