431 research outputs found

    Trabalhando com dados espaciais no QGIS 2.18.4.

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    O QGIS é um programa computacional que, além de ser um SIG, também permite gerar bancos de dados e fazer tratamentos e análises de dados espaciais. Isso ocorre porque todo SIG permite dispor, em camadas ou planos de informação (PI), vários dados georreferenciados, os quais podem pertencer a diferentes classes (vetoriais, matriciais, alfanuméricos, etc.).bitstream/item/178570/1/4918.pd

    Espacialização de indicadores socioeconômicos como subsídio ao macrozoneamento ecológico-econômico do Estado do Maranhão.

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    Macrozoneamentos ecológico-econômicos foram instituídos pelo governo federal e têm como finalidade identificar potencialidades e limitações de recursos naturais e da sociedade com base em um diagnóstico socioambiental e com o propósito de apoiar a formulação e execução de políticas de desenvolvimento regional . Indicadores socioeconômicos são instrumentos importantes em todas as fases do processo de formulação, implementação, monitoramento e avaliação das políticas públicas, e são elementos indispensáveis para a elaboração de macrozoneamentos ecológico-econômicos . O objetivo deste trabalho foi espacializar indicadores socioeconômicos que serão utilizados como subsídio para a elaboração do Macrozoneamento Ecológico-Econômico do Estado do Maranhão. Foram adotados, como unidade de referência territorial, os 217 municípios que compõem o estado e, como fonte de dados, a Produção Agrícola Municipal (PAM) do IBGE e o Censo Demográfico do IBGE. Foram selecionados os principais indicadores socioeconômicos, como saneamento básico, energia, água potável, saúde, educação, entre outros. O procedimento metodológico utilizado foi: definição e levantamento dos indicadores; criação e formatação das tabelas com auxílio do programa Excel; e, por fim, a utilização do software ArcGIS (ESRI), que, por meio das planilhas criadas, dos geocódigos municipais e dos shapefile disponibilizados pelo IBGE, possibilitou espacializar os dados e, assim, gerar os mapas temáticos. A espacialização dos indicadores pode contribuir para a formulação de políticas públicas em diferentes níveis de governo e, assim, para que sejam tomadas decisões mais adequadas

    Multidisciplinary Observing in the World Ocean\u27s Oxygen Minimum Zone Regions: From Climate to Fish - The VOICE Initiative

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    Multidisciplinary ocean observing activities provide critical ocean information to satisfy ever-changing socioeconomic needs and require coordinated implementation. The upper oxycline (transition between high and low oxygen waters) is fundamentally important for the ecosystem structure and can be a useful proxy for multiple observing objectives connected to eastern boundary systems (EBSs) that neighbor oxygen minimum zones (OMZs). The variability of the oxycline and its impact on the ecosystem (VOICE) initiative demonstrates how societal benefits drive the need for integration and optimization of biological, biogeochemical, and physical components of regional ocean observing related to EBS. In liaison with the Global Ocean Oxygen Network, VOICE creates a roadmap toward observation-model syntheses for a comprehensive understanding of selected oxycline-dependent objectives. Local to global effects, such as habitat compression or deoxygenation trends, prompt for comprehensive observing of the oxycline on various space and time scales, and for an increased awareness of its impact on ecosystem services. Building on the Framework for Ocean Observing (FOO), we present a first readiness level assessment for ocean observing of the oxycline in EBS. This was to determine current ocean observing design and future needs in EBS regions (e.g., the California Current System, the Equatorial Eastern Pacific off Ecuador, the Peru-Chile Current system, the Northern Benguela off Namibia, etc.) building on the FOO strategy. We choose regional champions to assess the ocean observing design elements proposed in the FOO, namely, requirement processes, coordination of observational elements, and data management and information products and the related best practices. The readiness level for the FOO elements was derived for each EBS through a similar and very general ad hoc questionnaire. Despite some weaknesses in the questionnaire design and its completion, an assessment was achievable. We found that fisheries and ecosystem management are a societal requirement for all regions, but maturity levels of observational elements and data management and information products differ substantially. Identification of relevant stakeholders, developing strategies for readiness level improvements, and building and sustaining infrastructure capacity to implement these strategies are fundamental milestones for the VOICE initiative over the next 2-5 years and beyond

    Electron-deuteron scattering in the equal-time formalism: beyond the impulse approximation

