13 research outputs found

    Surface Microstructure Changes Induced by Ion Beam Irradiation

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    As a study result of irradiation-induced damage, various mathematical models have been developed to explain the phenomenon of irradiation-induced surface sputtering, these models are currently used in technological fields as diverse as materials characterization and in thin film deposition used in the manufacture of electronic or medical components. However, the phenomenon is not fully understood due to its high complexity, this work has the goal to present experimental evidence of the changes induced in the surface of hypereutectic alloy Ni-22% at Si promoted by the nickel ion beam irradiation, the surface changes induced will be explained in terms of the Sigmund theory of surface sputtering

    Industrial, Collaborative and Mobile Robotics in Latin America: Review of Mechatronic Technologies for Advanced Automation

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    Mechatronics and Robotics (MaR) have recently gained importance in product development and manufacturing settings and applications. Therefore, the Center for Space Emerging Technologies (C-SET) has managed an international multi-disciplinary study to present, historically, the first Latin American general review of industrial, collaborative, and mobile robotics, with the support of North American and European researchers and institutions. The methodology is developed by considering literature extracted from Scopus, Web of Science, and Aerospace Research Central and adding reports written by companies and government organizations. This describes the state-of-the-art of MaR until the year 2023 in the 3 Sub-Regions: North America, Central America, and South America, having achieved important results related to the academy, industry, government, and entrepreneurship; thus, the statistics shown in this manuscript are unique. Also, this article explores the potential for further work and advantages described by robotic companies such as ABB, KUKA, and Mecademic and the use of the Robot Operating System (ROS) in order to promote research, development, and innovation. In addition, the integration with industry 4.0 and digital manufacturing, architecture and construction, aerospace, smart agriculture, artificial intelligence, and computational social science (human-robot interaction) is analyzed to show the promising features of these growing tech areas, considering the improvements to increase production, manufacturing, and education in the Region. Finally, regarding the information presented, Latin America is considered an important location for investments to increase production and product development, taking into account the further proposal for the creation of the LATAM Consortium for Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics, which could support and work on roboethics and education/R+D+I law and regulations in the Region. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2023-07-04-025 Full Text: PD

    Los β-agonistas adrenérgicos como modificadores metabólicos y su efecto en la producción, calidad e inocuidad de la carne de bovinos y ovinos: una revisión

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    The β-adrenergic agonists (βAA), improve animal production because they manipulate the efficiency of food use, affecting carcass characteristics and the chemical composition of meat, by reducing fat and increasing protein content. This document is a review of some aspects of the βAA mechanism of action and chemical structure, efficiency of nutrient use, growth, carcass characteristics and meat quality of ruminants under intensive feeding. Also, animal production and alimentary innocuousness are reviewed, in order to avoid the use of substances not approved in animal nutrition because they represent public health risks.Los β-agonistas adrenérgicos (βAA) se han utilizado en la producción animal, incluidos los rumiantes, propiciando una mayor eficiencia de uso del alimento, la cual se manifiesta en mejores características de la canal, así como en la composición química de la carne, al reducir el contenido de grasa y aumentar el de proteína. En el presente documento se revisa la estructura química y los mecanismos de acción de los βAA en el metabolismo de los nutrientes, así como resultados de investigaciones sobre βAA usados en la producción animal y sus efectos en la eficiencia de uso de los nutrientes que se traducen en mejoras en el crecimiento y en la calidad de la carne, principalmente en sistemas de alimentación intensiva; también se presenta información sobre la producción e inocuidad de la carne para evitar el uso de sustancias no aprobadas en la nutrición animal, por representar riesgos en la salud pública

    CVN impact energy and fracture characteristics correlations with different oxide nanoparticles improving submerged arc welds

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    The main aim of this research is to correlate the toughness improvement with fracture features of tested Charpy V-Notch impact specimens obtained from submerged arc welds enriched by different oxide nanoparticles (TiO _2 , SiO _2 , Al _2 O _3 and Mn _2 O _3 ). Through Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) fractography, fracture features were determined, which are the shear fracture percent, the loading angle, as well as the diameter of dimples and the width of cleavage sheets at ductile and brittle fracture regions, respectively. It was observed an increase of the Charpy V-Notch impact energy with the decrease of loading angle and the average diameter of dimples, as well as with the increase of its shear fractures percents. Moreover, it was correlated the increase of Acicular Ferrite surface density with the decrease of width of cleavage sheets. Thus, the toughness of the submerged arc welds can be improved by adding TiO _2 , SiO _2 , Al _2 O _3 or Mn _2 O _3 nanoparticles

    América Latina y el Caribe : un continente, múltiples miradas

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    Esta obra reúne cuarenta y tres artículos producidos por especialistas que integran los Centros Asociados de CLACSO en Venezuela. Los trabajos abarcan una amplia y variada temática sobre la realidad de América Latina y el Caribe, en la que se refleja la multiplicidad de miradas que se han dirigido a indagar en esa problemática, tal como evidenció en los debates sostenidos en la Conferencia CLACSO Venezuela, realizada en Caracas entre el 5 y el 8 de noviembre de 2013

    América Latina y el Caribe : un continente, múltiples miradas

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    Esta obra reúne cuarenta y tres artículos producidos por especialistas que integran los Centros Asociados de CLACSO en Venezuela. Los trabajos abarcan una amplia y variada temática sobre la realidad de América Latina y el Caribe, en la que se refleja la multiplicidad de miradas que se han dirigido a indagar en esa problemática, tal como evidenció en los debates sostenidos en la Conferencia CLACSO Venezuela, realizada en Caracas entre el 5 y el 8 de noviembre de 2013