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    Using a three-dimensional formalism that includes relativistic kinematics, the effects of negative-energy states, approximate boosts of the two-body system, and current conservation, we calculate the electromagnetic form factors of the deuteron up to Q^2 of 4 GeV^2. This is done using a dynamical boost for two-body systems with spin. We first compute form factors in impulse approxmation, but then also add an isoscalar meson-exchange current of pion range that involves the gamma-pi contact operator associated with pseudovector pi-N coupling. We also consider effects of the rho-pi-gamma meson-exchange current. The experimentally measured quantities A, B, and t20 are calculated over the kinematic range probed in recent Jefferson Laboratory experiments. The rho-pi-gamma meson-exchange current provides significant strength in A at large Q^2 and the gamma-pi contact-term exchange current shifts t20, providing good agreement with the JLab data. Relativistic effects and the gamma-pi meson-exchange current do not provide an explanation of the B observable, but the rho-pi-gamma current could help to provide agreement if a nonstandard value is used for the tensor rho-N coupling that enters this contribution.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures. (v2) Added references on rho-pi-gamma current as well as comparison to recent Novosibirsk data on T20. Implemented \includegraphics in place of \BoxedEPSF. (v3) Modified in order to clarify the nature of the boost we implemented for particles with spin. Other minor changes. Version to be published in Physical Review

    Dinâmica da cobertura do solo brasileiro: projeto trees 3

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    Este trabalho trata da validação das classificações realizadas para o território brasileiro nos anos de 1990 e 2000 pelo projeto Global Monitoring (TREES-3), uma parceria entre a Organização das Nações Unidas para Agricultura e Alimentação (FAO) e o Joint Research Centre (JRC). O objetivo foi estimar a dinâmica da cobertura vegetal nas áreas de interesse no período de 1990 a 2000. Um total de 708 amostras de imagens Landsat com 400 km2 de área cada passou pelos processos de segmentação e classificação supervisionada. A validação foi feita visualmente com o auxílio do Google Earth e teve como resultado 16% de mudança da cobertura vegetal florestal para outro tipo de cobertura (other land cover) nas áreas já validadas, que são Amazônia, Cerrado e Maranhão. No Pampa houve um aumento de 2% de cobertura florestal, devido à crescente prática de plantio de florestas homogêneas, que consiste na plantação de pinus e eucalipto para exploração madeireira

    Chiral effective theory predictions for deuteron form factor ratios at low Q^2

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    We use chiral effective theory to predict the deuteron form factor ratio G_C/G_Q as well as ratios of deuteron to nucleon form factors. These ratios are calculated to next-to-next-to-leading order. At this order the chiral expansion for the NN isoscalar charge operator (including consistently calculated 1/M corrections) is a parameter-free prediction of the effective theory. Use of this operator in conjunction with NLO and NNLO chiral effective theory wave functions produces results that are consistent with extant experimental data for Q^2 < 0.35 GeV^2. These wave functions predict a deuteron quadrupole moment G_Q(Q^2=0)=0.278-0.282 fm^2-with the variation arising from short-distance contributions to this quantity. The variation is of the same size as the discrepancy between the theoretical result and the experimental value. This motivates the renormalization of G_Q via a two-nucleon operator that couples to quadrupole photons. After that renormalization we obtain a robust prediction for the shape of G_C/G_Q at Q^2 < 0.3 GeV^2. This allows us to make precise, model-independent predictions for the values of this ratio that will be measured at the lower end of the kinematic range explored at BLAST. We also present results for the ratio G_C/G_M.Comment: 31 pages, 7 figure

    Deuteron form factors in chiral effective theory: regulator-independent results and the role of two-pion exchange

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    We evaluate the deuteron charge, quadrupole, and magnetic form factors using wave functions obtained from chiral effective theory (χ\chiET) when the potential includes one-pion exchange, chiral two-pion exchange, and genuine contact interactions. We study the manner in which the results for form factors behave as the regulator is removed from the χ\chiET calculation, and compare co-ordinate- and momentum-space approaches. We show that, for both the LO and NNLO chiral potential, results obtained by imposing boundary conditions in co-ordinate space at r=0r=0 are equivalent to the Λ\Lambda \to \infty limit of momentum-space calculations. The regulator-independent predictions for deuteron form factors that result from taking the Λ\Lambda \to \infty limit using the LO χ\chiET potential are in reasonable agreement with data up to momentum transfers of order 600 MeV, provided that phenomenological information for nucleon structure is employed. In this range the use of the NNLO χ\chiET potential results in only small changes to the LO predictions, and it improves the description of the zero of the charge form factor

    Índice CEI aplicado a imagens MODIS para análise da área de soja no Oeste do Paraná.

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    A produção da soja vem ocupando posição de destaque no agronegócio brasileiro. Nesse cenário, o Estado do Paraná ocupa o segundo lugar, atrás apenas do Estado do Mato Grosso como maior produtor nacional. A partir dessa premissa, este trabalho utiliza-se de imagens do sensor MODIS aliadas com o índice Crop Enhancement Index (CEI) para a identificação de áreas de cultivo agrícola no oeste paranaense. Os resultados obtidos foram comparados com os dados sobre áreas plantadas de soja em 2009 do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE) e apresentaram qualidade extremamente satisfatória (R2 = 0,89), corroborando a premissa inicial do trabalho quanto à eficiência do uso consorciado do CEI e de imagens MODIS para mapear grandes áreas de cultivo de soja